PhenQ Pills – Can These Diet Pills Really Burn Belly Fat?

Every single person who has not been able to get to their target body weight or fat loss goals in 2021 will look forward to the new year to retry to achieve those goals. The question is, can PhenQ pills help you progress quicker or make the weight loss journey any easier?

PhenQ pills have gained a lot of popularity in the last few years, especially after it was featured on TV. Well, for a fat burner that has remained an international bestseller for over 9-years, it was about time, wasn’t it?

Real PhenQ reviews from customers over the years have shown how this remarkable dietary supplement has helped transform bodies and lives. But if you are new to it, it’s another fancy weight loss pill being sold on the internet and there are thousands of them.

What separates one diet pill from PhenQ pills? That’s what we are going to take a closer look at so that you can make an informed decision.

Top 5 Fat Burners we recommend for your weight loss goals in 2022

PhenQ – Potent Thermogenic Fat Burner

Leanbean – Best Appetite Suppressant now with Thermogenesis

Java Burn – Coffee Powered Fat Loss

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic – The Liquid Fat Burner that broke the internet

Trimtone – Bestselling Fat Burner with strong appetite Suppression

What are PhenQ Pills?

PhenQ Pills, or PhenQ is a weight loss supplement that supports your weight loss journey by suppressing your appetite, increasing your metabolism and helping you burn more calories.

Generally, these happen to be the biggest challenges that people face while they try to lose weight. Their metabolism is too slow or sluggish because of numerous reasons. This limits the amount of calories that they burn, even for calorie-intensive tasks.phenq_reviews_1_

Their blood sugar levels are wayward most of the time, which means that their insulin levels are too high as well. This makes it difficult for them to cut calories without feeling hungry all the time or resorting to unhealthy means of weight loss such as fasting or crash dieting.

The final challenge is being unable to adhere to a weight loss plan for long enough to see any transformation or being able to stick to it. You might have quit your weight loss journey before seeing the results you wanted, right?

PhenQ pills have been thoughtfully designed to address each one of these challenges, making it a cutting-edge weight loss supplement in the industry. These are not the only reasons why athletes and professional sportsmen use PhenQ.

We will talk in a bit about the other advantages as well.


How can PhenQ Pills help you lose weight

As we mentioned earlier, PhenQ pills are designed to help you lose weight by enhancing your metabolism, controlling your appetite and reducing fat production.

It’s a combination fat burner. Combination fat burners combine the benefits of multiple types fat burners. PhenQ is a combination of two of the most effective types of fat burners.maxresdefault

These two physiological processes will make weight loss effortless for you. The thermogenesis will fire up your metabolic rate and help you burn more calories all day long. The appetite suppression will keep your calorie intake under control so that you don’t overeat and sabotage all of your hard work.

The third way that PhenQ pills help you lose weight is by reducing the number of fat cells in your body. It does this by inhibiting the production of new fat cells and breaking down the stored fats.

All of these effects will help you lose weight quickly, safely and effortlessly without any negative side-effects.

Advantages of using PhenQ pills over other diet pills

There are numerous advantages of using PhenQ over other diet pills on the market.

It will burn fat even if you do not find time to exercise or diet

Most weight loss plans fail because it is extremely difficult to make drastic changes to your lifestyle, especially if you have been following the same routine for years.

Be it the food you eat, or heading to the gym each day, it is challenging to break out of the mold.unnamed (2)

PhenQ pills help you lose weight without making any changes to your lifestyle. You can continue following your same routine and see results. The thermogenesis will amplify your RMR, which will help you burn more calories without any extra effort on your part.

PhenQ will help you lose weight without making any changes to your lifestyle. You can continue eating the same food and doing the same things that you were doing before and still see results.

It suppresses your appetite so that you don’t feel hungry all the time

Hunger is the main reason why most people give up on their weight loss plan and return to their old habits.

Hunger pangs will make you feel cranky and irritable, further increasing your desire to eat something tasty. Generally, all of this leads people towards junk food that is high in calories but poor in nutritional value. This sabotages their weight loss journey.

This also has to do with your insulin levels. Constantly high insulin levels will make you feel hungry all the time, even if your stomach is full. This will further increase your temptation to eat.

Also, insulin prevents your body from burning fat for fuel. Since you keep eating all the time. PhenQ helps lower your insulin levels so that you don’t feel hungry all the time. You will not be tempted to snack between meals and endanger your weight loss journey.

There’s Nopal which is a natural appetite suppressant which PhenQ contains. Nopal is also a natural dietary fiber which means it increases satiety and also scrubs your intestines clean.


PhenQ Pills give you more energy for working out

Due to the enhanced metabolic rate, you will feel more energetic and ready to take on new challenges. This means that you can work harder in the gym, making your workouts more effective so that you build lean muscle mass along with shedding fat.1909343

The energy can also be very useful even if you do not hit the gym mind you. You will be able to perform at your best in all aspects of life.

PhenQ Pills will burn your stubborn fat areas

Sometimes, we get so close to our target weight and yet, find it impossible to lose a few pounds in specific problem areas.

This may be in the stomach, back of the arms or thighs and so on. PhenQ pills contain ingredients that will work to break down stubborn fat cells in your body.

This means that you can get rid of all the pockets of fat that you find difficult to lose even after weeks of training and dieting. There’s chromium picolinate and L-Carnitine, which are both effective at breaking down fat cells.

PhenQ pills will help you get rid of that extra layer of subcutaneous fat to show off a toned body underneath.

PhenQ pills are sustainable for long term use

When you are able to see results without making any changes to your lifestyle, it is only natural that you would want to continue using the product.

PhenQ pills are sustainable for long term use because they do not require any major changes to your routine. You can keep taking the pills and see continued results. There are users who have used it for over 5-years in low doses.

It is generally on and off. But this shows how safe PhenQ pills are.


PhenQ Pills Ingredients

PhenQ Pills are so popular not only because of the track record, but also because of the natural and science-backed ingredients. Here’s a closer look.

Capsimax – This is a blend of capsicum, caffeine, niacin and piperine. It boosts your metabolism and helps you burn more calories.

Nopal – This is a natural appetite suppressant that is a form of a soluble dietary fiber. It absorbs water to form a gel-like substance in your stomach, making you feel full.

Caffeine Anhydrous – This is another metabolism booster like Capsimax which helps you burn more calories throughout the day. It also increases your energy levels so that you can work out harder and stay focussed.24869154_web1_M-RED-20210416-PhenQ-Supplement-Facts

Chromium Picolinate – This mineral regulates blood sugar levels and prevents cravings. Insulin levels as we mentioned plays a vital role in determining the body’s ability to burn fat.

L-Carnitine – This is an amino acid that shuttles fatty acids into your mitochondria, where they are burned as fuel. This makes it easier for you to lose weight.

Calcium Carbonate – This is an essential mineral which your body needs for various processes. It also prevents the breakdown of muscle after a workout, making sure your muscles grow properly.

?-LACY RESET – ?-LACY RESET is a combination of Alpha Lipoic acid and Cysteine, that modulates cellular redox to maintain mitochondrial glutathione levels.

There are many other ingredients, but these are the main ones which make PhenQ pill work effectively. You can check out all the ingredients on their official website . There are no fillers or cheap chemicals added to the formula, making it 100% safe for consumption.


Phenq reviews before and after

Since PhenQ’s been around for 10 years or more, there are literally thousands of real life reviews of people who have used the product.

As you can imagine, it is very difficult to segregate the best ones on such a popular supplement. We actually spent about 3 days sifting through all the reviews to bring you a comprehensive list of PhenQ results.

Here are some of the common things that we’ve noted across PhenQ results.

  • Generally, people report losing 10-15 pounds in total, while taking PhenQ pills. Some people have even lost up to 20 pounds. And that’s without making any other changes to their diet or lifestyle!
  • None of them complain about jitters or tremors which are common with most weight-loss supplements.
  • They all mention that they’ve had more energy and focus, which has helped them workout harder and achieve better results.
  • Some people lost lesser weight. But they still lost weight nevertheless.


Let’s take a closer look at some of these reviews and see for ourselves why PhenQ has consistently been rated as one of the best fat burners available.

PhenQ Results #1 – “I’ve been using PhenQ for 2 weeks now and I’m already feeling a big change in my energy levels. I’m not as lethargic as before, which helps me get through my workouts without getting too tired. I also dont feel like eating anything after my breakfast. Earlier, I used to gobble down about 10 cookies or chips mid-meals, but not anymore.” – Peggy, 39

Why we highlighted this result – It explains how PhenQ not only helps you lose weight, but also makes it easier for you to stick to your diet and workout routine. This is because of the increased energy levels and focus that you get from using PhenQ.


PhenQ Results #2 – “I’m a mother of 2 and I’ve been struggling with my weight for about 5 years now. I’ve tried every diet and weight loss supplement out there, but nothing worked for me. PhenQ has been a lifesaver! In the past 2 months, I’ve managed to lose about 15 pounds without making any other changes to my lifestyle.” – Sarah, 38

Why we highlighted this result – It’s great to see someone who’s lost weight without having to make any other changes in her lifestyle. This proves that PhenQ is effective even for people with busy lives and persistent cravings like Sarah, who managed to lose 15 pounds in 2 months.

PhenQ Results #3 – “I’ve been taking PhenQ for about 3 months now, and I’ve lost a total of 25 pounds. I’m really happy with the results, and it’s helped me get visible upper abs. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone looking to lose weight, particularly stubborn belly fat.” – John, 45

Why we highlighted this result – We’re not going to lie – this is a very impressive result. John not only lost 25 pounds in 3 months, but he also got visible abs. That is very impressive! We wanted to show how PhenQ helped him lose stubborn belly fat and get the six pack that he’s always wanted.

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PhenQ Results #4 – “I’ve tried several weight loss supplements before. But I would feel cranky and irritable on most of them. There were energy highs and crashes. None of them gave me the focus that I needed. PhenQ is different though. The energy levels are consistent and I don’t feel any crashes. It’s helped me workout harder and I’ve seen results in just a month.” – Anna, 26

Why we highlighted this result – Like Peggy, Anna also mentions how she doesn’t feel as lethargic as before and that PhenQ has helped her stick to her workout routine. Additionally, Anna mentions how she’s seen results in just a month, which is very impressive. This goes to show how effective PhenQ is for weight loss.

These are just a few of the thousands of PhenQ reviews out there.

All of them speak about how this product has helped these people lose weight in a safe and natural way, without jitters or crashes.

Additionally, all the reviews mention that they see results in just a few weeks with consistent energy levels and focus to help them workout harder.

Fun Fact – Did you know that more than 200000 bottles of PhenQ have been sold so far?

What are the side effects of PhenQ Pills?

There are no severe side effects of PhenQ pills.

However, some people might experience mild side effects such as headache, nausea, jitters and cramps. This can occur when you use any supplement with a soluble fiber like Nopal.

If you experience any of these side effects, it is best to discontinue use and consult a doctor. Additionally, pregnant and nursing women should not take PhenQ pills.

How long does it take to see results with PhenQ?

The time that any fat burner takes to show results varies from person to person. So, if some fat burner company claims that it can burn off x number of pounds in a stipulated time frame, it’s a red flag folks.

Thankfully, PhenQ makes no such claims.powherbeforeandafter

However, PhenQ is known to be one of the most effective fat burners and most people see results within the first few weeks of using it. This is because of the unique ingredients that help suppress appetite, increase energy levels and burn fat.

On an average, men and women have been able to lose anywhere between 8 to 20 pounds in about 12-16 weeks. But that’s just a ballpark. Your results will depend on how many calories your body burns and consumes per day.

Additionally, the more weight you have to lose, the longer it will take for you to see results.

How much can I lose with PhenQ pills?

On an average, men and women who make changes to their diet and exercise routine while taking PhenQ can expect to lose 8-20 pounds in 12 to 16 weeks. But this depends on many factors like your age, BMI, gender, and overall health.


Is PhenQ Worth It?

We can tell you that PhenQ is definitely worth it. There are hundreds of reviews out there from people who have lost weight with this product.

Additionally, PhenQ is one of the few products that comes with a money-back guarantee. So, if you’re not happy with the results, you can always get your money back.

How much does PhenQ cost?

PhenQ is priced at $69.95 per bottle on the official site, which contains enough pills for a month’s supply. You can choose from 2 different packages – 1 month or 3 months. The more you buy, the better the price that you will get.

Currently, there is a buy 2 get 1 free offer as well. They also have a limited time Christmas discount code that you can avail of.

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Can you get PhenQ at GNC?

No, PhenQ is not available at GNC. Nor can you buy it on Amazon or eBay. You can only get it directly from the official website and a few selected vendor websites. We have linked one here.


PhenQ Pills – FAQ

Q. Is PhenQ FDA Approved?

A. No, the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) do not approve any dietary supplement. In fact, dietary supplements are not required to have FDA approval. That said, you’d be glad to know that PhenQ is manufactured in an FDA registered and GMP certified lab.

Q. What are the side effects of PhenQ?

A. The side effects of PhenQ are mild and temporary. They include headache, nausea, jitters, and cramps. If you experience any severe side effects, discontinue use and consult a doctor.

Q. How long does PhenQ take to work?

A. There is no one answer for this question as it depends on your age, gender, metabolism and overall health. On an average though, expect to lose 8-20 pounds in 12 to 16 weeks with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Q.Are PhenQ ingredients backed by clinical research?

A. Yes, all the ingredients in PhenQ have been clinically tested and backed by research. Be it Capsimax, Nopal or Alpha Lacy Reset, each of them has been clinically researched and shown to help lose weight.

Q. Who manufactures PhenQ?

A. PhenQ is manufactured by a company known as Leading Edge Health LLC, which is headquartered in the UK. They are a trusted company with over 10 years of experience and millions of customers worldwide.

PhenQ Pills – Final Thoughts

PhenQ Pills are the most potent and effective weight loss supplement available. It is packed with scientifically proven ingredients like capsimax, Nopal & L-Carnitine, which burn fat quickly and deliver results within the first few weeks of use.

Additionally, PhenQ comes with a comprehensive money-back guarantee that allows you to try out this product risk-free. It has a 10-year track record and thousands of positive reviews from users who have successfully lost weight with it.

So, if you are looking for an effective and affordable way to lose weight, PhenQ Pills are definitely one of the best bets.


Top 5 Fat Burners we recommend for your weight loss goals in 2022

PhenQ – Potent Thermogenic Fat Burner

Leanbean – Best Appetite Suppressant now with Thermogenesis

Java Burn – Coffee Powered Fat Loss

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic – The Liquid Fat Burner that broke the internet

Trimtone – Bestselling Fat Burner with strong appetite Suppression
