Stories written by Louise Redvers
Louise Redvers is a British newspaper-trained journalist reporting on Angola, Swaziland, Zambia, South Africa, Africa's interaction with BRIC countries and African Lusophone relationships. Formerly a correspondent for BBC and AFP in Angola, Louise is now based in Johannesburg. She is a regular contributor to the Mail and Guardian, BBC World Service, IPS and The Economist Intelligence Unit and has been published in The Economist, The Guardian (U.K.), The Africa Report, Africa Confidential, the Financial Times, Business Report (South Africa) and others.

Angola Slow on Drought Response as People Die of Hunger

Church groups, local NGOs and international aid organisations have launched appeals to get supplies to drought-stricken southern Angola where people are reported to be dying from a lack of food and water. It is estimated that between half a million and 800,000 people have been affected.

Diamond Mining Could Push Angola’s Antelope to Extinction

Environmental campaigners are urging the Angolan government to halt plans to mine diamonds inside a national reserve that is home to the world’s last wild population of a rare antelope, the Giant Sable.

Angola’s “Free and Fair” Elections Could Be Contested

Question marks hang over the legitimacy of Angola’s general election as Africa’s second-longest serving leader Jose Eduardo dos Santos has won a five-year term in office following his party’s landslide victory.

Concerns over Poll Preparations in Angola

Preparations for Angola’s second peacetime polls scheduled for August are being overshadowed by allegations of electoral fraud, state media bias and growing concerns about a violent crackdown on activists and protestors.

Calls for Angola to Investigate Abuse of Congolese Migrants

The Angolan government is being urged to carry out a thorough and independent investigation into allegations of sexual and physical abuse by its security forces against Congolese migrants.

“Not a Famine, but an Issue of Food Insecurity”

Millions of Angola’s poorest families are facing critical food insecurity as a prolonged dry spell across large parts of the country has destroyed harvests and killed off livestock.

South Africa Looking to Make the Most of BRICS Membership

South Africa needs to stop agonising over whether it deserves to be in BRICS and start focusing on making the most of its membership to leverage better trade deals.

An anti-government demonstration photo. Credit: Louise Redvers

Angola’s Police Silence the Media

Rights groups and activists are warning of a rapidly deteriorating political climate in Angola following a police raid on a private newspaper and a violent crackdown on anti-government protests.

Joaquina Xavier - who currently collects water from the river - in front of the new AQUAtap machine in her village. Credit: Louise Redvers/IPS

ANGOLA: Solar Panels Turning Dirty Water Clean

The brightly painted old shipping container with solar panels on its roof and high-specification filtration devices inside looks out of place in this dusty Angolan village of Bom Jesus, 50 kilometres east of the capital Luanda.

Several dozen protestors square off with police in a demonstration in the capital Luanda.  Credit: Louise Redvers/IPS

Angolan Spring – Protests Shaking Up Authorities

Adolfo Andre knows what he wants for his country and says he will fight on until he gets it.

SOUTH AFRICA: Mutually Beneficial Trade With India a Key Objective

South African companies are being urged to use the leverage of its government’s strong political relationship with India to develop new business and investment opportunities.

Domestic abuse is now illegal in Angola.  Credit: Louise Redvers/IPS

ANGOLA: Law on Domestic Violence a Step Forward for Women’s Rights

Domestically abused women who are financially dependent on their abusers can now report the crime with the assurance that they will be able to get financial and medical support from the state, thanks to the country’s new law on domestic violence.

Rob Davies: South Africa's huge trade imbalance with the rest of Africa cannot be allowed to go on forever. Credit: South African Department of Trade and Industry

Q&A: “Africa Can Provide More Than Minerals in South-South Trade”

South-South co-operation is firmly on Africa’s agenda. Leading the way is South Africa, which has recently joined up with Brazil, Russia, India and China’s BRIC formation to form a new global grouping of emerging markets, known as BRICS.

Africa-Wide Trade Zone Could Boost South-South Cooperation

The plan to create a new 26-nation liberalised trade zone for Africa, spanning the length of the continent from Cape to Cairo, could open up more possibilities for South-South cooperation that would benefit Africans.

HEALTH: Money Needed for ART Funding

Fixed targets for universal access to AIDS treatment and funding to make it achievable are what HIV and AIDS organisations want from the upcoming United Nations General Assembly Special Session due to be held in New York next month.

DEVELOPMENT: India and South Africa — Ever-Tightening Relations

Much is made about China’s footprint in Africa but what about its emerging markets rival India?

Frustration is growing as rapid economic growth fails to translate into a better life for Angola's majority Credit:  Louise Redvers/IPS

Mass Protests Fail But Angolan Activists Remain Defiant

An attempt to organise a mass protest against the government in Angola’s capital Luanda this week may have fallen flat, but there is no doubt that a fuse has been lit among people who for so many years have not dared to challenge authority.

Chinese Labourers on their way to work in central Luanda. Credit: Louise Redvers/IPS

Questions About China’s “Win-Win” Relationship With Angola

Crouched on their haunches on the edge of a crumbling pavement, a group of Chinese construction workers are eating noodles from tin bowls, wearing floppy straw hats under their green safety helmets to protect them from the aggressive midday sun.

A new survey states that 36 percent of Angolans live in poverty - a significant reduction from the former World Bank estimate of two-thirds. Credit: Louise Redvers

ANGOLA: More Mothers Survive Childbirth

As darkness falls on a cool evening in Luanda, a group of women sit huddled under threadbare blankets outside one of the city’s few maternity hospitals. "I have to be here," Paula Silva, 45, said, shivering slightly.

ANGOLA: Drilling Ever Deeper, Hoping for the Best

While BP struggles to contain an oil spill that U.S. government estimates indicate is now the largest ever in the Gulf of Mexico, questions are being asked about how well prepared Africa's oil-producing countries are for a similar incident.

Angola has invested heavily in rural development, but some say programmes should be adjusted to better support small-scale farmers. Credit:  Louise Redvers/IPS

Angola’s Small-Scale Farmers Welcome Investment, Urge Careful Targeting

Think small to overcome big problems - that was the message to African governments being urged to do more to increase food security and reduce hunger and malnutrition on the continent.

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