How to prepare for Your Yoga Teacher Training?

The widespread awareness of human mental health greatly impacts people. Apart from physical health, everybody started to be concerned about their mental wellness, too. In that way, yoga is one of the prominent choices to care for your physical and mental health. 

Many yoga schools in India follow traditional teaching methodologies passed down through generations to ensure a holistic approach to yoga education. 

As yoga gets most of the people’s attention, the number of people showing interest in mastering yoga will increase as well. But wait, becoming a certified yoga practitioner needs a lot of effort, right? Yes, here, let us discuss the essential steps to prepare for your yoga teacher training. 

Choosing the right program

Yoga schools in India offer a perfect atmosphere for students to connect with yoga and themselves. Here are key considerations to keep in mind while choosing the right training program:

  • Prioritize programs that resonate with your aspirations and preferences. 
  • Evaluate factors such as the yoga style taught, program duration and intensity, as well as the teaching philosophy adopted by the instructors.
  • Assess the reputation and accreditation status of the programs under consideration. Opt for those with strong recognition and respect within the yoga community. 

Preparing your body 

Practice is a must:

Prioritize consistent practice to prepare for the intensity of residential yoga teacher training. It might help your body and mind adjust to the demands of practicing yoga twice a day during the program if you attend yoga courses at least three times a week. 

Stick to your diet and sleep routine:

Optimize your nutrition by transitioning to a quality vegetarian diet resembling the meals served during the retreat. Incorporate fruits, nuts, vegetables, grains, legumes, and dairy products to align with a yogic dietary approach.  

Ensure adequate rest by means of prioritizing pleasant sleep within the weeks leading up on your training. Allow sufficient time for your body to relaxation and rejuvenate. It enable you to approach your teacher training in optimal physical condition.

Try to flex your vocal cords:

Prepare your voice for the position of a yoga instructor, which requires vocal projection and breath help. Incorporate activities like singing inside the bathe to get yourself up to speed with the use of your voice correctly. 

Developing comfort with vocal expression will benefit you each at some point of your education and during your profession as an instructor.

Preparing your mind 

It is regularly anticipated that yoga teacher training will offer a spiritual journey, students explicit that the experience surpasses their expectancies, main to profound transformation. 

As you begin on this route, which needs openness and introspection, be organized for unforeseen shifts in your perceptions and beliefs.  

Say, Om:

Utilize meditation as a foundational exercise to navigate the intellectual demanding situations ahead. Cultivating a simple, regular meditation habitual can reinforce your mental resilience and facilitate the discharge of expectancies and terrible feelings. 

Consider adopting a mantra inclusive of “inhale confidence, exhale doubt” to aid you throughout tough moments. Both meditation and mantras, called Citta Vritti, calm the fluctuations of the mind. 

Read books:

Engage with the required reading materials provided by your teacher training program at your earliest convenience. 

Allow yourself to be open to questions and insights without feeling the want to have all the answers before the training starts. Maintain a journal to record your reflections and any queries you desire to discover similarly. 

Share knowledge: 

Seek knowledge from the ones who have finished your selected program correctly. Conversations with former college students can provide treasured insights into their experiences. And this shed light on factors you wished you had known beforehand. 

Always don’t forget that everyone’s journey depends by the way of their characteristics and backgrounds.  

Some Other Crucial considerations

Be organized:

Prepare for your journey by organizing your belongings according to your itinerary and packing list. Simplify your checklist as much as possible. Consider bringing a journal and some light reading material alongside your required reading to give yourself mental breaks. 

If staying close to home, ensure your living space is organized and plan simple meals to minimize distractions from household chores during rest or study times. Establish a communication plan with friends and family regarding your availability during teacher training. 

Think beyond the training. 

Look beyond the training length and keep in mind how you will utilize your certification. Take time in advance to explore capability possibilities for teaching yoga. Reach out to potential employers or studios and arrange meetings after you have finished your certification.

Tie up loose ends.

Clear your thoughts for immersion to your practice and studies by addressing pending tasks in your listing. Take care of minor duties together with returning library books, filing taxes, and servicing your automobile to decrease distractions. 

Closing thoughts 

Becoming a professional yoga instructor is a prominent career choice these days. Those mentioned above will aid in preparing for your training program. 

Suppose you are aiming to become a yoga practitioner. In that case, so many yoga schools in India provide a wide variety of training programs, ranging from intense courses to longer residential immersions. 
