Kyle Lorber lists 8 steps for building a successful social media campaign

Success may only be a scroll away.

Social media marketing campaigns can transform any small business. But, it isn’t as easy as simply typing out 140 characters. Businesses hoping to capitalize on this often need help.

As a seasoned social media manager, Kyle Lorber offers 8 tips for setting up a digital campaign.

1. Understand the goal

Expressing a clear goal is perhaps the most important step. This will drive every decision. Choose a social media marketing strategy that best aligns with your business objectives. Are you trying to build brand awareness? Acquire new leads or sales? Increase engagement? Once you’ve answered these questions, set realistic goals that are specific and measurable.

2. Know your audience

Even with the best content, you can’t be successful without targeting the right audience. The objective is to convert followers into customers. Create messages that resonate with this group. Kyle Lorber looks to basic demographic data, like age, gender, and income, as starting points.

Kyle Lorber Talks About Building Social Media Campaigns

3. Choose your channel

Focus on only a few social media channels for the best results. Narrow this list using a couple of methods. First, use the buyer persona you’ve developed. Your target audience likely favors some services over others. In addition, explore your website’s past traffic to see what platform has generated the most leads.

4. Find inspiration

Be unique. But it’s also okay to borrow ideas from other businesses too. If you see something you like, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Search out popular social media accounts for ideas you can adapt for your own brand.

5. Create content

Text alone is not enough. You’ll need visual components to engage your audience. Luckily, a graphic design degree isn’t required. There are tools available to find or create free or cheap images. You’ll also need more content than just what you can produce. Sharing and curating content from other sources is a great habit to sustain your brand.

6. Set a schedule

Consistency is key. Setting a release schedule should be part of the planning process. This will focus your social media team to ensure posts are spaced evenly and published at the optimal times. Establishing the right mix of content is important too, as long as everything is working towards your stated goals.

7. Analyze and adjust

Likes and follows are easy to track but offer only little value. Instead, examine metrics like engagement, conversion rates, and click-throughs. The best campaigns are analyzing data to constantly update and revise their approach. Stay active. Your strategy should evolve over time. Don’t be afraid to try new strategies.

8. Hire a consultant

Time is money. If you’re running a small business, you and your staff are probably stretched thin already. Consider outsourcing to a professional. Kyle Lorber and other social media managers have the knowledge and experience to boost your social media presence.

