Stories written by Murat Sadykov

Uzbek Minorities Taking Advantage of New Russian Citizenship Rules

Judging by the long line outside the Russian Embassy in Tashkent one recent afternoon, new Russian legislation offering citizenship to Russian-speakers is prompting lots of individuals in Uzbekistan to ponder emigration.

Turkmenistan & Uzbekistan: Cold Leaders, Warm Ties

Two of the most despotic leaders in the world sit atop the governments of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, according to rights groups. But in sharp contrast to the way they regard their respective peoples, Turkmenistan’s Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov and Uzbekistan’s Islam Karimov seem to treat each other with courtesy and respect when they get together.

Uzbekistan Wants to Stifle Children to Protect Them

For months, state-run media propaganda in Uzbekistan has warned about the supposedly detrimental effects of foreign media and culture on young people.

Is Uzbekistan’s Economy Going into a Tailspin?

Uzbekistan has introduced sweeping new banking and import regulations that appear designed to keep hard currency from leaving the country.


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