How Many Carbs Must You Eat per Day to Lose Weight?

Research has shown that low carbohydrate diets are very effective in weight loss. Reduced carbohydrate intake can reduce appetite and lead to weight loss. Low carb diets can be beneficial for some people. They allow them to eat until they feel full, feel satisfied and lose weight. The amount of carbs that a person should consume each day to lose weight varies based on their age, gender, body type and activity level.

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This article will discuss how many carbs you should consume each day in order to lose weight.

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Why would anyone want to eat less carbs?

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, carbs should provide 45-65% of your daily calories for all ages). The Daily Value (DV), for carbs, is 300g per day according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) when you eat a diet of 2,000 calories.

People may reduce their carb intake to lose weight. They might cut down on their daily carb intake by 50 to 150 grams.

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Research has shown that low-carb diets can help you lose weight.

This diet reduces the amount of carbohydrates you eat, including starches such as bread and pasta, and replaces protein and healthy fats with vegetables.

Low carb diets have been shown to reduce an individual’s appetite and lead to a reduction in calories. They also help to lose weight faster than other diets if they are followed.

To compare low carb and high fat diets, researchers must restrict calories in low fat groups. However, the low carb groups are more effective than the low-fat ones.

Low carb diets have many other benefits than weight loss. They can lower blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides. They can also raise HDL (good), and improve LDL (bad), cholesterol.

Many people recommend low carb diets to lose weight and improve their health. This idea is supported by a lot of evidence.


Numerous studies have shown that low-carb diets are more effective and healthier than low-fat diets.

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What is a low-carb diet?

It’s not clear what constitutes a low-carb diet. What’s low for one person might not be for another.

The optimal carbohydrate intake of an individual depends on their age and gender, body composition, activity level, personal preference, food culture, current metabolic health, and other factors.

People who exercise regularly and have greater muscle mass can tolerate more carbs than those who are more sedentary. This is especially true for those who engage in high-intensity exercise like sprinting or lifting weights.

A very important aspect of health is metabolic. People who develop metabolic Syndrome, type 2 diabetes or obesity will have their carb requirements change.

These people are less likely to tolerate large amounts of carbs.


Individuals’ optimal carb intake will vary depending on their activity level, current metabolic health, and other factors.

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How do you decide how many carbs you should eat each day

You can improve your health by removing the unhealthy carbs from your diet such as refined wheat or added sugars.

To unlock the potential metabolic advantages of low-carb diets, it is important to limit other carb sources.

There is no single scientific paper that can explain how to adjust carbohydrate intake for each individual. Below are some views of dietitians on carb intake and weight loss.

Eating 100-150 grams per day

This is moderate carb intake. This may be a good option for those who are active and lean and want to maintain their weight.

Although it is possible to lose weight with this (and any) carb intake, you will need to be mindful of your calorie intake and portion sizes in order to do so.

You can eat these carbs:

  • All vegetables
  • Several pieces of fruit every day
  • Moderate amounts of starches like sweet potatoes and potatoes and healthy grains like rice and oatmeal are good choices.

Eating 50-100 grams per day

If you are looking to lose weight and still have some carbs in your diet, this range could be beneficial. If you are sensitive to carbs, it may help you maintain your weight.

You can eat these carbs:

  • Plenty of vegetables
  • 2 to 3 pieces of fruit each day
  • starchy carbohydrates in minimal quantities

Eating 20-50 grams per day

The low-carb diet can have a greater impact on metabolism. This range is suitable for those who are looking to lose weight quickly, have metabolic problems, obesity or diabetes.

The body will enter ketosis if it consumes less than 50g per day. This provides energy for the brain via so called ketone bodies. This will likely reduce your appetite and cause weight loss.

You can eat these carbs:

  • Plenty of low-carb vegetables
  • Some berries with whipped cream
  • Trace carbs can be found in other foods like avocados and nuts.

A low-carb diet does not necessarily mean that you should eat no carbs. There are plenty of low-carb vegetables.

Experimentation is key

Every person is different and therefore, what works for one person might not work for another. You should do your own research to find what works for you.

Talk to your doctor if you have type 2 diabetes. This diet can dramatically reduce the need for medication.


A range of 100-150g of carbs per day could be beneficial for people who exercise regularly or wish to maintain their weight. If you are looking to lose weight quickly, a range of 50-150 grams of carbs per day may be a good option.

What to focus on?

Low carb is not just for weight loss. It may also be beneficial to your health.

This is why the diet should include whole, unprocessed food and healthy carbs.

Low-carb junk food is often unhealthy.

You can improve your health by eating unprocessed foods like:

  • lean meats
  • Fish
  • eggs
  • vegetables
  • nuts
  • avocados
  • Healthy fats

Look for carbohydrate sources with fiber. You may prefer to consume moderate amounts of carbs. For example, you might choose potatoes, sweet potatoes, or brown rice.

Refined carbs and added sugars are always bad options. It’s best to limit or avoid these foods.

This list of low-carb foods provides more information. Also, see this detailed meal plan and sample menu for additional details.


It is important to choose fiber-rich, healthy carb sources. Healthy eating includes lots of vegetables, even at the lowest carb intake.

Low-carb diets can help you lose fat

Low carb diets can greatly lower insulin levels, which is a hormone that transports glucose from carbs to the cells.

Insulin stores fat as one of its functions. Experts believe low carb diets are so successful because they lower insulin levels.

Insulin also tells the kidneys to retain salt. This is why high-carb diets can lead to excess water retention.

You can reduce carbohydrate intake and insulin levels, which will cause your kidneys to lose excess water.

People often lose a lot of weight within the first few days of a low-carb diet. This diet could help you lose between 5-10 pounds and between 2.3-4.5kg.

Although weight loss will slow down in the first week, your fat mass could continue to drop if you keep the diet.

One study compared low-carb and low-fat diets. It used DEXA scanners which provide very precise measurements of body composition. Low carb diets led to significant weight loss and muscle gain.

Low carb diets have also been shown to be effective in reducing fat from your abdomen. Also known as visceral or belly fat, these fats are also known as low carb diets. This fat is considered the most dangerous and can be associated with many types of diseases.

You will need to adapt if you are new to low-carb eating. This is where your body gets used to burning fat and not carbs.

This is known as the ” low-carb flu” and usually lasts for a few days. Many people report feeling more energetic after this phase, and no afternoon energy dips that can be common with high-carb diets.


Low carb diets can quickly drop water weight, while fat loss takes longer. You may feel sick for a few days after reducing your carb intake. Many people feel great after this initial phase of adaptation.

The bottom line

You can track how many carbs your body consumes each day before you start the low-carb diet. An app that is free can be helpful.

You can remove fiber grams from the total, since fiber is not counted as carbs. Instead, count net carbohydrates using the following calculation: net carbs = total carbs – fiber.

These possible causes why you aren’t losing weight or slowing down your weight loss during low carb eating.

Low carb diets are easy for many people. If you don’t wish to, there’s no need to keep track of anything.

Eat some protein, healthy oils, and vegetables at every meal. Consider including nuts, seeds, avocados and full-fat dairy products. Unprocessed foods are also recommended.

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