Accounting Dissertation: 7 Popular Topics For Each Category

The objective of this dissertation is to explore, from a qualitative perspective, the experience of accounting students at BULATS University. The research will also include a comparative analysis of the accounting curriculum in the US and in Singapore. 

It will encompass a survey using a sampling of 20 respondents in each country, and an in-depth interview with four US accounting professors and four Singaporean accounting professors.

This paper seeks to expand on what we already know about how the two countries differ when it comes to their curricula, but it also looks at what they have in common. 

It aims to shed light on how much has been done so far to help accountancy students in these countries better understand financial management practices.


Accounting is one of the most important fields in the world. It impacts every single business, and it’s arguably one of the most complicated fields to study. There are tons of opportunities for accountants, Homework Help USA but before you can become an accountant, you need to get through your accounting degree.

Accounting can be hard. 

There are so many different topics to study, and so much information to learn. To help you with your accounting studies, I’ve compiled a list of seven popular topics to cover in each category. Read on to learn more about each category, and to find out how you can use this list to help you with your accounting degree!

Accounting Curriculum in the US

The American curriculum is broader in scope than the Singaporean curriculum. For example, the Singaporean curriculum does not have an introduction to auditing course. 

It also does not have a course on financial statement analysis. This means that the issue of the relevance of the curriculum in Singapore to the industry is more acute than in the US.

The Singaporean curriculum has a stronger focus on accounting theory.Assignment Help Malaysia For example, there are two modules on international accounting standards. The US curriculum, in contrast, has more courses on practical elements of accounting.

Additionally, there are more elective courses offered in the US curriculum. For example, there are five elective financial accounting courses in the US curriculum. There are only three elective financial accounting courses in the Singaporean curriculum.


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Accounting Curriculum in Singapore

Accounting curriculum in Singapore is currently under review, and a lot of people are looking to see if it will be able to successfully compete with the US.

The main difference between the two countries is the type of accounting courses they offer. In the US, accounting students can choose from a wide variety of accounting courses from different schools. 

Accounting courses in Singapore are standardized so that everyone takes the same accounting course regardless of their school or university.

In Singapore, there are four main accounting courses: accounting for non-financial transactions, accounting for financial transactions, auditing and assurance, and management accounting. Students can choose to take a diploma or a degree program, which both have the same accounting curriculum.

In the US, there are many different types of accounting degrees that have different requirements. Most accounting degrees require you to take some courses in different business fields like finance and marketing as well as general education courses like economics and history.

Some of the most popular topics for those types of courses are:

-Accounting for non-financial transactions: introduction to financial statements, cash flows and financial statements, and financial statement analysis

-Accounting for financial transactions: introductory financial accounting and advanced financial accounting

-Auditing and assurance: aud

Survey on US and Singaporean Accounting Students

In order to provide a better understanding of the student experience in the two countries, a survey will be conducted with 20 students from each country. The survey will be administered online and will take approximately 60 minutes to complete. 

The survey will be open to all university students who are currently enrolled in an accounting course.

The survey will comprise of a combination of quantitative questions and a few qualitative questions. This will enable the researcher to get a better understanding of the different perspectives between the US and Singaporean accounting students.

The quantitative questions will cover topics such as:

– The level of difficulty in the accounting courses

– The teachers’ teaching methods

– How much time is allocated per week to each topic in the course

– Whether they have access to a textbook in the classroom

– What feedback is provided after each assessment paper

– Whether they have access to a tutor in the classroom

The qualitative questions will cover topics such as:

– What is their opinion of a paper-based assessment?

– What feedback is provided after each paper-based assessment?

– What do they think of online learning?

– What do they think of group discussions?

– What do they think of having

Interview with US and Singaporean Accounting Professors

“There are not many places in the world where you’ll find this kind of specialization,” said Professor Wang, a professor at BULATS University.

Interestingly, Professor Wang also pointed out the similarities between the two countries’ accounting curricula. Professor Wang mentioned that Singapore’s accounting curriculum is “very similar to the US, especially in terms of taxation.”

The interview with four US accounting professors and four Singaporean accounting professors yielded insightful information about what accounting students in these countries are learning, what they wish they were learning, and if they have any advice for future accountants.

“If you want to be an accountant, you have to be prepared to jump into it,” said Professor X. “It’s not for people who are scared of numbers.”

“My advice for future accountants is to learn how to budget,” said Professor Y. “It’ll help you in your personal life and in your profession.”


In conclusion, the paper has examined the differences and similarities between accounting curricula in the US and Singapore. It has also explored what is being done to help accounting students in these countries better understand financial management practices. The paper has also provided a list of topics for a dissertation in each of the following categories: accounting, ethics, finance, taxation, auditing, and corporate finance.

The post Accounting Dissertation: 7 Popular Topics For Each Category appeared first on 360PRWire.

Adam Ali