Top 10 Ways to Find Your Fitness Motivation

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We all have that bucket list. What is in yours? Is it starting a business? Going on a trip to who knows where? Surfing perhaps? Or maybe taking the healthy lane? We make plans forever, and the sad news is that we are not getting any younger, making accomplishments even more complicated.

We are living in a century of junk food. It’s no lie that these meals with high carbs and fats are tasty, but they take us further away from well-being and shorten our lifespans. You probably can’t imagine getting to 100 years, but healthy living is quickly gaining popularity worldwide. From fitness to healthy diets, you may want to follow suit.

What if you started as soon as you thought about it? Your list of goals would probably be all-new, and the satisfaction that comes with it is indescribable. Do you know what could help you start now? Dealing with what you thought stopped you yesterday. Here is a list of excuses we like to use when we tell ourselves,’ I will start next year!’

1. I have no time now

We have time for everything, but not our health? Really? We have busy lifestyles, no doubt, even cooking a homemade meal may be a challenge. But you always find a way to share your time between your hobbies, family, work, and other obligations. So, you have time; just that fitness isn’t a priority.

What if you were paid to show up at the gym? We would all show up, even at odd hours. Think about it this way, staying healthy earns you more confidence in your everyday life, with the assurance that every obstacle that comes your way is surmountable because you will always find a solution. These are things you will learn from taking up fitness challenges.

2. I will start when I get a hold of my finances

You are probably thinking of a gym membership, but exercise doesn’t have to be costly. Get on with press-ups, sit-ups, or squats, which don’t require any investments unless for your time! Do you know how much it costs not to live healthily? We are talking about obesity, diabetes, and many other lifestyles diseases. Besides, buying healthy and fresh food nurtures you physically and mentally, and the satisfaction that comes with it is unmatched.

3. I don’t have the right gear

Having the right gear is essential for efficiency and comfort. But do you need everything at once? For instance, if you are running, the essential accessory is a nice pair of shoes. We all want to look good at our gyms just as our dinner dates. But even if you have a heart rate monitor, weight belt, music player, compression wear, and a gym towel, all from the best fitness brands, they are as good as having none if you don’t get up and do something. For now, start with stuff that meets efficacy and doesn’t have to cost a fortune. With time, you can invest in comprehensive and special fitness equipment.

4. I’d be better off if I lost some weight first

If this is your current situation, you are not alone, as that is quite a fav among excuses. Every gym is filled with those who didn’t struggle to earn their rock-hard abs and always looked forward to the beach seasons. But some of us have had to lose a few calories through hard work. Starting a fitness journey can be challenging, and every fitness instructor or trainer will tell you that. That’s why they respect you for showing up even on your worst days, knowing it’s going to hurt, be uncomfortable, and weary. For striving to get healthier, respect!

5. Will I be good at it?

Yes, you will! Why are people famous for their skills? They do it over and over again. So, how will you know if you are good unless you try? The short answer, you won’t. No one was born ready to take the best positions, but their effort and hard work got them there. Bottom line, it takes time, everything takes time, and starting is the biggest challenge, but you will soon see improvements once you are there and stick t

6. I have no idea where to start

No one does. If you know anyone doing what you wish to do, it’s a good idea to ask where they started and begin there too. Various fitness or nutritional labels will gladly offer advice on the same.

7. Fitness is for the youngsters

Getting older is scary for most, but it doesn’t limit you from achieving a healthy body. Better yet, healthy living is advisable for everyone. You do87 not need to do some weight lifting to lose some kilos, as you have various options. Your son or daughter will probably achieve the goal faster, but the most important is earning your seat at the fitness table if you stick to the routine!

8. Never forget your reason

If you are contemplating getting healthier, you must have a good reason for it. You don’t have to tell anyone; write it down somewhere. Whenever you feel you rather sleep all day than exercise, or are just not in the mood, read it. You could place the written piece on your bedroom door, so you wake up, and it’s whispering to you to get your compression gear and hit the gym!

9. Start now

Congratulations on taking the time to research everything before you commit. That means you will likely do everything right the first time, saving you the back and forth and, most importantly, your precious time and other investments. Give yourself a starting time soon. After all, sooner or later, you will have to do something anyway.

10. Sweat it until you achieve it

Once the hard part of the beginning is done, ensure you see your health goal through. Just like starting a business, there are all kinds of obstacles and setbacks, but based start somewhere, and stick around until you accomplish your desired goal.

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