Why are salicylic acid skin cleansers popularly used for treating acne? 

A lot of people nowadays are suffering from having acne-prone skin. It seems to be that salicylic acid skin cleansers help control the skin breakouts. So, why is salicylic acid skin cleanser so popular to treat acne, let’s find out? In this article we are going to look at what is salicylic acid skin cleanser, how it works and its pros and cons.

Salicylic acid skin cleaner, what is it?

Salicylic acid is basically a beta hydroxy acid. If you want to know where it’s derived from, here’s a bit of information. The salicylic acid is derived from the willow tree, wintergreen oil and also occurs in winter fruits such as raspberries.

How does the salicylic acid skin cleanser work?

Salicylic acid does not only remove the impurities on the surface level of your skin but also goes down to the clogged pores deep inside the skin. The main target is to clear the dead skin, excessive amounts of oil. Cleansers made from salicylic acid contain anti-inflammatory substances. And overall using salicylic acid is a clinically proven way to get rid of acne. You can get your pack of salicylic acid skin cleansers at atomee.com.

How long does it take for salicylic skin cleansers to work?

You’re definitely not going to get results over night; it really does take time for it to show results. According to doctors and people who used salicylic before, you will see slight results in about 6 to 8 weeks. But will have to continue using it for long term results. As said before, it’s not going to happen overnight, you should learn to be patient.

Salicylic acid face washes and skin cleansers do show results, but it takes a bit of time. Continue using salicylic cleansers for about two to three months, and you’ll see a lot of change. Don’t take the decision yourself, talk to your dermatologist about what will suit your skin best and then proceed. Stuff that works for other people won’t necessarily work for you, keep that in mind.

How to use salicylic skin cleansers?

Salicylic acid is a wall of defense between your skin and the blackheads, whiteheads on it. It’s just a face cleanser; you can use it just like you’d use any other face cleanser. Go check out salicylic acid face washes to find some amazing salicylic face cleansers.

  • To use salicylic face cleansers, start by splashing some water on your face to make it wet.
  • Using circular motions, massage the cleanser onto your face. Make sure that you avoid scrubbing.
  • Rinse your face and you’re all done. Repeat the same for about 3 months and you should see a lot of change in your face.

Pros and cons of using salicylic acid skin cleansers

Let’s look at the pros first

  • Salicylic acid skin cleansers exfoliate your skin.
  • One more amazing thing is that skin cleansers made by using salicylic are antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory.
  • It also suits almost all of the skin types.
  • Helps control oil, if you are dealing with oily skin, salicylic skin cleansers will help.

Now, let’s see the cons

  • If you are someone that’s allergic to aspirin, you should note that salicylic acid is similar to aspirin.
  • In case you use it in high concentrations, it may cause moderate burns.

Is salicylic safe?

As said earlier, salicylic acid is something similar to aspirin. Though salicylic acid suits different skin types, you might feel a tingling sensation if you have sensitive skin. But instead of short term irritation if you notice that your skin is irritated for a longer period of time, it’s crucial that you consult a dermatologist.

But regardless of all of that salicylic does work well on people with a more normal skin than the ones with extremely sensitive skin type. If you are not allergic to aspirin, salicylic can do wonders to your skin. Definitely check out atomee.com to find some amazing beauty products as well as salicylic skin cleansers.

Are you pregnant or breast-feeding currently? Then don’t use salicylic acid skin cleansers just yet. According to doctors, pregnant women shouldn’t use salicylic. So just wait for a bit of time and you can use it afterward.

michael james