Twitter nudges users to read articles before retweeting them

Today, @TwitterSupport announced a new feature that the social media platform is experimenting with. This new prompt would prompt users to read an article before it is retweeted, because sometimes a headline doesn’t tell the full story.

With the rising tensions within the Unites States, along with the daily political discourse that’s been increasingly taking place over the last few years, Twitter has decided that folks on its platform might benefit from reading an article before retweeting it, to encourage a more productive discussion.

Twitter has already started rolling the feature out to some users on the Android app. As you retweet a post with an article embedded, a prompt will appear saying “Headlines don’t tell the full story. Want to read this before Retweeting?”

Users can still retweet the article if they want to – so it’s a gentle reminder for users to read articles before others begin to spread misinformation. It isn’t clear what group of users have the feature in place, but our assumption is perhaps those with thousands of followers are the first to test it.

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Waqas Awan