George Zimmerman

U.S. ‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws Criticised for Racial Disparity

In the aftermath of a recent high-profile U.S. murder trial, several new studies have found that the controversial self-defence law at the heart of the case, known as “Stand Your Ground”, is being applied differently depending on defendants’ ethnicity.

U.S. Backlash Growing Against “Stand Your Ground” Laws

In the aftermath of the recent acquittal of 31-year-old Florida native George Zimmerman, the state's so-called Stand Your Ground law has come under national scrutiny, as have dozens of other states that have enacted similar legislation.

Zimmerman Verdict Sparks Outrage at U.S. “Vigilante Culture”

Nationwide protests, marches and petitions have erupted in the days following the acquittal of George Zimmerman, the focus of a widely watched murder trial over possible racial profiling, late on Saturday evening.


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