Stories written by Liza Jansen

Q&A: “We Have a Take-Make-Waste Economy”

To halt the planet's declining biodiversity and loss of critical natural resources, both the economy we live in and communication about science needs to be changed profoundly, says a prominent Dutch ecologist.

Robert Carlin Credit: Courtesy of Robert Carlin

Q&A: “The Sun Also Shines in North Korea”

North Koreans are not as isolated from the world as the United States thinks, and in fact understand the U.S. better than the U.S. understands North Koreans, says regional expert Robert Carlin.

Nezha Guessouss Credit: Bomoon Lee/IPS

Q&A: “Poverty Kills Women’s Awareness”

Five years ago, Morocco amended its family law to promote the idea of equality between men and women.

Anna Keenan, one of the hunger strikers, has a tattoo on her neck that reads "climate justice".  Credit: Robert van Woorden

CLIMATE CHANGE: Hunger Strikers in “Moral Call to Action”

Hoping to emotionally engage world leaders and ordinary citizens, hundreds of people from around the globe have entered their fifth week of fasting at the start of the Copenhagen Climate Conference.

Sujata Manohar Credit: Bomoon Lee/IPS

Q&A: India’s Anti-Women Laws Dropping from the Books

The 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) this month has brought women's rights champions from around the world to the United Nations to share their success stories. One is Sujata Manohar, who helped create a national law in India that bars sexual harassment in the workplace.

Graciana del Castillo Credit: Courtesy of Graciana del Castillo

Q&A: “Reconstruction Is Not Development as Usual”

National governments and the international community, the U.N. in particular, must rethink and debate the way post-conflict reconstruction is carried out, says a long-time U.N. expert and author.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf Credit: The Cordoba Initiative

Q&A: Geert Wilders Gets a Big Email Hug

Since the terror attacks of Sep. 11, 2001, persistent misconceptions about Islam have contributed to a dangerous climate of mistrust and disharmony between the Muslim world and the West.


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