Helping Make Day Care Work – Especially for your daycare professionals

As a parent, when you hear an early childhood educationist say: “You can help make day care centers work better” – you’ll likely initially balk at that thought. “Seriously? You are the experts, so how can I make your world better?”. That’s a typical reaction that most parents and guardians might have. But, if your child attends Olney day care, there are many things that you can do to help the professionals at the center. 

Knowing the Unsaid

Day care professionals have a lot to deal with, and they do it with plenty of love and affection for the kids in their care. Because day care attendees are at a tender age, where they can’t accurately express themselves, that makes care-giving that much more critical. Most often, center administrators might not say so to parents or guardians, but the staff at the centers can benefit from your help.  

So, if no one tells you, how can you – parents, and caregivers away from the center – know what to do? Well, here’s a list to get you started:

1. BE PUNCTUAL: Center staff will never willfully abandon your child without adult supervision. However, if you are punctual at dropping and picking up the kid, it makes for a more well-organized day for the staff.    

2. STOCKING UP: Olney day care centers provide a safe and caring environment for kids to grow and flourish. Sometimes, that may include activities that require parents to provide some materials, including sunscreen, or arts and crafts accessories (crepe paper or empty shoe boxes). Make sure you stock up your child’s backpack with what’s requested.

3.SHOW APPRECIATION: At home, show appreciation for the center. Refrain from criticizing or making disparaging remarks about the center or its staff in front of the child. Children, even at a tender age, pick up signals and understand grown-up communications. If they realize you don’t think too highly of a place where they’re spending a lot of time in, it’s likely they won’t enjoy the time they spend there!

4.BE CONSIDERATE: If you determine your child is ill – keep him/her at home. It’s hard to do that sometimes, especially when it means scrambling for alternate care arrangements. However, doing so can spare the center and it’s staff a lot of stress. It’s also safer for the other kids.

The professionals at Olney day care centers might never complain or demand that parents and guardians practice these measures. But even when left unsaid, applying these common-sense measures can make day care work much better for all.

Making Day Care Work…Better

As you can see, as a parent or guardian of a child attending Olney day care, there are things you can do that’ll help make things that much better for the place where your child spends a significant part of their day. As a result, the hardworking staff can better focus on doing their part. And the best things about doing your part is that you don’t need any special training or qualification for it. 

