Stories written by Pam Bailey

‘Buy Gaza’ Movement Gains Momentum

Palestinians are calling for boycotts against Israeli products and companies. But in the Gaza Strip -- at the heart of the Israeli occupation -- it is often impossible for residents to follow their own call to action.

MIDEAST: Gaza Protesters Prepare for March 15

A look at the Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings that succeeded in ousting long- entrenched dictators confirms a universal truth: it is the youth who are leading the way in forcing reform in the Middle East.

Gazans storm a petrol station in search of fuel. Credit: Pam Bailey

MIDEAST: Now Gaza Begins to Shake

Ripple effects of the Egyptian uprising are now spreading to Gaza, where some groups are planning a new rally next week. Moves by some Gazans to mimic protesters in Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen by taking to the streets are making the Hamas government nervous.

MIDEAST: Hamas Guards Women’s Health – for the Wrong Reasons

When the Hamas government of Gaza imposed restrictions on shisha (water pipe) smoking several months ago, it wasn’t for health reasons – even though the habit is pervasive in the densely populated strip of land. Rather, the ban targeted only women – and it is being widely ignored despite the firm grip of the conservative Islamic government.

Salma will join the People's Journey to the US. Credit: Pam Bailey/IPS

Gazan Girls Join US Tour Seeking Justice

The dispute between Hamas and Fatah has torn apart the people of Palestine, dividing and distracting them from their common quest for freedom and independence from Israeli military rule.

The Camp Breakerz Credit: Pam Bailey

MIDEAST: Dreaming With Their Feet

Ahmed Ismail, 23, is leading a dance out of troubled times in Gaza. Breakdancing is his way to help the youth of Gaza begin dreaming and having fun again.

Gaza's World Cup gets under way. Credit: Pam Bailey

Gaza ‘World Cup’ Scores Several Goals

Football is the world's most popular sport, boasting more than an estimated 2 billion fans. And despite its isolation from the world through Israel's four-year- old blockade, the Gaza Strip is no exception. When a football match is on, tea and shisha cafes are packed with people gathered around the TV sets.

Samir Asfour with a picture of his son, Ahmed, at a weekly protest in Gaza by families of Israeli prisoners. Credit: Pam Bailey/IPS

MIDEAST: Adding Torture to Injury

It was bad enough that Ahmad Asfour was severely maimed by an Israeli drone strike outside his house on Jan. 9, 2009. But, his search for advanced treatment landed the journalism student, now 19, in Israeli prison where he remains.


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