How to Get Rid of FUPA? A Complete Solution to Kick Out Pubic Fat

So, you’ve finally lost the significant bodyweight; Congratulations! But do you still have accumulated fat around your pubic area?

Good news for you guys! We have all the information you need to know how to get rid of FUPA in no time!

Author Tips: The Ancient Japanese Tonic That Melts 1lb Fat Every 24 Hours

I know your struggle to get rid of the belly pooch for all my ladies out there, especially FUPA after baby. Hence, I’m here to be your guide on your quest to kicking out the pubic fat. For the sake of your physical wellness, mental satisfaction, and the brim of confidence, take this journey with me.

Trust me; you are just a few steps away from getting your flat tummy back!

What Is FUPA: Know All About It

FUPA stands for “Fat Upper Pubic Area.” The chubby-fatty area around your vaginal region or above it is what we know as FUPA. The medical term for FUPA is ” panniculus.” If you are already here desperately looking for ways to vanish your pubic fat, then I’m quite sure you already know about this.


Well, yes, fat accumulation at any region of the body is frustrating. But no doubt that pubic area fat around your panty line can make you wonder everyday “why won’t my FUPA go away!” In the modern age, most of our work includes almost no physical movement; we sit on our desk, eat and keep working. That’s how all the fat gets tucked in our belly naturally.

Author Tips:  Eat this ‘super herb’ before 9am to MELT away belly fat

Besides, FUPA during pregnancy, abdominal surgeries, genetic structure, or even aging can result in FUPA. It is almost impossible to get rid of panty line fat by following regular workout plans or diets.

Typical weight loss solutions may take away your extra fat, but what about the loose hanging skin? It is a struggle to get rid of the stubborn belly pooch; however, not impossible.

All the new moms out there, don’t be disheartened because you are minutes away from knowing miracle solutions to FUPA!

What Causes a FUPA?

Before we dive into the possible solutions, let’s see if we can pick out one or two reasons why you are struggling with FUPA in the first place.


The primary and foremost cause of fat accumulation in your upper pubic area is nothing but the genetic arrangement, your DNA. Fat-cells distribution varies from person to person, body to body. And that’s when you can blame your parents, grandparents, or even ancestors, as the genetic factor plays a considerable role in FUPA.

FUPA During Pregnancy

As women conceive, they tend to accumulate fat around the trunk region to protect the fetus within. The extra fat also helps to strengthen the pubic area muscles as your body prepares for childbirth. Yes, you are no less than a hero protecting your child, but the problem is the FUPA difficulties post-pregnancy.

Even though somehow you can manage to pull back your rest of the body to the previous state, getting in shape in the lower tummy is challenging.

Stress and Anxiety

What is stress? It’s like preparing for your finals but not giving the tests anyways. The same goes for your body, you take all the food you need for the anticipated weight loss workouts, but your stress doesn’t let you go to the quest. That’s how you binge eat, but don’t sweat away the calories, and it results in unwanted belly pooch.

Less Concern on the Diet Plan

Just like the wrong company leads you to risks in life, the wrong kind of food leads you to health risks. If you follow a diet rich in carbs, complex or straightforward, high sugar contents, processed food, junk food, or refined food, then drop it right now! These will lead to a faster fat accumulation than you can imagine.

Rapid Weight Loss or Gain

Being frustrated with excess weight, many people try hard and fast to reduce the fat in no time, but that results in a hanging trunk pooch. On the other hand, with the fast gaining of weight, your body fails to distribute the fat evenly, and hence you end up with FUPA.

Pro Tips: 10 drops of this every morning is melting away belly fat

What Are the Health Risks of FUPA

FUPA doesn’t only lead to an ugly body structure or reduced confidence, but it also gives rise to several health problems. So, if you’re still not serious about it, as you read the following, within minutes, you will be!

Cardiovascular Diseases

Studies show that people with excess fats in their abdominal or trunk region are at higher risks of cardiovascular diseases than others. So, if you think that you’ve lost a lot of bodyweights, it’s just a belly pooch you have; what harm can it do; drop your thought. Heart diseases, heart blockage, or even strokes are almost knocking on your door.

High Blood Pressure

All the credit goes to our sedentary lives for making us prone to fat accumulation in our upper pubic area. With higher calories and extra pubic fat for both males and females, the blood pressure takes a hike as well.


You might be wondering how FUPA triggers diabetes! Well, the abdominal adipose tissue has an active hormonal state than any other region. Due to the released hormone from the abdominal adipose tissue, the glucose tolerance level is affected, which leads to the ultimate destination of type-2 diabetes.

Lower Sex Drive

FUPA has an indirect connection with sex drive. If you consider the physical aspects, a giant belly or hanging pooch leads to unpleasant sexual intimacy. And when speaking from the emotional point of view, the unlikely physical form tends to lower your confidence and hence sex drive.

Sleep Apnea

Do you feel restless or find it difficult to breathe when you lay on your back? That’s called sleep apnea. Excess abdominal fat results to sleep apnea, which is neither pleasant for your health nor for your partner sleeping peacefully as you snore abruptly.

Keto FUPA: Getting Rid of Unnecessary Fat with The Right Food

If you want to leave pubic fat behind, you must create a calorie deficit. And the easy way to do it is nothing but including nutrient-dense food in your daily diet.

Don’t be surprised when I say it takes about a deficit of 3500 calories only to burn one pound of fat! Feasting healthy and fulfilling food keeps your hunger and cravings away without adding more calories to the body. And what are those?

Eating Good Carbs

When I say carbs, you might be a bit doubtful because we all know how white carbs affect our health. It includes rice, flour, bread, etc. Cut all these from your diet chart and switch to complex brown carbs or healthy carbs; for instance, sweet potatoes, brown bread, brown sugar, amaranth, barley, oatmeal, quinoa, etc.

Higher Vitamin-C intake

For most people, stress is a crucial enemy for the body. Stress leads to binge eating and hence fat accumulation. Now, Vitamin C not only cuts down the calories but also acts as an effective stress-reliever. You can get heaps of-

  • Vitamin-C from
  • Citrus fruits like lemon, oranges, and grapes
  • Cantaloupe
  • Mango
  • Pineapple
  • Delicious berries!
  • Kiwi fruit etc.

Yummy yogurt to the rescue!

More or less, we all know about the benefits of yogurt. Especially, Greek yogurt can stand as a worthy opponent to your vicious FUPA. But how?

  • Yogurt keeps you full for longer
  • It has a high calcium content that helps to break fat and fat molecules
  • Weaker core muscle can lead to a weak metabolism. Yogurt has a fair amount of arginine, which strengthens the core muscles.
  • You should go for non-sweetened yogurt because you don’t want the fat. Hence, you are not even adding calories!

Healthy Spices

Researches show that spices add taste to your food and help reduce inflammation and burn fat. Let me give you a list of herbs that have a remarkable contribution to weight loss-

  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon
  • Cardamom
  • Cumin
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Rosemary, etc.

Most of these spices speed up your metabolism, regulates blood sugar level, and of course, kick out body fat. No wonder why Asians have such attractive figure!

Good Fat

We cannot go without fat in our daily meals. And yes, our body needs fat too. You don’t have to stop eating fats, but all you got to do is switch to good fat. For instance, good fats include seafood, avocados, whole eggs, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, chia seeds, etc.

All these foodstuffs contain omega 3-fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, none of which result in fat accumulation.

Pro Tips: 10 drops of this every morning is melting away belly fat

Drink Loads of Water

You don’t have to fight your hunger or empty stomach. Your companion in this journey can be simple water! With lots of water, you can keep yourself full and hydrated. Besides, during your workout sessions, heaps of water is a must.

However, if you are thinking of the sugar-filled booze, then drop your thought! It’ll only add to your fat.

How to Get Rid of FUPA Without Surgery

No doubt that exercises can kill fat and reduce stress as well. Besides, if you aren’t feeling yourself, workouts can significantly boost your energy levels. However, there are specific FUPA exercises that emphasize cutting down your pubic fat. Can’t wait to know your workout schedule for a few months? Hop on!

FUPA Exercises for Weak Core

Strengthening the core muscles is vital if you want to cut out the fat building around them. Core strengthening workouts are nothing but only ab workouts. We all know what exercises work for the abs, crunches, planks, mountain climbers, push-ups, and so on.

If you want to do it in the right way, then-

  • Do at least ten reps of each exercise every single day
  • Then gradually start working out 2-3 times a day
  • If you can keep your mind determined for a month or so, you’ll see noticeable changes
  • Remember to be steady at first and gradually increase the difficulties.

High-intensity Interval Training

HIIT, short for High-intensity interval training, is a patterned workout routine where you perform several exercises in bursts. These can be of two types-

  • Long duration low-intensity workout
  • Short duration high-intensity workout

So, how do they boost weight loss? Your metabolism gets a kick start by the short yet heavy bursts of exercises, and your core energy doubles. In this way, you get faster weight loss results by taking your 30 day FUPA challenge. Let me show you a few of the HIIT workouts that’ll work best for you.

  • Bicycle Crunches: The exercise doesn’t strain your back yet strengthens the deep core muscles.
  • Forearm Plank: Without regular workout, or abdominal region loosens and weakens. The forearm plank strengthens the inner abdominal muscles without straining them either.
  • Rollups: Again, a straightforward exercise to tighten the core muscles. The trick to make it useful is doing it slowly.
  • Burpees: Well, no doubt this can be a challenging one. But burpees is probably the best exercise for a cardio boost calorie burning.
  • Leg Raises: You need that core strength and calorie-cutting energy to burn your FUPA fat. Leg lifts work to strengthen the inner abdominal muscles and create a tightened, stronger core.
  • The Hundred: Indeed, a challenging exercise move that requires the action of both your legs and core muscles. It strengthens the deep core muscles and also the thigh muscles.
  • Pelvic Tilt: If you are a new mom and have already recovered from a vaginal or cesarean delivery, then this is your go! It doesn’t strain your abs yet tightens them.

You can check out how to get rid of belly fat YouTube videos, to know the right to do these exercises. For fastest results, I’d recommend Mr. London FUPA challenge. You can also learn tricks on how to get rid of back fat fast and easy, Mr. London small waist, or lean Mr. London arms from the challenge.

Yoga Postures

Yoga doesn’t only have to be a workout to let go of FUPA, but it can also prevent the fat from storing back in. It improves muscle tone and boosts your energy levels. Besides, if you are anxious and stress, regular yoga will lift your mood as well. If you want to get rid of FUPA, the best yoga postures for you will be-

  • Side plank pose
  • Boat pose
  • Bridge pose
  • Dolphin plank pose
  • Reed pose
  • Wheel pose etc.

How to Get Rid of FUPA with Surgery

I’ve already listed the FUPA exercises, but if you are not ready to do it the hard way and wait months for actual results, then surgery can be your go.

Monsplasty or Pubic lift

Both males and females can take on this surgery. Monsplasty removes the excess fat and tissue around the pubic region. It’s a pretty similar process to facelift, only in your pubic area. The pubic lift also tightens the pubic muscles, so no more hanging skin!


If you’ve already lost considerable weight, but all that’s bugging you is the saggy hanging skin, then this is what you need. The surgery only cuts out the loose skin after you’ve already lost abdominal fat.

Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck

The tummy tuck is probably the lengthiest and costliest procedure for getting rid of FUPA and loose skin. If you don’t how to get rid of c-section fupa, then this is your best option.

Yes, you might need a lot of money, time, and effort for undergoing best treatment for FUPA, but whatever works for you!


If you don’t have much jiggly fat stored around your pubic fat, and all you need is a ‘trim,’ then liposuction should be your best deal. It works to rid body fat from body ‘pockets’, and it won’t act to cut out your sagging skin.

Non-Invasive Procedures to Get Rid of FUPA

There are medical procedures that cut your bank balance, a lot of recovery time, and of course, the hassle. But there are non-invasive medical procedures that don’t require any hassle. Two of them are –

Coolsculpting to get rid of FUPA 

Hats off to the medical technologies that have improved so much that you don’t even need painful surgeries to remove fat. Coolsculpting uses freezing temperatures that freeze the fat cells beneath the skin. As a result of freezing, the cells are destroyed, and you can easily flush out the fat with urine.

However, if there’s a big deal of fat in your belly pooch, then this wouldn’t give you satisfactory FUPA before and after results.

Heat Therapy

Besides cool sculpting, there are also heat therapies and radiofrequency technologies to melt the fat inside.

Pro Tips: 10 drops of this every morning is melting away belly fat

How to Get Rid of a Male FUPA

Although men are less prone to having pubic fat, it’s the similar frustration and struggle you have to go through. For my buddies out there, there are some effective ways you can pull out-

An effective diet plan

FUPA workout plan, including yoga, planks, leg raises, crunches, pelvic lift, etc.

Tummy tuck, monsplasty, and even liposuction surgeries

Coolsculpting is an effective way for removing small lipo pockets as well.

How to Get Rid of FUPA Fast?

Pubic area fat is undoubtedly stubborn, and hence if you want to know how to get rid of the belly pooch in a week, there’s a lot you got to do. Don’t think it’s merely the weight you have to reduce. You have to take care of your overall body fat, reduce it, build leaner muscles, tone muscles, and finally tighten the sagging skin.

If you are determined to cut out FUPA as fast as possible, then you’ve got to give massive efforts and patiently wait for results.

Bottom Line

Before taking this journey with me, if you thought that mere weight loss would do the job, then now you know you are wrong. Undoubtedly, flushing away the stubborn fat can be a big-time struggle.

For the proud new mommies out there, if you love showing off your pregnancy fat like Beyonce and other celebrities with FUPA, then congratulations! However, if things are taking the wrong turn for you, then why delay?

Now, you know all the possible ways of how to get rid of FUPA. For the sake of your skinny jeans, sexy bodycon, and healthy physique, buckle up and do something!

The FAQs About FUPA

How do you get rid of fat on your lower stomach?

Less carbs, less sweetened products, more workouts, fiber-rich food, and more protein allows you to cut out the fat on your lower stomach.

How do you get rid of pubic fat pads?

Pubic lift surgery or minor liposuction can aid you in the journey to get rid of pubic fat pads. Besides, the pubic hanging skin can also vanish if you take regular exercises or undergo panniculectomy. To compare the results, you can check out the pubic fat pad removal before and after pictures.

Can you lose hanging belly fat without surgery?
Coolsculpting is a body contouring process that helps you to lose hanging bely fat without surgery or side effects.

Pro Tips: 10 drops of this every morning is melting away belly fat

The post How to Get Rid of FUPA? A Complete Solution to Kick Out Pubic Fat appeared first on Financial Market Brief.
