NAB embeds analytics directly into Salesforce CRM

NAB embeds analytics directly into Salesforce CRM

NAB is embedding analytics directly into the CRM environment used by sales and other internal staff to support its relationships with mortgage and finance brokers under its purview.

Customer relationship management (CRM) enablement manager Shannon Berk told the recent (virtual) Salesforce World Tour event it is using Salesforce’s Einstein Analytics product to help salespeople determine how best to invest their time, and to help leaders understand the broker business’s performance.

Broker partnerships is the part of NAB that manages relationships with mortgage and finance brokers across Australia.

“We do this across a number of different distribution channels,” Berk said.

“We provide access to NAB-branded products, be they residential or commercial finance loans; [there’s] our white-label lending business [through Advantedge]; and our three aggregator businesses –  PLAN, Choice and FAST, who provide support services to mortgage brokers on managing their businesses day-to-day.”

Over the past couple of years, much attention has been paid to the “reimagining” of the Salesforce-based CRM system – known as NAB Podium – that is provided to mortgage brokers through PLAN, Choice and FAST.

But NAB used the World Tour event this year to illustrate a different side of CRM in the broker partnerships business: instances that support the bank’s own staff.

“We have Salesforce as our CRM for that business,” Berk said, noting that the bank operated broker partnerships across two Sales Cloud “orgs” or instances.

“We have approximately 500 users across those tools in everything from frontline sales through to our operations and service businesses, and of course our leadership team within broker partnerships.”

Broker partnerships has used Salesforce for CRM purposes for a decade, and in recent years started exploring what was then known as Wave Analytics, but has since been rebranded as Einstein Analytics.

NAB started by seeking out a “compelling use case to support the business investing in it on an ongoing basis, so that we could deliver analytics and insights to our users as easily as possible.”

“The start point for us was to really build out a proof of concept that Einstein Analytics could actually help us solve some of our key challenges of putting analytics into the hands of our sales teams and helping them drive better outcomes with their [broker] customers,” Berk said.

“We started off engaging with Salesforce through the use of an accelerator, [which] is a chance for us as a customer to work really closely with some of the specialists at Salesforce to help us build out a use case, develop our understanding of the capabilities of the platform for a relatively simple, opportunity, and build our capability so that we could then justify the ongoing expense of investing in using Einstein on our orgs of Salesforce.”

Berk said the use case needed to be unique and “not already supported by other existing analytics tools” in the bank.

“As an enterprise we have a number of different analytics tools available to us,” he said.

Through the accelerator, NAB delivered a consolidated performance dashboard for its leadership team.

“This was a key challenge for our business in using two orgs of Salesforce but [having] no single analytics tool to actually bring the data from across those two orgs into one point so leaders could get a full view across the business,” Berk said.

“By [using Einstein Analytics], we were able to consolidate data from the two orgs, bringing together a number of different objects from each of those orgs as well, which took us far beyond anything we could have done with any of the … standard out-of-the-box dashboards and reports available in Salesforce.”

That initial use case has now led to a deeper rollout of Einstein Analytics over the past 12 to 18 months.

“We’ve been able to now expand our usage of insights and dashboards to not only some really basic, simple tools that really were a no brainer for us to start with, to providing some more advanced analytics that help our sales leaders better coach their sales teams to deliver the right outcomes for our broker customers,” Berk said.

“How are we using Einstein Analytics today? Well, in its entirety, we’re using it as an activity driver for our sales teams, helping them actually spend their time where it’s going to make the most sense, and where their brokers actually need them. 

“We’re providing accessible analytics, embedding it in the Sales Cloud, such that our users are able to see the insights, analytics, tables, dashboards and ‘lenses’ [through which to view the data] right there where they are actually spending their time.”

Lenses include individual contact, portfolio and national-level views of the data.

Berk said NAB’s sales team could self-service analytics when logged into Salesforce, instead of spending “time using a variety of different analytics tools, from enterprise-approved tools through to Excel” to find insights in sales data.” 

“By enabling them to self-serve within Salesforce we’re saving them time, we’re guiding them to the right analytics that they can use, but still allowing them plenty of scope to actually do what they need to off the back of what they understand of their own portfolio,” Berk said.

“We’re providing those coaching tools for our sales leaders, so our sales leaders can now actually see what is the activity that’s being undertaken across the breadth of all of the different distribution teams, where is it adding value, where is it perhaps not hitting the mark, and how can they then have the right conversation with the sales team to help them continue to grow and develop from that experience.”

Berk also said that with other parts of NAB also increasingly using Einstein Analytics, there were opportunities for the different parts of the bank to collaborate and adopt best practices.

Contact Information:

Ry Crozier
