Stories written by Sebastián Lacunza

Buenos Aires Mayor Slammed for Slow Pace on “Zero Waste” Targets

The garbage strewn across many streets and sidewalks in the Argentine capital reflects the inefficiency of a waste collection and treatment system that, paradoxically, has become increasingly costly for the city’s residents, say civil society groups and opposition parties.

ECONOMY-LATIN AMERICA: The Downside of Strong Currencies

Latin America returned in 2010 to the strong economic growth it enjoyed over the past decade, after only a minimal slowdown during the global crisis that broke out in 2008. But the weakness of the dollar relative to local currencies is a cause for concern among governments and sectors that produce goods for export.

ARGENTINA: Boom in Gay-Friendly Theatre

The nearly 200 theatres in the Argentine capital have been staging an increasing number of plays exploring gender identity or specifically gay issues in recent years, in mainstream, fringe and state-run productions.

ARGENTINA: Transvestite Magazine Fights Media Stereotypes

The magazine El Teje, which is published in the Argentine capital and presents itself as "the first transvestite publication in Latin America," has been fighting the stigmatisation of the trans community for nearly three years.

ARGENTINA: The Gender Roots of Labour Inequality

Inequality and poverty in Argentina are explained to a large extent by a job market that discriminates against women, coupled with insufficient equal opportunity regulations and failure to enforce existing labour laws, experts on the issue told IPS.

ARGENTINA: Torture Priest Still Celebrating Mass – Behind Bars

More than two years after he was sentenced to life in prison for crimes against humanity committed during the 1976-1983 dictatorship in Argentina, former police chaplain Christian von Wernich has not been penalised by the Catholic Church.

ARGENTINA: Prison Policy – ‘Dump and Exterminate’, Say Activists

The violent deaths of four inmates in Argentine prisons in recent weeks confirmed the "systematic" violation of human rights in the country's penitentiaries, according to human rights activists.

ARGENTINA: Dubious Past? No Problem for Private Security Firms

Civil society groups in Argentina are concerned that private security firms, which have mushroomed to 850 in Greater Buenos Aires, employ many former police officers and troops who played an active role in the political repression during the 1976-1983 military dictatorship.

Deforestation causes soil degradation: logging in Chiapas, Mexico.  Credit: Mauricio Ramos/IPS

ENVIRONMENT: Desertification – a Macroeconomic Problem

Understanding desertification as a macroeconomic problem, with financial, productive, environmental and civil society aspects, is a major concern for Christian Mersmann, the managing director of the Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).

An adobe house in Jujuy, Argentina. Credit: Photo Stock

HEALTH-ARGENTINA: No End to Chagas Disease

After two years of the government health programme "Argentina justa, Argentina sin Chagas" (Fair Argentina, Chagas-Free Argentina) the fight against the endemic disease of that name is weakening, according to experts.

An adobe house in Jujuy, Argentina. - Photo Stock

No End to Chagas Disease in Argentina

Non-governmental sources in Argentina report that Chagas disease is seeing an upswing.

ARGENTINA: State Subsidises Poorly Functioning Privatised Subway

On weekdays in the Argentine capital, 1.5 million people use the subway, which was the first underground train system in Latin America and the 13th in the world. But while it remains an affordable means of transportation, it is the target of myriad complaints.

RIGHTS-ARGENTINA: ‘Young and Poor’ at Risk from Trigger-Happy Police

In the 25 years since the end of one of the bloodiest dictatorships in the history of Latin America, Argentina has racked up a total of 2,557 deaths from abuses in police stations and prisons, summary executions or trigger-happy police, according to an organisation for families of the victims.


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