Serenity Prime – Tinnitus Problem Solution Real or Fake? Price and Ingredients Reviews

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Healthy living is dependent on maintaining good hearing health. Maintaining good hearing health has many benefits.

Tinnitus, which can go undiagnosed for quite some time, eventually starts making a ringing or buzzing sound in your ears. These sounds can last from seconds to hours.

Tinnitus can make it difficult to sleep and cause ringing in your ears. There is a way to prevent it. Even if you are suffering from Tinnitus, there is still a solution. In this article, we will tell you how to get rid of the condition.

Serenity Prime is a unique supplement that can help with tinnitus. Serenity Prime is not like any other supplement on the market. It does not contain any chemicals or toxins that could possibly harm your body.

This supplement is made up of only naturally occurring compounds and ingredients. All ingredients have been shown to be beneficial for the human body. All ingredients have been scientifically tested for years.

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What is Serenity Prime?

Serenity Prime, as mentioned, is a supplement that helps you keep your hearing healthy and to relieves a variety of hearing problems including tinnitus.

Adam Davis and his team developed Serenity Prime, an anti-tinnitus supplement. This recipe provides great two-way protection against tinnitus as well as mental health problems. This vitamin is easy to use and will assist you in coping with buzzing or humming sounds in the ears. It also strengthens your immune response.

Serenity Prime, a natural supplement made up of 100 percent of vitamins and minerals, addresses the root cause of tinnitus. This is actually a dysfunction in the nerve cells’ connections (synapses), or neurotransmitter which connects the perceptible structure of the brain to the nervous system. Tinnitus has no effective treatment currently, even if we consider it from a practical standpoint.

Researchers are still trying to find the cause of the problem. Serenity Prime makes sure that symptoms related to tinnitus are minimized.

Many people have tried many options and failed to find the right solution. Serenity Prime is a new supplement that targets the main cause of tinnitus.

The official website states that the supplement contains only natural and safe ingredients. This formula is scientifically proven to have many benefits.

Who made Serenity Prime?

Adam B. Davis was the one who created Serenity Prime. Adam believes God sent Adam on a mission: to cure tinnitus. With that goal in mind, he created Serenity Prime.

Adam, a 49-year-old man, lives in Boston with Mary. He is not a physician or a medical professional. He is a natural health advocate who believes in supporting good health and natural remedies. He has spent most of his life looking for natural ways to eliminate tinnitus.

Adam was once a victim of tinnitus. Adam became frustrated by the constant ringing in his ears. He tried many treatments but nothing worked. He finally went to church to pray for his tinnitus relief. His prayers were answered and the tinnitus disappeared instantly.

Adam’s tinnitus did not disappear. God revealed to Adam the secret remedy for tinnitus. God gave Adam the exact ingredients and dosages that would be used to make others tinnitus-free. Adam says anyone can use this formula to permanently eliminate tinnitus symptoms.

Adam calls the formula “a work-of-art.” It contains St. John’s wort and chamomile as well as hops, goji, and other ingredients that are linked to inflammation. Adam collaborated with an American supplement company in order to sell the formula online. Serenity Prime is manufactured in the United States.

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What Does Serenity Prime Do?

Scientists have determined that tinnitus can be caused by damage to the ears. Doctors might recommend a variety of therapies to reverse or target this damage. These therapies can provide relief for some people, while others may experience permanent tinnitus.

Adam claims otherwise. The inventor of Serenity Prime suggests that you forget all you know about Tinnitus. He claims that doctors, big pharmaceutical companies, and medical professionals will lie to you about your tinnitus. They want to support the multibillion-dollar industry of hearing aids and the drug market.

Adam claims that big pharmaceutical companies are controlled by “The Lord of Lies”. Big pharmaceutical companies lie about people in order to get them to continue buying hearing aids. Doctors are also bought by pharmaceutical companies, who tell them to tell patients that there is no cure for tinnitus.

Scientists have concluded that there is no cure for tinnitus. However, certain therapies may be effective. Adam, however, claims this is false. Adam recommends following his tinnitus treatment plan and taking his supplement to permanently eliminate tinnitus symptoms.

Adam claims that his solution is effective for people of all ages, and all levels of severity of tinnitus. Adam’s supplement can be used to permanently stop ringing and whirring from tinnitus.

Serenity Prime Ingredients

There are many online tinnitus remedies that claim to cure tinnitus. They don’t work for most people. Tinnitus can be a complex condition that is often caused by damage to the cells or hairs in your ears. This damage can’t be fixed by supplements.

The Serenity Prime Team claims the unique blend of ingredients they use targets the root cause of tinnitus. These ingredients can be made to work by taking Serenity Prime every day. This will stop all symptoms of tinnitus within days.

Adam suggests that Serenity Prime be taken for several months or more to fully allow the ingredients to work. After that, you will be able to permanently avoid the ringing and whirring in your ears, which is a sign of tinnitus.

According to Adam and the Serenity Prime Team, here are the key ingredients of Serenity Prime.

L-tryptophan-tryptophan, an amino acid that is linked to relaxation and sleep, can be found in the amino acids. It is also the first ingredient in Serenity Prime, meaning that there is more L-tryptophan per serving than any other ingredient. L-tryptophan is crucial for relaxation. It is the same amino acid that is found in turkey, which makes us feel sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner. L-tryptophan is a common ingredient in sleep aids. Many people take L-tryptophan daily to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as relax.

Melatonin – Serenity Prime may contain the most prominent ingredient, melatonin. Each capsule contains 10mg melatonin. This is considered a good dose of the natural chemical. When it’s time for you to go to sleep, your body naturally produces melatonin. Your body releases melatonin as night falls to help you fall asleep. Serenity Prime contains a large amount of melatonin, with a serving containing between 0.5mg and 10mg.

Goji Berry – Goji berry extract is rich in vitamins C, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. Goji berry has been used as a natural treatment for many years. Studies have shown that the goji berry can support immunity, weight loss, and overall health and wellbeing by targeting inflammation. Serenity Prime’s goji berry could reduce inflammation associated with tinnitus and soothe some symptoms.

Chamomile – Chamomile is a herbal extract that is linked to relaxation. Chamomile is used as an adaptogen. It helps to reduce stress and relax the body. Chamomile is most commonly used to aid sleep. It can aid in falling asleep, and help you sleep deeper and more deeply. Nearly all of the online sleep aids today contain chamomile.

Lemon Balm – Another popular herb for relaxation is lemon balm. Lemon balm extract may have adaptogenic properties that can help support your body’s resistance to stress. Lemon balm extract, like L-tryptophan and chamomile, can be found in many relaxations and sleep aid products.

Passionflower – Another herbal extract that can help you relax and protect your stress levels is passionflower. Passionflower extract is often taken daily by people who want to experience adaptogenic properties. For centuries, passionflower has been used as a traditional medicine to aid rest. Passionflower, like many other ingredients in Serenity Prime, is often found in relaxation and sleep aids.

Ashwagandha – Ashwagandha, one of the most well-known adaptogens today, is a great choice. Ashwagandha is a popular supplement that supports rest. Ashwagandha is also a key component of Ayurvedic medicine in India. Studies have shown that adaptogens can be used to help the body cope with mental and physical stressors. This makes it easier to relax and rest.

Vitamins & minerals –Serenity Prime has a limited number of vitamins and minerals including calcium, vitamin B6, magnesium, and others.

Other Ingredients – Serenity Prime has many ingredients that are similar to those listed above. These include herbal extracts and plants with adaptogenic qualities. These ingredients may support relaxation, stress, anxiety, rest, or the production of stress hormones. Many ingredients in these ingredients are very similar to those found in sleep aids. These ingredients have been proven to aid in deeper and more restful sleep. Serenity Prime also contains L-taurine and St. John’s Wort, GABA, skullcaps, 5-HTP, and L-theanine.

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Serenity Prime’s ingredients are very similar to those found in sleep aids, adaptogenic supplements, relaxation formulas, and other similar products. Serenity Prime is said to be able to stop tinnitus or other hearing problems by giving your body the necessary ingredients to relax and defend against stressors.

Adam explains his formula and the development process.

“I believe that this formula is an amazing work of art. It is a work of art that I am happy to share with anyone who asks. This formula will help you to maintain your hearing health in a revolutionary new way!

According to Adam and the Serenity Prime Team, anyone can now enjoy the formula by taking Serenity Prime every day. This will eliminate all symptoms of Tinnitus and stop the ringing in the ears.

Some Other Serenity Prime Ingredients are:-

Although the full list of ingredients is disclosed by Serenity Prime, most of them are kept secret within a proprietary formula. Although we know the total dosage of the Serenity Prime proprietary formulation, we don’t know the individual doses.

You can find the complete list of ingredients and dosages for Serenity Prime here:

  • 17 mg of calcium (1% DV).
  • 2mg vitamin B6 (106%DV)
  • 13mg magnesium (3% DV).
  • 10mg of Melatonin
  • 905mg Sleep Formula Proprietary Mix with L-tryptophan and goji berry. Also contains L-tryptophan, L-taurine. Hops, St. John’s Wort, GABA, GABA, skullcap. L-theanine. Ashwagandha. Inositol.

Other ingredients include cellulose (to make the vegetable capsule), magnesium stearate (as fillers and binders), and silicon dioxide (as preservatives).

Scientific Evidence for Serenity Prime

Serenity Prime’s creator is not a doctor or a nutritionist. He claims that God gave him the cure to tinnitus and that he wants to share it with the world via Serenity Prime.

Although the Serenity Prime website includes a page called “References”, few studies have shown that any of the ingredients in Serenity Prime can provide permanent relief from tinnitus. The majority of ingredients are sleep aids, not hearing supplements. The formula of Serenity Prime is almost identical to those found online for sleep aids.

10 mg of melatonin serenity Prime can quickly put you to bed. Researchers analyzed hundreds of studies about melatonin’s effect on humans in this review study. Researchers concluded that melatonin had a significant effect on waking up and keeping it there. Melatonin supplements are often used by pilots and flight attendants to manage shift work.

Researchers are surprised at how many of them have the effects of Tinnitus can be treated with melatonin. Researchers found that melatonin was associated with a statistically significant reduction in the severity of tinnitus symptoms.

Researchers gave melatonin to tinnitus sufferers in a 2011 study. Researchers analyzed the quality of sleep and severity of tinnitus in patients who had taken a melatonin supplement for 30 days. This study included 61 subjects.

Researchers concluded that after 30 days of usage, Melatonin improves the quality of sleep in patients suffering from chronic tinnitus. Melatonin may help you fall asleep faster if you have trouble falling asleep because of the ringing in your ears. There is no evidence to suggest that melatonin will permanently cure tinnitus or eliminate the root cause.

A WebMD writeup from 2006 also found that there is a connection between melatonin and tinnitus. Researchers discovered that melatonin supplements may be able to reduce tinnitus and improve sleep quality.

Serenity Prime’s most important ingredient is L-tryptophan. L-tryptophan, an amino acid that is essential for cognition, hormone production, and overall health and well-being, is crucial. L-tryptophan is a common amino acid that can be taken daily to reduce anxiety and calm the mind. L-tryptophan seems to be a good option for anxiety and calmness. serotonin Precursor Serotonin can be described as a positive hormone. You can increase serotonin levels by taking L-tryptophan. This could help reduce anxiety and stress in the brain, which may indirectly aid in tinnitus symptoms. There is no evidence L-tryptophan stops ringing in the ears permanently. Furthermore, no large studies have examined the effects of L’tryptophan for patients suffering from tinnitus.

Serenity Prime’s second-largest component is Goji berry Which is something that we don’t often see in sleep aids and tinnitus supplementations. There are no studies that have examined the effects of goji berry on hearing and tinnitus. However, Some people use the goji berry As a herbal remedyTinnitusIt is claimed to support kidney health. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe that kidney health and hearing are linked because they share the same energy Meridian.

Serenity Prime has ingredients that can help you fall asleep. Tinnitus can make it difficult for some people to sleep well at night. Tinnitus can cause ringing in the ears, which can make it difficult for some people to fall asleep. Insufficient sleep can lead to anxiety and stress, which can make tinnitus worse. Serenity Prime can help with specific symptoms such as tinnitus by helping you fall asleep and stay asleep. It is unlikely that Serenity Prime will permanently stop ringing in the ears or cure tinnitus. This is especially true for severe cases.

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Serenity Prime Pricing

Serenity Prime retails at $69 per bottle. However, the price drops if you order multiple bottles.

Serenity Prime can only be purchased through It’s available at these rates:

Each bottle contains either a 30 day supply of Serenity Prime or 60 capsules. Adam, the creator of the supplement, suggests taking two capsules daily of Serenity Prime to alleviate tinnitus symptoms.

Serenity Prime Refund policy

Serenity Prime comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee

You are eligible to receive a full refund minus shipping costs if you have persistent tinnitus or you do not hear the ringing in your ears after you take Serenity Prime.

To initiate the refund process, contact the company. To complete your refund, return the supplement bottle to the manufacturer.

About Serenity Prime

A US-based supplement company makes Serenity Prime in Denver. Serenity Prime was launched by the company in partnership with Adam B. Davis. Adam claims God healed his tinnitus. He now wants to share his system through Serenity Prime.

The following is how you can reach Serenity Prime’s makers:

  • Email:
  • Mailing address: 37 Inverness Drive East Suite 100, Englewood CO 80112

The Final Word

Serenity Prime is a nutritional product that is targeted at people suffering from tinnitus or other hearing problems. You can stop ringing in your ears by taking two capsules daily of Serenity Prime.

Some evidence suggests that melatonin may help with tinnitus and give you a restful night’s sleep. Although some ingredients in Serenity Prime are known to help with tinnitus, very few have been proven effective. The ingredients in Serenity Prime are very similar to those found in sleep aid formulas. They are not meant to be used as a hearing aid or tinnitus remedy. Some people may find Serenity Prime to be a modest relief from tinnitus.

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