Nutritional Benefits of Hemp Oil

Hemp oil is a nutritional powerhouse that has been used for thousands of years. It has been shown to have many health benefits, from reducing inflammation and providing essential fatty acids to supporting skin, hair and nail growth. 

In this article we’re going to talk about some wellness products, and the significant reasons why hemp oil can help you live your best life!

Hemp oil is rich in omega-fatty acids

Hemp oil contains both Omega- fatty acids, which are called ALA and LA.  ALA is an essential fatty acid that we must consume through food or supplements since our body doesn’t produce it naturally.  

It has been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well as reduce symptoms of dermatitis, arthritis ,and other inflammatory conditions .  LA on the other hand does not need special enzymes for its digestion because it can be directly converted into energy by your liver! 

Hemp seed also contains gamma linolenic acid (GLA), a type of fat found almost exclusively in plant sources such as evening primrose, borage seed oils sunflower seeds , black currant seed oil, and hemp seeds .  

Hemp Oil is rich in essential fatty acids , which reduces inflammation, improves circulation, increases bone density, fights free radicals (a byproduct of cell metabolism), stimulates hair growth , helps maintain muscle mass as you age , aids with weight management  and boosts overall immunity .

Hemp oil also has vitamin E! Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant helping fight off free-radical damage caused by pollution and ultraviolet rays. It promotes healthy aging through its anti-inflammatory properties. 

And it gives your immune system a boost because it contains selenium; this mineral works synergistically with vitamin E to increase antioxidant activity within the body. 

Hemp Oil Can be Used As An Alternative To Fish Oil

Hemp oil is a powerhouse of healthy fats, making it an excellent alternative to fish oil. It contains the ideal ratio of omega-three and omega-six fatty acids for optimal health benefits without any aftertaste or “fish burps”. 

The human body cannot produce these essential fatty acids on its own so they are considered to be vital nutrients that must come from your diet .

Hemp Oil May Help Prevent Heart Disease

Hemp oil may help prevent diseases of the heart. Hempseed is rich in polyunsaturated fats, essential fatty acids and antioxidants which all work together to lower LDL cholesterol levels while simultaneously increasing HDL cholesterol levels . 

This helps keep your blood vessels healthy by improving their inner diameter so they are able to carry more oxygenated blood throughout your body without any obstruction or thickening from plaque buildup. 

Hemp oil also reduces triglyceride accumulation because it protects liver cells against free radical damage and prevents a hypersensitivity response in white blood cells called platelet aggregation 


We would like to conclude our topic by saying that hemp oil is a great alternative for anyone looking to improve their health. It has the potential to decrease your risk of heart disease, while simultaneously helping you maintain optimal levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood stream.
