Latin American Elections

Chile’s Bachelet Will Try to Win Over Social Movement

Michelle Bachelet, who hopes to win a second presidential term in Chile, will have to win over the growing social movement that has been heavily critical of the current right-wing administration and disillusioned with 20 years of government by the centre-left coalition.

OP-ED: Stability Will Mark Post-Chávez Venezuela

Although there is plenty of speculation about what will happen now President Hugo Chávez is gone, the likelihood of change in Venezuelan politics and society is low.

Women Secure a Third of Mexican Parliament

Female candidates are poised to occupy an unprecedented third of the seats in Mexico's bicameral parliament when preliminary results for the Jul.1 election are confirmed.

A Turbulent Twenty Years for Venezuelan Democracy

Twenty years ago, a military rebellion led by Venezuelan president - then lieutenant-colonel - Hugo Chávez ushered in an enduring era of turmoil for the country's democracy, with abrupt changes in its institutions and a climate of political upheaval and social and economic instability.

Photos of Armed Children Ignite Scandal in Venezuela

A radical political group based in a working class neighbourhood of the Venezuelan capital has sparked a furore by publishing photographs of children from the community, with their faces partially hidden, brandishing AR-15 assault rifles.

Chileans Disillusioned with Pinochet-Era Political System

Chile's political system is "exhausted" and urgently needs reform to truly represent its citizens, consolidate democracy and ensure governability, say experts consulted by IPS.


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