30 Easy Ways to Weight Loss Naturally (Backed by Science)

You can find a lot of negative information about weight loss on the Internet. Many of the recommendations are questionable and not based upon any science. There are many natural ways to get the job done that have been tested and proven effective.

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These are 30 simple ways to lose weight naturally.

1. Get more protein in your diet

Protein is the most important nutrient for weight loss.

The body uses calories to digest and metabolize the protein it eats. A high-protein diet can increase metabolism by upto 80-100 calories daily.

High-protein diets can make you feel fuller and less hungry. Studies show that high-protein diets result in consuming over 400 calories less per day.

Even something as simple and straightforward as eating eggs or a high-protein breakfast can have a profound effect.

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2. Consume Whole, Single-Ingredient Meals

  • You can make a significant improvement in your health by eating whole, single-ingredient meals.
  • This will help you to eliminate most processed foods, sugars, and fats.
  • Many whole foods are very filling making it easier to stay within healthy calorie limits.
  • Consuming whole foods provides your body with all the essential nutrients it requires to function well.
  • As a side effect of eating whole food, weight loss is often a natural result.

3. Avoid processed foods

Processed food is often high in added sugars and added fats.

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Furthermore, processed foods are designed to encourage you to eat as many as possible. They are more likely to make you addicted-like to processed foods than unprocessed food.

4. Stock up on healthy snacks and food

  • Research has shown that eating habits and weight are affected by the food you eat at home.
  • You can reduce the likelihood of your family members or yourself eating unhealthy food .
  • You can also find healthy snacks that you can make at home and bring with you when on the move.
  • These include yogurt, whole fruits, nuts and hard-boiled eggs.

5. Limit your intake of added sugar

Consuming a lot added sugar can lead to some of the most serious diseases in the world, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Americans consume about 15 teaspoons of sugar daily on average. You may not realize that you are consuming this much sugar in processed foods.

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It can be difficult to determine how much sugar a product contains, since sugar is listed under many different names in ingredient list.

A great way to improve your diet is to reduce your sugar intake.

6. Get Water

It is true that drinking Water can aid in weight loss.

Consuming 0.5 liters (17oz) of water can increase your calories by 24-30% over an hour.

Consuming water before meals can help to reduce calorie intake, particularly for older adults and middle-aged people.

Water is especially good for weight loss when replaced with other drinks that are high-calorie and high in sugar.

7. Unsweetened Coffee

People are now realizing that Coffee is a healthy drink that is rich in antioxidants and other beneficial substances.

Drinking coffee may help you lose weight by increasing your energy and reducing calories.

Caffeinated coffee can increase your metabolism by 3-11% and lower your chance of developing Type 2 Diabetes by 23-50%

Black coffee can also help you lose weight, as it is filling and gives you a feeling of fullness with almost no calories.

8. Supplement with Glucomannan

Glucomannan has been shown to be effective in weight loss.

This natural, water-soluble dietary fiber is made from roots of the konjac plants, also known under the name elephant yam.

Glucomannan has low calories and takes up space in your stomach, which delays stomach emptying. It reduces fat and protein absorption and supports beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Its extraordinary ability to absorb water is what makes it so useful for weight loss. One capsule can turn a whole glass of water into gel.


9. Avoid Liquid Calories

Liquid calories are found in beverages such as sugary soft drink, fruit juices and chocolate milk.

These drinks can be harmful to your health in many ways, including increased obesity risk. A study found that children are at risk of becoming obese by drinking sugar-sweetened beverages every day. This is a dramatic 60% increase.

Important to remember that liquid calories are not registered in the brain the same way as solid calories. This means that these calories will be added on top of all other food you eat.

10. Refined Carbs: Limit your intake

Refined carbohydrates are carbs with most of the beneficial nutrients and fiber removed.

Refinement leaves only easily digestible carbs. This can increase your risk of developing diabetes and overeating.

White flour, white bread and white rice are the main sources of refined carbohydrates in diets.

11. Intermittently Fast

Intermittent Fasting refers to an eating style that alternates between eating and fasting.

There are many ways to intermittent fast, including The 5:2 diet and the 16:8 method.

These methods will generally reduce calories in general, and you won’t have to restrict calories during eating. This will lead to weight loss and other health benefits.

12. Unsweetened Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and is a great natural beverage.

Green tea has many health benefits such as weight loss and fat reduction.

Green tea can increase energy expenditure by 4%, and selective fat burning by up 17%, which is especially dangerous for the stomach.

Matcha green tea, a powdered version of green tea, may offer more health benefits than regular green.


13. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and Fruits are very healthy and weight-loss friendly.

They are high in nutrients, water, and fiber. However, they also have a low energy density. This allows you to consume large amounts of food without overeating.

Numerous studies show that those who eat more vegetables and fruits tend to be less slender.

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14. Count Calories Once in a while

It is important to be aware of your diet when you want to lose weight.

This can be done in a variety of ways, such as keeping track of calories, taking photos, or keeping a food journal.

An app, or any other electronic tool, may prove to be more useful than simply writing in a food journal.

15. Use smaller plates

Studies have shown that smaller plates can help you eat less because they change how you view portions.

People tend to fill their plates equally regardless of the size of their plates, so they end eating more from larger plates.

You will eat less food if you use smaller plates.

16. A low-carb diet is a good option

Numerous studies have proven that low-carb diets can be very effective in weight loss.

Limiting carbs, and eating more fats and protein will reduce your appetite and help you eat less calories.

This could lead to weight loss up to three times greater than a low-fat standard diet.

Low-carb diets can reduce risk factors for diseases.

17. Eat Slower

You may eat far too quickly and eat far too many calories before you realize you’re full.

People who eat quickly are more likely to be obese than those who eat slower .

Slower chewing may reduce calories and increase hormone production that can be linked to weight loss.

18. Coconut oil can replace some fat

Coconut oil has a high level of medium-chain triglycerides (fats that are metabolized differently to other fats).

They can increase your metabolism and help you eat less calories, according to studies.

Coconut oil could be particularly helpful in reducing harmful belly fat.

This does not mean you should add that fat to your diet. Instead, replace any other fats with coconut oil.


19. You can add eggs to your diet

Eggs are the best food for weight loss. They are low in calories, high protein, and packed with nutrients.

Higher-protein foods have been shown to decrease appetite and increase hunger compared to those with less protein.

In addition, eggs can lead to up to 65% weight loss in 8 weeks compared to bagels. You may also eat less calories during the day.

20 Spice up your meals

Jalapenos and Chili peppers contain a compound called Capsaicin that may increase metabolism and fat burning.

Capsaicin can also help to reduce appetite and calories.

21. Take Probiotics

Probiotics live bacteria that can be eaten to provide health benefits. They may help you lose weight and improve your heart health.

Studies show that obese and overweight people have different gut bacteria levels than those of normal weight, which could impact their weight.

Probiotics can help to regulate healthy gut bacteria. Probiotics may reduce appetite and inflammation, as well as block the absorption dietary fats.

Lactobacillus Gasseri is the most promising probiotic bacteria for weight loss.


22. Sleep enough

It is vital to get enough sleep for weight loss and future weight gain.

Research has shown that people who aren’t getting enough sleep are 55% more likely than those who do get enough sleep to be obese. For children, this number is even greater.

This is due to the fact that sleep deprivation can disrupt daily fluctuations of appetite hormones and lead to poor appetite regulation.

23. Get More Fiber

Weight loss may be possible with fiber-rich foods.

Water-soluble fiber is a good choice, as it can increase your feeling of fullness.

Fiber can slow down stomach emptying, cause the stomach to expand, and increase the release of satiety hormones.

This makes it possible to eat less natural food, and not have to think about it.

Many fibers can be used to feed friendly bacteria. A lower risk of obesity has been associated with healthy gut bacteria.

To avoid discomfort like bloating and cramps, increase fiber slowly.

24 Brush your teeth after meals

People often brush their teeth after meals, which can help curb the urge to snack on food or eat in between meals.

Many people don’t feel like eating after they brush their teeth. It can also make food taste bitter.

You may find it less tempting to eat a snack if your mouth is clean after eating.

25. Combat Food Addiction

Food Addiction is a strong craving and brain chemistry changes that make it difficult to resist certain foods.

This is a significant cause of obesity and affects a large percentage of the population. A 2014 study revealed that nearly 20% of those afflicted by food addiction met the criteria.

Certain foods are more likely to lead to addiction symptoms than others. This includes junk food that is high in fat, sugar, or both.

Seek help is the best way to overcome food addiction.

26. Do some type of cardio

Cardio is great for burning calories and improving mental health.

Cardiovascular health has been shown by many to reduce the risk of developing heart disease. It can also reduce your body weight.

Cardio appears to be especially effective in reducing dangerous belly fat, which builds up around your organs, and can cause metabolic disease.

27. Resistance Exercises

Dieting can lead to muscle loss.

Losing a lot of muscle can cause your body to burn fewer calories.

You can prevent muscle loss by lifting weights frequently.

You’ll feel and look better.

28. Use Whey Protein

Most people get enough protein through diet alone. For those who don’t get enough protein from diet alone, a whey supplement can be an effective way to increase your protein intake.

One study found that replacing some calories with whey proteins can lead to significant weight loss and increase in lean muscle mass.

Be sure to check the ingredients list as some products may contain added sugars or other harmful additives.

29. Mindful eating is a practice

Mindful Eating is a way to increase awareness when eating.

It allows you to make conscious food choices, and it helps you become more aware of your hunger cues and satiety cues. The program then assists you in eating healthy according to these cues.

Studies have shown that mindful eating can significantly reduce obesity-related weight and eating behaviors, as well as stress levels. It’s especially useful against emotional eating and binge eating.

Weight loss can be achieved naturally and easily by making conscious food choices, listening to your body and increasing your awareness.

30. Change your Lifestyle.

Long-term dieting is one of those things that nearly always fails. People who “diet”, tend to gain weight over time.

Instead of focusing on weight loss, make it your primary goal to nourish your body and provide nutrients.

You can eat to be happier, healthier, and fitter, not just to lose weight.

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