Smart Circle International: Where Face-to-Face Marketing Thrives

Face-to-Face Marketing and its Evolution

In a post-pandemic world, one thing cannot be denied.  The world is in serious need of real human connection. After two long years of varying degrees of quarantine, work-from-home becoming the norm for most professionals, and general isolation to stop the coronavirus’ sweeping hold on society, people need real face-to-face human connection more than ever before.

Never in history have we seen a better time for brands to get out from behind their Instagram and Twitter feeds and show up in person. Brands have a duty to their consumers to come back strong and engage their buyers face-to-face. That’s where a simple tool like face-to-face marketing can answer the call and bridge the great divide between brands and businesses and their consumers; a divide the pandemic instantly created in March 2020.

Face-to-face marketing presents value for everyone: brands and their consumers.  The face-to-face marketing experience gives consumers a real-life, authentic connection. It also goes a long way to humanize the brand for the consumer. Face-to-face marketing also gives businesses astute insight into what their customers need. These insights would also lead to a better understanding of customer acquisition, and companies can only find when they engage in real grassroots face-to-face marketing.

In today’s professional landscape, one company understands and offers businesses a boost to their bottom line by creating customized face-to-face marketing campaigns and connecting clients to professional, independent sales companies to provide in-person sales and marketing services, and that’s Smart Circle International.

The Smart Circle International Initiative

Smart Circle International provides clients access to a fierce group of vetted independent sales companies with in-person sales professionals who have hands-on experience perfecting the art of promoting and selling products to customers in real life in real-time. For years, the team at Smart Circle International has been offering their first-class services to a diverse clientele of major brands and Fortune 500 companies to small local businesses across the world. Clients that utilize Smart Circle International continually see quick growth to their bottom line. But how?

Ding. Ding. Ding. Smart Circle International uses face-to-face marketing and in-person sales campaigns to connect its client’s brands to their target consumer effectively and immediately.

Yet, the team at Smart Circle International does not just assume the roles of face-to-face marketer or salesman. Instead, this team has created a way to build each client a specifically customized campaign that utilizes outside independent sales companies on the ground. These in-person sales experts working with the client and the Smart Circle International team carry out these one-of-a-kind campaigns in the necessary local, national, or even international markets. Smart Circle maps out these markets based on each client’s current customer demographic and geographical reach.

Smart Circle International Understands the Consumer’s Need

In a pre-pandemic article in Forbes Magazine titled Why You Are More Successful In Face-To-Face Meetings, Carol Kinsey Goman used a Loughborough University School of Business and Economics survey to explain her hypothesis. One fact that stood out:

  • 97% of attendees cited small face-to-face meetings of fewer than 10 participants as their preferred form of communication.

Goman is referring to professional or educational meetings in an office or classroom setting, yet the same easily applies to any face-to-face marketing moment. Goman later spoke more in-depth as to why the preference exists, “In face-to-face meetings, our brains process the continual cascade of nonverbal cues that we use as the basis for building trust and professional intimacy.”

Smart Circle recognizes that people overall prefer face-to-face meetings. These face-to-face marketing moments can layer a level of trust in the brand that no other type of marketing can facilitate.  In turn, consumers have a greater capacity to respond to a brand or to purchase their products or services when well-trained marketing or sales professionals display the benefits right in front of their eyes.

The skilled face-to-face independent sales companies that Smart Circle contracts understand that consumers must develop trust for the brand and the marketing and sales professionals selling it.

A television commercial can capture a moment and show the product in the same situation repeatedly. Still, it cannot hold a candle to real people using the product in front of the consumer and displaying its incredible benefits, and maybe even troubleshooting real-life issues that might come up for buyers when using the product.

Smart Circle International has tapped into the idea that a consumer will be more inspired to buy based on a trust that can develop when another human can answer their questions and speak to the entire landscape of the product’s benefits.

The Smart Circle Promise

With their offering of unrivaled professional expertise, access to a professional network of entrepreneurially-minded independent sales companies, and true versatility and ingenuity, Smart Circle is the best broker of outsourced face-to-face marketing, in-person sales, and customer acquisition services in the industry.

The team at Smart Circle International prides itself on owning the knowledge and professional experience to create and scale marketing and sales campaigns for any product or service on the market today. Speed is also a part of the Smart Circle promise. This team of professionals has a history of taking an in-house designed marketing and sales pilot program and quickly and effectively transitioning that into a full-blown national or international campaign. If a business wanted face-to-face marketing as a part of their marketing offering, Smart Circle could offer that on a local or national level and fast.

The most important part of the promise afforded to Smart Circle clients would be their commitment to integrity through the campaigns they design and the independent sales companies they seek out. Smart Circle has created a business model that is risk-tolerant but bold enough to get real results.  The promise of integrity is so strong, and their history of taking strategic risks and succeeding is so long, that Smart Circle only expects clients to pay upon results. Smart Circle provides growth to your bottom line through face-to-face marketing and sales campaigns. The client pays only for results.

With years of face-to-face marketing and in-person sales experience built into the very fabric of the Smart Circle business model and the team of entrepreneurs at its core coupled with this post-pandemic need for human connection, it would be wise for brands to create a space in their 2021-22 marketing and sales plan for a dose of face-to-face marketing. More importantly, the kind of face-to-face marketing offered through the campaigns at Smart Circle International.

For more information on smart Circle International visit their homepage at or find them on Facebook

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