Dr. Israel Figa’s Guide to Identifying Diabetes Symptoms and Prevention Methods

Diabetes also referred to by some as “sugar”, is a disease in which the body cannot convert the consumed food into glucose and sugars that our body uses as energy. This happens when either the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or is unable to use the produced insulin properly. Insulin is the safety that helps the cells of your body in absorbing glucose.

Diabetes can lead to serious heart diseases such as kidney failure, heart diseases, blindness, minor amputations, among others, so it is important to identify the early symptoms and take measures to avoid its further development. Dr. Israel Figa describes a few symptoms that point to a diabetic development in the body.

Common Symptoms of Diabetes

There are some common symptoms that indicate the development of diabetes in a person. But, you should remember that everyone has a different body that reacts to things differently, similarly, the symptoms shown by the body may also differ. Some affected bodies may show signs of all symptoms while some may not show any at all. Dr. Israel Figa says that it is important to get regular checkups to keep tabs on your health.

The first indicator of diabetic development is increased thirst. Your body sucks up the fluids from various tissues to dilute the sugar present in your blood when your blood sugar level is high. This causes your muscles and tissues to dehydrate hence, resulting in increased thirst. Another symptom to notice is frequent urination. This is directly linked to the first symptom as your consumption of liquids increases so will the urination frequency. The increased frequency may also be due to your body trying to flush out excess sugar.

Extreme hunger is also a concerning symptom of diabetes. You feel hungry even after you’ve had something to eat. This is because your body is not receiving enough energy from the food that you are eating. Your body may not be producing enough insulin or may not be using it effectively to create glucose and sugars. This confuses the body and as a result, it sends “hunger signals” since eating is a source of energy. A correlated yet converse symptom is of sudden weight loss. Eating constantly due to the “hunger signals” should cause you to gain weight, instead of developing diabetic bacteria causes your body to lose weight despite the extra food consumption. This symptom signs towards the development of type 1 diabetes where enough insulin is not produced in the body. Sin this case, the body uses other energy resources, such as fats, to consume energy which leads to weight loss.

Extreme fatigue is also a notable symptom of diabetes. Since your body is not receiving enough energy to function, you suffer from fatigue. High blood sugar levels may also cause blurriness of vision. This is because the increased levels of fluid may also move to the eye duct. However, this issue resolves when the blood sugar returns to its normal level.

Wounds and infections take more time to heal. This is a symptom common for type 2 diabetes which is a genetically passed type and is also stemmed from factors such as obesity. High blood pressure has a negative effect on the white blood cells which are used in repairing of wounds and fighting infections.

Preventative Measures

Dr. Israel Figa says that diabetes can be prevented if the correct measures are taken during the initial stages. Since diabetes is an incurable disease that requires a remarkable change in your diet and workout habits, it is better to take precautionary measures to avoid a lifetime of extra maintenance of your health. Some steps that can be taken to stop or slow down the development of diabetes include:

  1. Maintain a Healthy Diet

You should incorporate more fibre into your diet as it helps in improving your blood sugar control, lowers the risk of heart disease, and is effective for weight loss. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and, whole grains are excellent sources of fibre.

You also need to cut down your sugar intake and refined carbs from your diet as they are easily broken down by the body and absorbed into the bloodstream. This leads to increased blood sugar levels.

  1. Exercise Daily

Now, this does not mean that you need to indulge in a high-intensity workout routine. A simple fast-paced walk around the neighborhood, or a jog if your knees allow you, will suffice. Your muscles release all the excess sugars from your blood during exercise. It also helps maintain cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

  1. Lose Weight

If you are over-weight, then you need to work on losing the extra pounds. Obesity is a contributing cause of type 2 diabetes. The adjustments in your diet and following a workout plan will help you lose weight.

  1. Vitamin D Optimization

Vitamin D helps in controlling blood sugar levels. You can increase your intake by simply sitting in daylight or by taking vitamin D supplements. However, you should always remember to consult a physician before taking any supplements.

  1. Quit Smoking

Smoking is hazardous for even the healthiest individuals, so people showing symptoms of diabetes are more vulnerable to the dangers it causes. Heavy smokers are more prone to develop diabetes as they both affect the respiratory system of the human body. Various studies show that quitting the habit of smoking reduces the risk of diabetes. You should also limit your alcohol consumption if you are someone who indulges in the activity.

Final Thoughts

So, if you notice any of the symptoms for diabetes mentioned above, consult a doctor. They will conduct tests and tell you if the symptoms that you are experiencing actually point to diabetes or not.

Moreover, make sure to follow the precautionary measures stated by Dr. Israel Figa to fight the disease in its initial stages and prevent its further development. Improve your diet, quit bad smoking habits and alcohol consumption, and maintain an overall healthy lifestyle to prevent any type of diabetes from forming.

