Over the past 10 years, the translation and localization industry has been evolving at a breakneck speed. On this journey, one thing becomes clear: there’s nothing stopping technology from changing our lives for the better!  As we move into 2022, here are some of the trends experts predict will shape future translation technology: machine learning and artificial intelligence; voice-to-text translators; instant messaging apps that translate messages on their own with just a few clicks/taps; virtual reality (VR) headsets which can allow people to experience different languages without ever having learned them.

When you consider the impact of technology on translation, many people immediately think of machine translation, such as Google Translate. And we’ll go into artificial intelligence (AI) in the translation sector in more detail below. But that isn’t the only way that technological advancements are affecting industrial translations.

Individual translators can benefit from a variety of technical improvements to increase both the speed and quality of their work. This is where quality analysis tools, greater connection, and improved translation memories all come into play. They boost the translation market as a whole since clients profit from the sector’s ability to generate translations more quickly while maintaining high quality.

The world of translation has changed a lot in the last 10 years. There are now many more options and companies that offer translation services, but not all of them are great. In this piece, we’ll explore our list of the top 5 translation technologies to look out for in 2021:

#1 The AI translation trend

We’ve already seen AI in action in the translation and localization industry, and this trend will undoubtedly continue through 2021 and beyond. The potential is enormous. This year, we expect to see a rise in the sophistication of AI applications in the industry. Its application in natural language processing (NLP) is an excellent example.

NLP is at the nexus of language and computer science, with artificial intelligence delving into the interplay between computers and human language. In terms of language datasets, this is a highly resource-intensive topic, as the more natural language that can be used, the larger the benefits that can be gained by teaching AI to comprehend and deal with it.

As the scope and ambition of this effort develop over the next year and beyond, we may expect to see a greater concentration on specialized areas of NLP. The language industry plays an important part in this.

#2 Machine translation post-editing

In the translation industry, machine translation post-editing has recently become a hot topic. Not only is machine translation an enticing option for many enterprises (because of its speed and low cost), but there is emerging evidence that translating with a machine and then refining the result using a PEMT service is faster (and thus less expensive) than translating from scratch. By 2021, the translation industry will be fully prepared to respond.

Post-editing phrase-based statistical machine translation increased translation productivity by 18%, while post-editing neural machine translation increased productivity by 36% over translating from scratch, according to a recent study from the University of Groningen (Netherlands).

Additionally, translators who used both methodologies, including machine translation, took fewer breaks while working (29% for post-editing of phrase-based statistical machine translation and 42% for post-editing of neural machine translation). However, the breaks they did take were longer than when they were translating from scratch, with phrase-based translation accounting for 14% and neural machine translation accounting for 25%.

The data will bolster the trend of businesses aiming to integrate machine translation and post-editing services in 2020. Even while machine translations aren’t perfect, technology has advanced to the point where using both a machine and a human translator is usually faster than using only a human translator.

#3 Audio-visual translation

The phrase “audio-visual translation” initially sounds redundant. Why not just call it a visual translation? The answer has to do with the way we process information in our brains. To understand this, let’s take an example: You are at a rally and you want to know what is being said on stage, but all you can hear is the crowd cheering. Do you give up? No! After some time of watching the speaker intently, your brain will have processed enough visuals that you can start understanding what he or she is saying without relying solely on audio cues. This phenomenon takes place because visual stimuli help us better process auditory information by slowing down one sense while speeding up another – similar to how these two different senses intertwine for bilingual people.

Imagine a world where you can watch any movie in your home language. It sounds too good to be true, but it is possible with the new audio-visual translation technology. This technology has created an incredible way for people from all over the globe to enjoy movies and television shows without subtitles or dubbing, just by wearing headphones.

There are only two drawbacks: first, you cannot hear anything that’s happening on screen–so if there’s a scene of dialogue between characters who don’t speak aloud, you will have no idea what they’re saying! Second, even though this translation tool does not require voice acting like dubbing does (a process that involves actors reading lines in their native tongue as well as speaking them at the same time).

#4 Video remote interpretation 

Technology has made it easier for people in different countries to communicate with each other. With video remote interpretation technology, we can now share our experiences and ideas without ever having to be in the same place. This is a wonderful development that will help us achieve more great things together!

Video Remote Interpretation technology is one of the key advances in the last years. The people who created this technology deserve to be rewarded! Imagine being able to go over your favorite TV show with a friend, but they’re on the other side of the world. That’s what VRI does for you – it allows you to have a conversation like that with anyone anywhere in the world.

VRI was developed as an alternative communication system for healthcare providers so they can communicate with patients in rural areas with no local access to resources like ASL interpreters.

Imagine going to a doctor’s appointment and not being able to understand what the doctor is saying. This could be because you are deaf or hard of hearing, or it could be that your first language is different from their second language. Video Remote Interpretation (VRI) technology can help solve this problem by allowing interpreters to provide real-time sign language interpretation for people who are deaf or hard of hearing at a distance.

#5 Camera translation

Have you ever wanted to see what the people in another country are doing? Well, now you can! With camera translation technology, all you have to do is point your phone at a sign and it will translate for you. Point your phone at someone’s face while they’re talking to get an instant translation of what they’re saying. It’s easy to use, too. Simply select what language you want from a list that pops up when you open the app, point your camera at something written in that language, and snap away.

The future of photography is here. The camera translation technology is a ground-breaking innovation that will not only have an immense impact on the way we capture memories but also change the way people interact with each other. It’s a tool that I hope our generation can use to build bridges in understanding, and help us get past this “us vs them” mentality.


The future of translation is an exciting one. It will no longer just be about the written word. With the AI translation trend, machine translations post-editing, and audio-visual translation on the rise; video remote interpretation will soon be a more common tool used in tandem with camera translation for those who can’t speak freely or are unable to hear well due to their environment. Get ahead of the curve by looking for ways you can use these technologies effectively now so that your business won’t get left behind in the future!