How Personal Injury Lawyers Help you Accident Victims

In Canada, car accidents are among the lowest rates in the world. However, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t any at all! In Ontario, it’s not uncommon for fatal crashes to happen during summertime- likely because many Canadians take trips and visit friends or family on their days off from work. Makes sense!

We’ll discuss how these accidents in Ontario and other parts of Canada impact our human life. We know one of the common injuries in our health is Spine injury. 

What is Spine?

The Spine is a series of vertebrae that protect and cushion the brain. Each individual has their own unique set, but they all work together to allow movement at your hips while keeping you upright, so it’s not too difficult for someone with knowledge of how joints should move!

What is Spine Injury?

Spine Injury is a serious matter and may cause you or someone close to pain and uncertainty about their future. However, it can happen in any vehicle accident, such as an auto collision causing temporary changes that heal on their own over time. Permanent damage may occur if there has been spinal cord injury. Three particular accidents may impact SCI. One is motor functions becoming impaired controlled due to lack of movement below torso level (spinal shock). Nerve signals are interrupted by impact with rigid objects like high metal plates, causing paralysis up one side body part towards the highest point—usually arms & legs.

How does a spinal cord injury affect your life?

If you have a spinal cord injury, it’s essential to take care of your health. One major drawback is that people with SCI are more susceptible to skin infections or obesity and respiratory problems like pneumonia following an infection in the lungs caused by bacteria that can enter through tiny breaks on coughing or sneezing germs without even being noticed. A weakened immune system makes them vulnerable because anything may trigger inflammation within their body, causing pain all over again. If left untreated long enough, some could become severe conditions such as bronchitis (infected Airways), heart disease/infarction (clotting), depression, etc.

What Causes the Spinal Injuries

Spinal injuries can be caused by a wide range of things, such as:

  1. Slips & Falls

This type of accident that can cause spinal cord injuries in Ontario is from slips and falls. It’s pretty standard, occurring all over the province due to different factors, including trees or tall buildings toppling on someone who has fallen on them–or even just walking too close to an edge! The winters are especially harsh here, meaning older folks may take spills while trying not to let themselves get cold as well-prepared for long periods outside without proper clothes. It gets chilly sometimes during this period, with snowfall mixed into colder air masses passing through each day before morning comes again.

A person might’ve had enough experience hiking up hills ahead without sunscreen until they realized how much more susceptible one becomes when deprivation makes you.

2. Traffic Accidents

One type of accident that can cause spinal cord injuries in Ontario is from slips, and another common one is traffic accidents. 

Road traffic accidents- more than 10 thousand people every year suffer some form of spine injury in their day-to-day lives. Motorbike accidents and bicycle-related incidents also cause spinal impacts, which will impact individuals differently.

The injury to your Spine often brings trauma when you’re hit with a car or a motorbike. These types of mishaps happen more frequently than we think initially. Still, they have unwanted consequences such as being injured on the roadways, leading back up again for recovery time which could be increased if negligence was involved, so our recommendation would be to avoid them at all costs! A legal team, if contacted, may help you understand how important this personal matter is, so you’ll be advised to take appropriate rehabilitation methods throughout treatment while suggesting helpful organizations that may support them if they need it too. 

3. Violence

The third most cause of spinal cord injuries in Ontario is violence. This type of injury may include assault from another person or even self-harm, with stabbing being the most common form and firearms coming next on our list. Healthcare professionals must be aware of how this can affect their patients so they know when an evaluation might be appropriate!

Can you survive a spinal cord injury?

According to Shepherd, 85% of people with SCI who survive the first 24 hours are still alive 10 years later. The most regular cause of death among individuals is diseases and disorders related to their respiratory system (pneumonia), which accounts for over half (54%) of all deaths within this category. During this period from initial onset until 72 hours post penetrating trauma; additionally, at five days after sustaining such traumatic events, only 13%, much less than expected rates seen among nondisabled populations where 20 percent or higher survival has been documented.

How much compensation do you get for spinal cord injury?

According to Mayoclinic: The compensation for a spinal cord injury can be anywhere between $240,000 and 320K. The amount you are compensated will depend on the severity of your injuries. The other factors, such as age or pre-existing conditions, caused them to happen in this way, which made them more prone to receiving these types of accidents later down life’s path.

What happens if their spinal cord is damaged?

Whether it is traumatic or nontraumatic, the damage heats the nerve fibers passing through the injured area and can impair part of or all the muscles and nerves below the injury site. A chest (thoracic) or lower back (lumbar) injury can affect your torso, legs, bowel and bladder control, and sexual function.

Ontario Limitations Act of 2002

The Ontario Limitations Act of 2002 is a vital piece of legislation for anyone injured in a car accident. If you or one of your loved ones were hurt because another person was at fault, then it’s time to start the process of making sure they are held responsible! There are many exceptions where this rule does not apply. Still, most cases require claims to be made within 15 years after an incident occurs – even if there have already been some amount between 2 and 7 decades since right before filing suit became legal again (in 1990).

Settlements and Compensation in Canada

Car accidents in Canada can be financially crippling. The average settlement for an auto accident is $120,000, with the median at just over half that amount: $56K (median value injury lawyers see).

While 43% of those who’ve had such a tragedy happen to them settle out-of-court and receive no money or damages from their GoFundMe page; 15 percent do so on behalf of their spouse/partner too, which means they both share equally what’s left behind after expenses are paid off ($30-$50k max).


Many people don’t realize what happens after being hit at close range. The force throws off their balance, causing them to fall headlong onto whatever hard surface comes into contact first (and sometimes without). This leaves them injured in the Spine during the mishap. While you have these odds going on you, an injury lawyer can help you to sort out so many issues without any hassles. For example: with a combination of medical records, expert opinion, and other evidence to back them up, the personal injury lawyers at Affinity Law Professional Corporation in Mississauga can build someone’s case for compensation following a traffic accident. The Accident Lawyers would offer you pain-and-injury benefits as well financial help covering lost wages or income when you’ve been diagnosed with injuries.
