Stories written by Global Information Network

South African Students Win Fight Against Rising School Fees

(GIN) – In an official response from President Jacob Zuma to massive student protests, the proposed 10% hike in school fees has been cancelled for 2016.

Africa’s Progress in Key Areas Either Stalled or Reversed

(GIN) – The cheap gas boom has not been the best of news for African countries where oil and other raw materials have been the basis of their export economies since colonial times.

UK Detains 5 in Pursuit of Nigerian Oil Ministry Laundered Funds

(GIN) – Nearly half a dozen suspects, including the former Minister of Petroleum Resources of Nigeria, were swept up by UK authorities in a crackdown on corruption coordinated with Nigerian President Muhammed Buhari.

Social Media Giant Unveils Internet Plan for Rural Africa

(GIN) – A new satellite could soon be bringing remote parts of Africa onto the internet, according to Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg.

National Census Could Delay Elections in DRC Triggering Protests

(GIN) – Plans by President Joseph Kabila of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to hold a national census of the population are inciting critics who say this could delay elections for years. A green light to the census plan by local lawmakers prompted a rock-throwing melee this week in the capital city. National elections are due in 2016.

Rising Anger Amongst African Muslims Over Offending Cartoons

(GIN) – While the President of Niger, Mahamadou Issoufou, marched in a Paris rally to support the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, anger was rising at home among the country’s majority Muslim population over cartoons ridiculing the Prophet Muhammad.

New Study Focuses on ‘Staggering Inequality’ of Incomes

Income inequality, one of the issues that so troubled the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., is again front and center in today’s news.

Development Bank Joins Funders for African “Smart Cities”

(GIN) – Financing is being arranged for a multi-million dollar ‘smart city’ in Diamniado, Senegal, by the African Development Bank. Similar investments are taking place in the Ivory Coast and other West African states.

Boko Haram Commits “Deadliest Massacre Yet” in Baga

(GIN) – The northern Nigerian town of Baga was devastated over the weekend by a surprise raid conducted by Boko Haram insurgents apparently aimed at a major military base constructed there.

Gambian Coup Plotters Under Arrest

(GIN) – A bid to oust Gambia’s President Yahya Jammeh was quickly routed with the arrests of a handful of insurgents in The Gambia and the U.S.

South Africa Cracks Down on Zimbabweans Without Papers

(GIN) – Solidarity between South Africa and Zimbabwe seems frayed, if not torn, as deportations are threatened for thousands of Zimbabwean nationals eking out a living in the more prosperous country to the south.

Cuts Pushed by Funder Triggered Ebola Crisis, Says Report

(GIN) – Spending cuts, pushed by an international lender, “weakened health care systems in the West African region”, leaving the countries “under-funded, insufficiently staffed and poorly prepared.”

Tunisia’s “People Power” Rejects Islamist Party in Upset Vote

(GIN) – Tunisians, the first people to launch an “Arab Spring” revolution that ousted a despot, returned to power a member of the ousted regime. They cast ballots on Sunday in the nation’s first free presidential poll – and the outcome surprised many.

ICC Drops Darfur Seeks Surrender of Simone Gbagbo

(GIN) – The list of war crimes being investigated by the International Criminal Court (ICC) is growing smaller.


(GIN) – Falling oil prices are happy news for American car owners but disastrous news for Africa which was recently celebrating an “oil boom” around the continent.

Energy Companies Eye Somalia

(GIN) – It may not be clear who is running Somalia these days but energy companies appear to know who to call as they conduct onshore and offshore seismic surveys which could make the Horn of Africa an oil giant within six years.

Malawi Leaders Back Off on Pay Hikes

(GIN) – A misguided effort to quietly hike up the paychecks of Malawi’s President Peter Mutharika and his VP roundly backfired, forcing them to cancel the generous gift to themselves “until a more appropriate time.”

Fancy Cars, Florida Homes Seized in Probe of Guinea’s Ex-President

(GIN) – In the bad old days, natural resources were bartered away with trinkets and a few suitcases filled with cash.

Scathing Report on Zimbabwe Election Debacle Puts Mbeki on the Defensive

(GIN) – A formerly classified report regarding allegations of voter fraud in Zimbabwe has raised uncomfortable questions for former President Thabo Mbeki about what he knew of problems with the last election of President Robert Mugabe, and when did he know it?.

Electronic Voting Comes to Namibia

(GIN) – Presidential polls in Namibia have incumbent prime minister Hage Geigob of the ruling SWAPO party leading with 84 percent of the roughly 10 percent of votes officially released so far but the new electronic polling gizmos are leaving some Namibians skeptical.

U.S. Demand for Ebola “Moon Suits” Creates Shortages in Africa

(GIN) – Aid agencies that use the iconic ‘moon suits’ – the odd-looking full-body outfits used in battling Ebola – are running dangerously low as the protective garb is being snapped up by institutions in the U.S.

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