5 Innovative Applications for Modular Buildings You Need to Know About

In early 2020, Covid-19 began to affect many parts of the world and necessitated change within the Construction sector. 

Business owners and site staff had to navigate the dual challenge of complying with new Covid safety and hygiene regulations, whilst also meeting project deadlines. Although traditional bricks-and-mortar construction is still the most prevalent method in the UK, the pandemic has generated much interest in alternatives, such as modular construction.

In 2022, modular buildings have truly outgrown their reputation for compromised design and build quality. Modern modular buildings can hold up very well alongside their bricks-and-mortar counterparts where design and durability are concerned, whilst considerably outperforming them on build costs, versatility and project turnaround times to boot. 

So, where is modular construction being utilised to its fullest today? We’ve curated a list of five of the most effective applications for modular methods in today’s Construction sector. Let’s get started, shall we? 

Affordable Housing 

According to a recent report from Savills, the proportion of new homes built in the UK using Modern Construction Methods (MCM) such as modular construction is set to increase from 6-10% to around 20% in the near future!

It is also anticipated that modular construction will lead the efforts in tackling the shortage of affordable housing. As modular homes, or modules forming apartment blocks can be built offsite, timescales, delays and most importantly, costs can all be greatly reduced. They’re also energy-efficient, which is an attractive selling point for any eco-minded homebuyers or tenants. 

Modern Classrooms 

Modular classrooms have been widely utilised by schools, colleges and universities for many years now. Earlier iterations were sometimes criticised for their unappealing designs and poor energy efficiency. However, with contemporary modular classrooms, these issues are no longer a concern.

These purpose-built learning spaces are light, spacious and can be created to match the decor of existing buildings on site. And, as they can be constructed quickly and easily at an off site factory, any disruption to learning can be kept to a minimum. Factor in the lower build costs, and it’s easy to see why many learning institutions are increasingly going modular.

Creative Music Studios

Modular music studios can be designed from the ground up – whether as soundproof structures to be housed inside existing buildings or standalone units. You can expect a modular music studio to cut room-to-room transmission by 65dB or more. This helps to ensure optimal recording quality, whilst also minimising any disruption for other occupants within the building.

A bespoke modular music studio can often be installed within days – a much faster turnaround than with a traditionally-built equivalent. If you commission a modular music studio, you’ll also have complete control when it comes to the decor, lighting and ventilation. 

Healthcare Facilities

Modular buildings have been widely utilised within the healthcare sector for many years now. Everything from elaborate hospital buildings to wards and short-term testing centres can be built to order by leading modular construction companies. This helps hospital leaders to meet the challenge of expanding capacity and reducing waiting times. 

Modular construction is the optimal choice for projects that would be difficult or impossible with in-situ construction methods. Modular healthcare facilities can usually be built and installed with minimal disruption to hospitals and their patience. What’s more, if modular building’s requirements or usage changes with time, it can be adapted or even moved far more easily than a traditional building. 

Modular Offices

Finally, modular offices are an attractive option for business owners who need to expand their operations whilst working to a limited budget. In fact, commissioning a modular office as opposed to a traditionally-built space can save you anywhere between 10-35% on construction costs alone! 

Let’s be clear, though – going modular doesn’t have to mean compromising on quality. Contemporary modular buildings are well known for their high build quality and longevity. As each of their modular components are made in a dedicated factory, quality can be monitored much more closely.

Not only that, any materials and pre-assembled modules can be safely stored at the factory site, which helps prevent damage to the structural integrity of the building once it is complete.

Thanks for Reading – Remember, the Future is Modular!

We hope you found our latest article helpful and informative. Remember, our list is by no means exhaustive and modular construction has many other useful and innovative applications. Whether you are currently learning about the fundamentals of modular construction or are planning a project of your own, we wish you every success with your future endeavours. 


The post 5 Innovative Applications for Modular Buildings You Need to Know About appeared first on 360PRWire.

Adam Ali