Bioenergy Code Reviews: Is it Worth Your Money?

The bioenergy code is a 30 minutes program based on ancient neurological science, the use of chakras. Chakras find their origin in old Indian beliefs primarily implied by Hindus and Buddhists in their yoga practices.

The principles of chakras are deliberately used by Yoga instructors and Gurus throughout the world in some form. And they have been monumental in shaping the lives of many, including billionaires.

Chakras are the energy centers of your body that balance different emotions, actions, and feelings, which are ultimately expressed through your physical and mental health form. They can be balanced or unlocked with specific exercises, meditation, and sound frequencies.

What is BioEnergy Code?

The bioenergy code makes use of all the three factors combined, with thirty-minute audio that, when heard and followed rigorously, will eventually align and activate all your chakras or energy centers and give you a sense of confidence, unlimited energy, and happiness that lasts for a lifetime.

After completing the program, you will be able to connect your soul to the universe by aligning all the 7 chakras. This will eventually result in the abundance of wealth, health, and everything else you desire. It simply works on the principle of manifestation. The key components include visualization, affirmative response, and unmatched focus to attain the actual benefits.

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The ancient secret of chakras and their functions:

Well, there are several chakras in a human body, among which 7 are known as the fundamental energy centers that control our most innate human instincts, from our day-to-day behavior to our most basic human desires and the outcomes of our actions.

According to ancient Buddhist neuroscience and personalities dedicated to spiritual wellness, including Osho, the renowned Indian author, balancing these 7 chakras are the key to garner unlimited happiness and success in different sectors of your life.

Below given is the detailed information about these 7 fundamental energy centers:

1.  The root chakra

This is the first chakra of your body situated in your lower back region, in the first three vertebrae of the spine. It is associated with the most primitive human instinct; survival.

When this chakra is perfectly balanced, all the intrinsic factors contributing to human survival like self-esteem, self-actualization, and a sense of love and belonging become prominent.

However, if imbalanced, you are most likely to experience greed towards material factors and a constant state of dissatisfaction and insecurity.

2.  Sacral-chakra

The sacral chakra is situated in the navel region and is associated with well-being. It controls your passion, libido, and overall level of desire.

Any imbalance in this leads to disturbing physical life. This leads to further complications in relationships where contact plays are monumental in maintaining a healthy bond between you and your better half.

Since nothing gets well when you have your most innate desire suppressed by anxiety, this energy center needs to work perfectly to maintain a joyous life.

3.  Solar-plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra is situated in the gut region and is associated with personal power. It is responsible for giving an individual’s personal identity and is often regarded as the center of personal power and emotional intelligence.

This is because it predominantly controls traits such as ego, identity, freedom, and authenticity.  Plus, it also has to do a lot with maintaining self-worth.

In case of imbalance, the individual constantly judges himself for things he has nothing to do with. There are also some physical manifestations like ulcers, nausea, and even loss of appetite.

4.  Heart-chakra

Well, you already know where it’s situated. Anyways, a balanced heart chakra is as essential to you as those that live around you.

As you must have heard, the way you see the outer world is the reflection of your thoughts. The better you are from the inside, the better you will appreciate things around you.

Taking this into consideration, the heart chakra is closely related to self-love, compassion, and empathy.

Any imbalance will constantly keep you from appreciating your surroundings and loved ones, ultimately resulting in troubled relationships.

5.  Throat-chakra

The throat chakra or VIshuddha chakra is situated at the larynx. It is associated with communication and connection with the divine.

One with a balanced or open throat chakra is never afraid to speak out the truth and is honest with himself and those around him.

Any imbalance may cause the individual’s opinion to be overshadowed or twisted by external factors like the fear of giving out secrets or being humiliated by someone.

6.  ThirdEye-chakra

Located on the forehead between the eyes, the third eye chakra is number 6 among the primary energy centers of the human body. It has a more mystical meaning to it and is associated with inner wisdom.

The “third eye” refers to wisdom that connects us to our higher self and helps us build confidence in ourselves. Any imbalance in it leads you to a constant state of self-doubt that further converts to anxiety.

7.  Crown-chakra

Referred commonly to “the bridge to the cosmos,” crown chakra stands as the most spiritual among all.

When it’s balanced, it allows you to connect a higher being or guidance and provide you with a sense of oneness. Every human is connected to the same source of life and helps them develop a deeper connection with nature.

It also helps you in increasing your enlightenment and wisdom. Any imbalance in the crown chakra imposes unnecessary stress on your body and mind.

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How the bioenergy code unlocks your chakras:

The bioenergy code focuses on the 7 primary chakras in the thirty-minute program through several phases. Below given are the details of what you can expect:

1.  The foundational energy phase

This phase unlocks your root chakra. It emphasizes security and safety. In this phase, you will go through a set of realizations that will help you identify where you are lacking a sense of security and belonging. Once identified, the bioenergy code, with the help of curated visualizations and affirmations, will clear all the blockages and pave the way for the current of manifestation to flow.

2.  The rational energy phase

In this phase, your sacral chakra gets unlocked through guided visualizations and affirmations; the bioenergy code will help you find balance in your personal relationships and promote feelings of joy and pleasure through proven practices. Once the sacral chakra is completely balanced, you will be automatically filled with positive emotions.

3.  “Personal power” Energy optimization phase

This phase focuses on unblocking your solar plexus chakra. In this phase, you will go through a set of practices that will ignite your inner fire, the sense of self-assurance and unblock the path to unlimited personal power that is hidden deep within. You will arise as an extremely mentally powerful being with high emotional intelligence.

4.  Heart energy unlocking phase

The heart chakra is the center of love in you. As previously mentioned, It controls the emotion of love and being loved and is the gateway to unlimited positivity, compassion, and empathy. In this phase, the bioenergy code focuses on unlocking or balancing the heart chakra through visualization and affirmation.

After going through this phase, you will start feeling positive energy flowing within you; your self-love and love for those close to you will substantially increase. You will start cherishing every moment and every person who is closely involved in your life.

5.  Expression energy phase

This phase focuses on your throat chakra. As it is associated with being authentic and expressing your true thoughts, in this phase, you will learn how to take a stand for yourself and how to speak the truth irrespective of the odds. Once you get through it, you will be free from the expectations of others and bolder to express your thoughts.

6.  Intuition energy phase

This phase focuses on your third eye, also known as the 6th primary chakra. Once unlocked, you will attain maximum wisdom and understand the more profound meaning hidden beneath words and things. Your intuition and wisdom will rise to new levels; your confidence will be unmatchable. The phase contains guided visualization and affirmations to help you.

7.  Oneness energy attainment phase

This phase focuses on your crown chakra, the origin of spirituality in the body of beings. After completing this phase, you will have a sense of oneness, a level of spirituality that connects you to the elements of the universe.

Your perspective on life and connection with its constructive elements will rise to a new level. You will start appreciating every little thing life has to offer, from cold mornings to red evenings and everything in between. Everything will give you a new sense of empowerment.

8.  Power extension phase

After you go through the complete program and all your chakras are unlocked, you will go through the practice of releasing all your past visualizations, thoughts, and feelings and begin your life with new energy. Your path to the manifestation of your lifelong desires will be free, and your heart will be filled with ever-warming love and peace. You will be repaired forever.

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What outcomes can you expect?

As you may have known by now, to lead a prosperous life, all the chakras must work in balance. Any disturbance or blockage in even one out of the 7 will affect a particular area of your life. And even worse, this will affect the others as well. However, since there’s a good chance you might be facing issues in many, the bioenergy code helps in all. How? Let’s learn it from the life of the creator herself:

According to Angela Carter: the founder of the bioenergy code, when she landed in Nepal in her journey to connect to her spiritual being, she soon started to indulge in various Buddhist monk activities, including different meditation and spiritual practices. But those practices were challenging to master and equally time-consuming.

However, that’s only when she meets Anthony, an old American man who has been through the same condition.  He provided her with a powerful and quick solution to boost the process without relying on old, traditional, and tiresome ways. It simply intermingled ancient meditative science with modern technology (sound frequencies), and the trick seemed to do wonders.

After going through the program, she discovered many secrets of harnessing exceptional spiritual powers that helped her effectively shape her life. Since she felt she wasn’t the only one going through the situation, she thought of sharing the program with everyone in exchange for a meager price. And that’s how the bioenergy code became available at public disposal.

In the 30-minutes long bioenergy code program, the author shares all the secrets that could help relax your mind and body and enable you to see life from an entirely new perspective. You will completely transform into a new person living in the same body by unlocking and balancing all your chakras through different regularly implied practices.

With the implication of the bioenergy code, those pessimistic thoughts clouding your judgment will fade like they never existed. You will become more focused,  more energetic, more joyous, and highly optimistic about leaving all the negativity behind and starting a new life.

However, Like every journey, the bioenergy code will start from the basics and balance the different energy centers of your body level by level. And let’s keep it clear; the results are not immediate. You must follow the given information regularly to start seeing the benefits, which, of course, will take a bit of time and dedication.

Once you dedicate yourself to those ancient principles, it will take you on a mysterious journey filled with powerful realizations. You will be able to connect with the higher powers residing inside you. Each day you listen to the audiotape and follow the practices, you will feel a sense of fulfillment. And eventually, your brain will be entirely rewired by the end.

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Benefits of the bioenergy code:

Once you go through the complete program by religiously following all the meditation practices for a specified amount of time:

  • You will start to feel much more confident and full of energy.
  • You will feel more connected to your loved ones and be loved by them in return.
  • Your actions become in line with your innermost desires, thus making their physical manifestation possible.
  • Achieving your financial goals will become quick and more effortless as you will be more focused and concentrated on your work.
  • You will have no negative energy or feelings left inside you, thus paving the path for a peaceful life and mental well-being.
  • Your ability of self-control becomes unmatchable. Your life gets in your possession.
  • Your judgments are more refined and thoughtful. Thus there will be less probability of mistakes.
  • You will be filled with positivity and have more endurance towards negative emotions.

Is there any scientific support behind the bioenergy program?

Since the philosophy of chakras has found its origins in ancient beliefs, it was regarded as a pseudoscience that mainly relied on the placebo effect for a long time.

The argument was that the effects become apparent because people love to believe in authority. Thus this self-inclined belief forces their minds to feel good.

Turns out that’s not true, and research published on the PMC website tells us that there’s a connection between hormones’ secretions and external frequencies received by the brain.

And even more, the pineal gland of the brain is actually “the psychological site of the interface between that which exists outside the body, and the hormonal electrical cascades experienced in the form of thoughts and emotions.”

Keeping that as the basis, the research states that various forms of energy, including sound, electromagnetism, and electrical energy, are received by the pineal gland from outside the body.

This energy is then distributed in various parts of the body, and stimulate certain gland secretions such as thyroxine  in the throat region (throat chakra), serotonin in the brain (crown chakra), gastric juice in the gut region (solar plexus chakra), so on and so forth.

We can also conclude that an imbalance in the chakras can also refer to an imbalance in hormonal secretions by the glands, which control fundamental human functions. For example, let’s talk about serotonin for now.

If you feel less confident, this means your serotonin levels are low. Since it’s also referred to as “ the confidence neurochemical,” it is directly connected to your levels of self-esteem and self-confidence.

Similarly, hundreds of hormones operating in your body need to be adequately balanced to manifest themself in greater feelings of wellness and joy. By balancing the energy centers, you are actually balancing your hormones, which manifest in the form of exceptional mental and physical well-being.

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How the bioenergy code helps in hormonal balancing:

Well, in the science-driven era, there’s less to no room for spirituality. But can we completely ignore it? Absolutely not! Because all the spiritual practices we often indulge in have complex science behind them that we are progressively discovering as we conduct different researches. The exercises included in the bioenergy code program have the same story.

As mentioned, it mainly revolves around the chakra tradition. And there’s more than a 90% chance that the chakras basically refer to different glands distributed throughout the body that control various hormone secretions.

Now you can certainly use various medications for that to suppress or promote the secretion of these hormones. But there’s a more significant health hazard that comes with it. Plus, you are not always sure If it’s even worth your health and money. Especially when you can go a risk-free path?

From the very listening experience to the practices taught, this program is a collective package that starts healing your body from the beginning through different phases (as discussed). Every phase targets a specific hormonal gland of your body. It stimulates it to get it back to normal and even enhance working conditions.

The sound frequency used in the audio is binaural beats, ranging between 8 to 13 hertz and then 14 to 30 hertz, also known as “God frequencies.” And the other is 432 Hertz. Which are ideal to awaken your brain and help it concentrate better and gradually release the unnecessary thoughts that might be causing anxiety.

Once your mind clears negativity, you go through a spiritually powerful meditative journey with proven results. By completing and shifting from one phase to another, each of your glands is restored to its normal function one by one, ultimately balancing your whole body function.

Ready to transform your life?

Get your Bioenergy code right now! The best thing? You get it for $37 instead of $197, which is the actual price. So don’t miss this limited-time opportunity and get your life-changing journey started right now before it’s too late. Such chances don’t come twice. Also, if you want to make your journey even more effective, don’t forget to check out the additional resources that include:

  • The heart activator
  • The bioenergy code manual
  • The bioenergy code decoded
  • Th 5-minute bioenergy healing

These will work to make your experience easier and enjoyable as you discover the secrets of your mind and body. Also, to avoid getting scammed, make sure to buy it from the official bioenergy website.

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