The Largest Internet Companies in the World

Ever since the invention of the internet, there has been a significant increase in the number and growth of internet companies. Internet companies have grown to become some of the biggest ones ruling the world when it comes to revenue, inventory, and number of employees. The number of internet companies continues to increase as the internet is here to stay. With time, we see innovative internet-based technologies emerging in the market and providing a newer perspective to a potential problem. So the possibilities and opportunities are countless-all hail the internet.

Apart from the IT companies, every other business is relying on the internet these days, for carrying out various operations. The customer support department of any growing business frequently makes use of various online platforms as a significant tool for providing a better customer experience. This is what we see in the case of Charter Spectrum customer service that has excelled in providing high-quality support and assistance to its users, resulting in an increased subscriber base. Therefore there are no doubts regarding the integral role of the internet in the growth and success of any business. Here is a look at the largest internet companies that skyrocketed in terms of growth and revenues.


There might not be any single person of this technology-driven era who does not know about Google. Undoubtedly one of the most well-known internet companies that are outgrowing and has also stepped in other fields like Google Plus, Google Drive, etc in addition to a search engine. Google was started by two University students from Stanford University and its headquarter is located in California, USA. Back in 1996, the idea was to modify the existing search engines known as PageRank, which led to the creation of Google company later. Now, it has an employee base of around 61,814 and yearly revenues of nearly 74 billion dollars. The market capitalization has grown to be 493 billion dollars.


Amazon is indeed one of the largest internet-based companies in the world. An online shopping business empire has become a household name across the globe. It will be hard to believe that it started as an online bookstore. What started as a garage bookstore by Bezos, has now a market capitalization of more than 329 billion dollars and generates revenues of more than 70 billion dollars. The number of employees working for the E-commerce company has around 268,908 and it keeps growing.


In case you are buying stuff on the internet then chances are high that you must have brought from Alibaba or AliExpress. You might be a regular customer. Alibaba is a Chinese megastore that is considered the third-largest internet company in the world. What’s more fascinating is the success story of Jack Ma who was rejected from more than 30 job interviews. He eventually started making websites for companies. The business started growing and in 1999, Alibaba Group came into existence as the world’s biggest retailer. It is operational in as many as 200 countries. It has a market capitalization of around 619.84 billion dollars and revenue of 71.99 billion dollars with around 11700 employees.


Undoubtedly the largest social media platform with as many as one billion users and a revenue of 17 billion dollars. Created by Mark Zuckerberg who was a Harvard dropout, it now has more than 12 641 employees and a market capitalization of more than 25 billion dollars. Quite recently in the year 2014, Facebook also owned Whatsapp for 19 billion dollars.


eBay is yet another eCommerce that came into existence around 1995 and was founded by a computer programmer. Based in California, its revenues have reached around 8.59 billion dollars and have around 34 500 employees. The market capitalization of eBay is nearly 26.9 billion dollars. eBay also earns its revenue through diversification in other fields. A good example is PayPal that is a popular online money processing company.


Acknowledged as the second largest European internet-based company, Zalando’s headquarters are based in Berlin, Germany, and have online stores selling fashion items, shoes, etc. Its market capitalization is around 27.37 billion dollars and the number of employees working at Zalando is nearly 14,194. Its revenues generated account up to 8 billion dollars.

Wrapping Up,

The aforementioned internet-based companies started at a very small scale, usually in the garages but with a foresighted vision and utilized the internet tools to become the biggest eCommerce giants and setting the bar high for other budding internet companies in terms of growth rate, revenues, employee count, or market capitalization.

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