The food items that will reduce your anxiety level by Arash Hadipour Niktarash

Anxiety and depression is a widespread medical condition affecting millions of individuals—the symptoms of tension differ from individual to individual. Only experience will help you identify the signs that will tell you it is time to get in touch with a medical practitioner. Individuals who experience these symptoms for a longer duration develop a generalized anxiety disorder or GAD.

GAD or generalized anxiety disorder, has some specific symptom, which is as follows

• Tension
• Fear
• Irritability
• Difficulty concentrating
• Muscle tension
• Chest tightness
• Issues with their social, personal, and work relationship

It is here that doctors recommend these patients to take care of their dietary issues and lifestyle habits.

Some food items that can help to reduce anxiety as provided by Arash Hadipour Niktarash

Studies reveal that apart from the conventional treatment technique, there are some home remedies in the form of food items. That contributes to reducing depression and anxiety levels. It is here that Arash Hadipour Niktarash provides readers with essential food items that they can include in their diet

Brazil nuts: These nuts are high in selenium. Selenium improves mood by reducing inflammation. Moreover, it is an antioxidant, which assists in preventing cell damage. It is anti-carcinogenic, which helps in preventing cancer. Other nuts, vegetables, animal products like soya bean and mushroom are also a good source of selenium. Never consume too much selenium as it has side effects. The upper limit for selenium consumption in adults is four micrograms per day. Nuts and particularly Brazil nuts are a good source of vitamin E. It is an antioxidant that has benefits for treating depression and anxiety.

• Fatty fish: fatty fish like mackerel, Salmon, sardines, herring, and trout are high in Omega 3. It is a fatty acid that has an integral relationship with cognitive functioning and mental health. Recent studies have revealed that when a person consumes too much fatty acid, it increases the risk of anxiety and mood disorder. DHA and EPA regulate neurotransmitters, promote healthy brain function, and reduce inflammation. Fatty acids are rich in DHA and EPA. Eating two servings of fatty acid per week is recommended.

• Eggs: egg yolks are a great source of vitamin D. They are a terrific source of tryptophan and protein. Eggs are a complete protein as it contains essential amino acids which the body requires for development and growth. The tryptophan which eggs contain helps in creating serotonin. It is a chemical neurotransmitter that helps in regulating memory, sleep, mood, and behavior.

• Pumpkin Seeds: pumpkin seeds are rich in potassium which regulates electrolyte balance and managers blood pressure. When you include potassium-rich food items like bananas and pumpkin seeds in your diet, you can decrease anxiety and stress.

In addition to this, dark chocolate, turmeric, yogurt are other food items, which can reduce stress levels. Turmeric is a spice commonly used across kitchens. It contains curcumin, which helps in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.


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