Stories written by Zukiswa Zimela

South Africa wants to promote the use of breast milk across the country and big strides have been made in the KwaZulu-Natal province in taking formula off the shelves in primary health care clinics.

South Africa wants to promote the use of breast milk across the country and big strides have been made in the KwaZulu-Natal province in taking formula off the shelves in primary health care clinics. Zukiswa Zimela looks at the pro's and con's of this step.

Civil Society organisations are sticking to their guns: Women will be hardest hit by the climate change

Civil Society organisations are sticking to their guns: Women will be hardest hit by the climate change. Zuki Zimela reports from COP 17 in Durban.

Oil discoveries hold back agriculture

Zuki Zimela reports from Libreville, Gabon: Farmers organisation say oil discoveries in Africa are holding back agricultural development.

Africa’s farmers still face serious challenges

Stakeholders in agriculture from Western and Central Africa are meeting in Gabon for the 6th International  Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) regional forum. As Zukiswa Zimela reports, they are talking about the challenges facing smallholder farmers.

SADC wants cross-border forest protection

The South African Development Community says states need to protect their forrests as a region. SADC is preparing to put their case before COP 17 in Durban later this month. Zukiswa Zimela reports from the SADC headquarters in Botswana.

Gender must be on COP17 agenda: SADC

The head of SADCs gender unit, Magdeline Mathiba-Madibela, says climate change affects women in Southern Africa and their plight must be discussed at COP 17 in Durban later this month. Zukiswa Zimela interviews Mathiba-Madibela in Gaborone and asked her what is needed to protect women against climate change.

African court needs more visibility

Legal experts say that the African Court on Human and People's rights needs to be more visible on the continent. Zukiswa Zimela reports from the Pan African Parliament in Johannesburg that governments and leaders will also have to give up some power to make the court work.

DR CONGO: No Hope for Free and Fair Elections

With six weeks to go before the presidential and parliamentary elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo, civil society organisations say the elections will not be fair, as many doubt the ability of the country’s electoral authorities to ensure transparency.

IBSA: Coverage of Economic Body Vital for Development

As the India Brazil and South Africa Summit of heads of state and government starts Tuesday, editors from the respective countries have resolved to provide better coverage of the economic body.

Legislative powers will make PAP more representative

Members of the Pan African Parliament say legislative powers will help them to better represent the people of the continent. Zukiswa Zimela is at the fifth ordinary session of PAP in Midrand and she filed this report:

Women must be more active in African government

Women should take a more active role in ensuring peace and security on the African continent. Zukiswa Zimela reports from the fifth ordinary session of the Pan African Parliament in Midrand, South Africa.

Renewable energy will drive up SA’s energy costs

South Africa wants to move from its reliance on coal for the generation of electricity to renewable energy sources like wind power and solar electricity. Zukiswa Zimela compiled this audio report:

 Civil society is calling for women's issues to be prioritised by political parties. Credit: Zukiswa Zimela/IPS

: Women’s Issues Missing from Election Manifestos

Come rain or shine, single mother of five, Sylvia Mathebula,* can be found selling fruit and cigarettes at the roadside because it is the only way her family can survive. "Since the government is not helping us with jobs, rather than work as a maid for a white person I decided to start this little business by myself," she says lamenting the lack of opportunities for unskilled women.

WATER-SOUTH AFRICA: Managing Flooding on the Orange River

Many farms and crops were devastated when the January floods hit South Africa at the start of this year. Farmer organisation Agri South Africa (AgriSa) estimated damages as high as 270 million dollars.

Q&A: Studying Kenyan Farmers’ Efforts to Adapt

Climate change has become an important part of the development agenda. In Africa, farmers and consumers alike are feeling its effects on productivity and food security.

Better communication needed to strengthen fight against AIDS

New medications, simpler testing and a concerted effort by Government and NGOs to combat HIV and Aids are making inroads in fighting the pandemic. However, as Zukiswa Zimela reports, more communication is needed with those that are affected by the disease.

AFRICA: Hunger Intensifying But Cash Transfers Improving Lives

Chronic hunger is intensifying in Africa, despite the world’s commitment to address this Millennium Development Goal and reduce world hunger by half by 2015.

SOUTHERN AFRICA: Youth Vulnerable to Violence

James Banda, 27, is an unemployed youth although he occasionally is hired to act as a bus conductor at Lusaka’s Kulima Tower Bus Station. He may not have a permanent job, but it is easy to find him. Anyone looking for him just has to go to the bus station and ask. Everyone knows who he is. Banda, or ‘ba-Jay’ as people call him, is a young man who commands a lot of respect from his friends – he is a thug for hire.

The department of social development wants to evaluate the positive effects of the country's child support grant. Credit: Evelyn Matsamura Kiapi

Q&A: National Study on Child Grant to Start

The department of social development hopes government will increase the child support grant based on the outcome of a rigorous nationwide study on the positive effects the grant has on South African society.

Neo Malema has a passion for soccer and helping other disadvantaged youths. He hopes to one day manage an organisation like Football for Hope. Credit: Zukiswa Zimela/IPS

SOUTH AFRICA: Playing Football for Hope

Sixteen-year-old Neo Malema and his brothers and sister live with his grandmother in the impoverished Alexandra Township in Johannesburg. Despite his poor background, Malema dreams of one day playing football for the country’s national squad, Bafana Bafana.

An increasing number of people who are becoming hooked on prescription drugs globally. Credit: Tom Varco/Wikicommons

HEALTH-SOUTH AFRICA: Prescription Drug Abuse on the Increase

Twenty-two-year-old Sara Allen* uses prescription medication to get high.

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