Stories written by Davison Makanga
Davison Mudzingwa is a journalist based in South Africa, but constantly travels and reports in Southern Africa. His reportage ranges from human rights, environment, water, gender, development and entrepreneurship. As a multimedia journalist, he has contributed to various platforms through text, audio and photography. Davison is also the founder of Entrepreneurship Africa, a multimedia website that profiles entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial activities across Africa. | Web

Fisheries Can Play Key Role in Africa

Fisheries contribute at least $10 billion dollars to African economies every year. In countries such as Angola, Egypt and Namibia, fisheries are vital economic drivers.

China: Outsmarting the West in Africa

China's interest in Africa is frequently portrayed simply as that of a rising economic power seeking natural resources. Deborah Brautigam argues that this portrayal misses the full complexity of business relations between China and the continent.

SADSAWU Secretary General Myrtle Witbooi says violations of domestic workers

Decent Work Still a Dream for South Africa’s Domestic Workers

The abuse of domestic workers, the majority of whom are women, is still widespread in South Africa despite calls for the government to intensify the implementation of the domestic workers law.

SOUTH AFRICA: Coal Plant Won’t Promote Development, Say Groups

As the World Bank approved a controversial three-billion-dollar loan for a coal-fired power plant in South Africa Thursday, both the details and the broader impacts of the loan continue to be criticised by community and environmental groups.

Sonwabo Qathula belongs to one of the many groups of men Sonke is helping to break gender stereotypes. Credit:  Kristin Palitza/IPS

SOUTH AFRICA: Men Battle Gender-based Violence

When Mbuyiselo Botha decided to take the African National Congress League President, Julius Malema, to court for hate speech against women, he was confident from the start that the case had merit. But he also knew that this would be the most challenging test of his 15 years of gender activism.

SOUTH AFRICA-RIGHTS: Push To Protect Sex Workers During World Cup

As the 2010 Soccer World Cup approaches, calls for the decriminalisation of sex work in South Africa have been renewed.

Women farm workers say they can support themselves if they are given access to land. Credit:  Davison Makanga/IPS

RIGHTS-SOUTH AFRICA: Women Want Land to Call Their Own

In 1956, twenty thousand women marched to parliament to protest discriminatory pass laws. The march, commemorated as Women’s Day in South Africa on Aug. 9 each year, has become iconic of women’s quest for equality.

'As Africans we are coming together.' - Kanana FC player, Mayde Mlambo (left), and manager, Thembelani Dumo Credit:  Davison Makanga/IPS

RIGHTS-SOUTH AFRICA: When the Goal Is Peace

Delivering his first state of the nation address in June 2009, South Africa's President Jacob Zuma described sport as 'a unifying force' that people must use to live together.

Farmworker settlement: working and living conditions for farm labour are poor. Credit:  Davison Makanga/IPS

SOUTH AFRICA: Protecting Migrant Farmworker Rights

Migrant farm workers in South Africa are entitled to the same workplace rights as any other employee. But the reality across the country suggests the opposite.

POLITICS-SOUTH AFRICA: ANC Scores Another Victory: Now Deliver, Voters Say

As results of South Africa's fourth democratic elections held on Apr. 22 come in, the ruling African National Congress (ANC) is poised to return to power in the 400 seat National Assembly. The party is also on course to emerge as the governing party in all but one of the nine provinces. The main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, is likely to take the Western Cape.

Evicted farmworkers with their possessions: while South Africa has been slow to redistribute land, more than two million farmworkers have been evicted from their homes in the past decade. Credit:  Sikhula Sonke

RIGHTS-SOUTH AFRICA: Women Farmworkers Threaten Election Boycott

Women from South Africa's three Cape provinces have marched to parliament in Cape Town to denounce the country's "slow and unbalanced" land redistribution programme. The protesters said if they are not given greater access to land, they will not vote in the country's Apr. 22 general elections.

SOUTH AFRICA: Food Banks to Curb Hunger

In yet another attempt to bolster food security in the country, a charity organisation has opened a food bank in Cape Town which will operate like a huge warehouse from which food is handed out to the poor.

ZIMBABWE: New Cabinet Ignores Quota for Women

Women’s rights activists in Zimbabwe are outraged by the low representation of female politicians in the new unity government. Only four women are part of the 35-member cabinet, laughably short of the equal representation of women in decision-making that Zimbabwe signed onto at a regional summit in September 2008.

Q&A: Zimbabwe – Fighting Cholera on a Shoestring

Nearly 50,000 cases of cholera have been reported in Zimbabwe by the World Health Organisation; the death toll stood at 2,755 on Jan. 21.

The Zimbabwe Rape Survivors Association's Betty Makoni is working to bring rapists to justice. Credit:  Davison Makanga/IPS

RIGHTS-ZIMBABWE: Activists Demand Justice for Politically-Motivated Rapes

"I was raped by four Zanu PF militias at night, just outside their base, during the elections. They took turns to rape me, accusing me of supporting the opposition, MDC [Movement for Democratic Change]", said Pauline Moyana* from Mutasa, a community in Zimbabwe’s eastern Manicaland province.

ZIMBABWE: Food Crisis Worsens

Zimbabwe's agricultural production has been hit by a long list of difficulties - several rounds of severe drought, a collapsed currency that has made fertiliser and other farm inputs very expensive, ill-considered land redistribution, and brutal pre- and post- election violence by the ruling ZANU-PF that has hurt rural populations most.

Protesters speak out against the raid of a church housing refugees. Credit: Davison Makanga

RIGHTS-SOUTH AFRICA: “We Are Just Helping Desperate People Here”

A police raid on a Methodist church which provides shelter to hundreds of refugees in the South African financial centre of Johannesburg is continuing to draw angry responses.

DEVELOPMENT-ZIMBABWE: Food a Political Tool?

Zimbabwe’s escalating food crisis comes amid resurgent accusations that food aid is being abused as a political tool.

DEVELOPMENT-ZIMBABWE: As Long as Crisis Continues, Border Jumping Will

Attempts to convince Zimbabweans to stay in their country are futile as long as the political and economic crisis continues, say activists and politicians.

RIGHTS-ZIMBABWE: Neighbours Remain Mute Amid Flood of Refugees

The rattling sound of galvanized tins has become characteristic of Patience's* daily routine which starts at 4 am every day. Patience (43), a single mother, is one of the many who rush in the early morning to the Zimbabwean capital's Mbare Musika market to buy fruit and vegetables to hawk.

POLITICS-ZIMBABWE: Operation ”Living Well” Also A Disaster

''It is appalling how our government has simply discarded its own people,'' exclaims civic activist Max Mkandla. He is referring to the ruling ZANU-PF's Operation Murambatsvina (''drive out filth'') and its follow-up, Operation Garikai (''living well'').


introduction to health behavior theory