Stories written by David Njagi
David Njagi is a freelance journalist specialising in science reporting from East Africa.

Cyber Bullies Target Kenya’s Women

For a seasoned politician like Kenya’s Rachael Shebesh, few things hold her back from rallying for women’s rights. But when it comes to furthering her platform on social media - it is the one thing that this Nairobi County women’s representative avoids.

Kenya’s Flower Farms No Bed of Roses

Catherine Mumbi knows the difficulties of working in Kenya’s flower sector. She was fired as a casual worker at a flower farm after taking time off to recover from complications of the liver. But that was just the start of her problems.

KENYA: Medical Waste Poses Serious Threat to Scavengers

For Collins Otieno, the onset of a new day ushers in mixed fortunes that can either earn him some money or expose him to infection, as he struggles to make ends meet by scavenging for waste.

Mourid Abdi Dolal tends to his farm in Dertu village in North Eastern Province, Kenya.  Credit: David Njagi/IPS

KENYA: Relief Food Sourced from Local Farmers

Mourid Abdi Dolal and Wilson Rotich are both small-scale farmers who grow staple crops. But while one sells his produce at the local village market, the other farms to feed the growing number of refugees in Kenya.

KENYA: Legal Lacuna While Biotechnology Is Sneaked in

Farming with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is becoming more widespread in Kenya due the promotion of biotechnology through clever schemes, exacerbated by the lack of a legal framework for the commercialisation of these controversial products.

Brian Muriithi of Moi Avenue Primary School in Nairobi is a mathematics student.  Credit: David Njagi/IPS

KENYA: Primary School Teachers Test Poorly in Mathematics

Like many primary school teachers in Kenya, Nemwel Mokua is not coping. He has to teach at least six subjects a day, which include a mix of arts, mathematics and science.

KENYA: Monitoring Antiretroviral Intake Among Children

When 11-year-old Ronald Gathece was placed on antiretrovirals (ARVs) after being diagnosed HIV-positive, medical staff did not monitor his reaction to the treatment. But the side effects had been so bad that the young boy had contemplated suicide.

Nancy Njeri at her house in Korogocho slum, longs for a speedy AIDS tribunal.  Credit: David Njagi

HIV-positive Kenyans Need Tribunal to Address Rights Violations

Nancy Njeri’s life changed when she contracted HIV through a gang rape. Not only did the infection traumatise her, she was ostracised by close friends and neighbours whom she had known for almost a decade. She was fired from her job and when she attempted to sell vegetables, people boycotted her stand because of her status.


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