Stories written by Valeria Vilardo

Haitian Women Still Waiting for a Seat at the Table

More than two years ago, Haiti's parliament approved a landmark amendment to the country's 1987 constitution to ensure that women fill at least 30 percent of elected and appointed positions at the national level.

Aguilas Bay in Jaragua National Park Credit: Valeria Vilardo/IPS

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Tourism Threatens Natural Treasure

Jaragua National Park, famous for housing the world's tiniest reptile, will itself be in danger if the green light is given to mega-hotel projects instead of ecotourism and sustainable development initiatives, say Dominican ecologists.

Aguilas Bay in Jaragua National Park. - Valeria Vilardo/IPS

Tourism Threatens Natural Treasure

A unique natural and geological site in the Dominican Republic hangs in the balance in the debate between ecotourism and major hotel expansion.

Coffee plantation workers in Los Cacaos, a southern community of the Dominican Republic. - Valeria Vilardo/IPS

A Place for Eco-Coffee in the Dominican South

Fair trade, organic production, gender equality and education form part of the strategies of thousands of coffee-growers for escaping poverty in the south of the Dominican Republic.


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