Stories written by Michael Deibert

Like Colombia, Iconic City Remains a Place of Promise and Peril

The homes of the barrio of Comuna 13, tightly packed improvised brick and concrete structures that take on a semi- rural nature the closer one gets to the murky swift-moving Río Cauca, blanket the hills of the western edge of this city of 2.5 million.

Amid Elections, Armed Groups Hold Colombian Town under the Gun

Rolling through this mountainous region of central Colombia, the brown waters of the Río Cauca wind through mist-shrouded hills before joining up with the larger Río Magdalena and emptying out into the Caribbean Sea.

Haitian PM Michèle Pierre-Louis Credit: Photo courtesy of the office of the Prime Minister

Q&A: “The Elites Are Like a Huge Elephant Sitting on Haiti”

Haitian Prime Minister Michèle Pierre-Louis assumed office in September 2008. Born in the southern city of Jérémie in 1947, she left Haiti with her family in 1964 following a pogrom by dictator François Duvalier against his perceived enemies in her town.

Women of the Tocamacho community celebrate 210 years since the arrival of Garífunas in Honduras. - Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras

Garífunas Confront Their Own Decline

The Garífuna culture, a "masterpiece" of human heritage according to UNESCO, could disappear as the result of the privatization of Central America's beaches.

A member of the Police Nationale Congolaise stands guard over the ruins of the BDK compound at Matadi. Credit: Michael Deibert/IPS

POLITICS-DR CONGO: In a Governmental Vacuum, Yearnings for a Lost Empire

On a broad hillside high above the meandering flow of the Mpozo River, a handful of policemen guard a ruin.

FRANCE: Two Years After Riots, Little Has Changed

The community in this Paris suburb is waiting keenly for transformation promised by France' new government.


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