Stories written by Damakant Jayshi
Damakant Jayshi is a reporter and editor for print, online and news agencies. He is the IPS correspondent for Nepal and is based in Kathmandu. He writes about politics, human rights and social issues. He is one of the founding editors of Republica, Nepal's leading national English daily. Damakant was also a 2007 Nieman Fellow at Harvard. | Facebook |

INDIA: Red Link With Nepal Fades

With the powerful Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) relinquishing control of its fighting arm, the People's Liberation Army (PLA), the Indian government, faced with its own Maoist insurgency, can breathe more easily.

Newly elected Prime Minister Jhala Nath Khanal taking the oath of office from President Ram Baran Yadav. Credit: Damakant Jayshi

Nepal Uneasy Under Uncertain Leadership

Nepal’s fourth communist and newest Prime Minister has taken his oath of office, but his government is off to a shaky start after revelations he entered into a secret deal to share power with a key political ally and to turn Nepal into a socialist state.

An earthquake response drill at the Tika Vidyashram High School in Lalitpur, Nepal. Credit: Damakant Jayshi/IPS

NEPAL: Education Shouldn’t Be A Casualty in Emergencies

Nepal may be doing well in providing complete primary education to boys and girls, but has quite a bit of catching up to do when it comes to ensuring that their schooling does not become a casualty during disasters and emergencies.

A patient being checked by a nurse at Satungal Health Post, Kathmandu, Nepal. Credit: Damakant Jayshi/IPS

NEPAL: For Maternal Health, Go Door to Door

For the last 17 years, Keshari Maharjan has been going door to door in the outskirts of the Nepali capital to tell people about the services available at health centres in their communities, as well as about how to prevent certain diseases.

Grade 2 students of Shree Saraswati Secondary School praying at the start of the school day. Credit: Damakant Jayshi/IPS

NEPAL: School Initiative Making the Grade

Four years ago, Ramita Bhujel was a bit reluctant to go back her school after a year's absence. This Grade 4 student of Shree Saraswati Secondary School here had been down with pneumonia, failed to clear her nursery exams and as a consequence stayed at home.

These students at the Samata school in Kathmandu, Nepal enjoy the benefit of cheap but quality education. Credit: Damakant Jayshi/IPS

EDUCATION-NEPAL: Unique School Aims to Be a Ticket to Equality

Had Uttam Sanjel stayed on in the Indian city of Mumbai to pursue his dream of becoming a Bollywood director years ago, the Samata (‘equality) schools that he set up here in Nepal may not be around today.

Shankar Prasad Ghimire, 87, is proud of having led his community's efforts toward forest conservation. Credit: Damakant Jayshi/IPS

NEPAL: Communities Take Up Cudgels for Forest Conservation

Tired of walking, Shankar Prasad Ghimire, 87, a retired government worker, puts his walking stick aside and takes rest on a vast expanse of lush green land.

POLITICS-NEPAL: Parties at Odds, Peace at Risk

Nepal’s walk to peace from a decade-long, Maoist-led bloody insurgency that ended four years ago could take longer than expected.

POLITICS-NEPAL: Maoists Armed With Popular Vote

Proving the political pundits wrong, the people of Nepal have voted overwhelmingly for former rebels, the Communist Party of Nepal- Maoist (CPN-M), in the just concluded constituent assembly elections in this Himalayan nation.

NEPAL: Tibetans Warned of Deportation to China

When King Gyanendra staged his military-backed coup in February 2005, Nepal’s political parties - including the then outlawed Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) - formed an alliance that successfully opposed the monarch's assault on civil liberties.

POLITICS-NEPAL: Plains People&#39s Demands Cast Shadow on Polls

While Apr. 10 has been set as the day on which Nepalis will elect a constituent assembly to draft a new constitution, violent protests by plains people demanding regional autonomy threaten the thrice-postponed polls.

POLITICS-NEPAL: Monarchy’s Fate Sealed, Maoists to Rejoin Gov’t

Having negotiated an agreement for the formal abolition of the 240-year-old monarchy, the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) is now set to rejoin the government.

SOUTH ASIA: Bhutan Refugees Wary of US Resettlement Offer

After languishing for 17 years in temporary camps, some 108,000 ethnic Nepalis, expelled from their homeland in Bhutan, have a real chance to get out of the wilderness.

POLITICS-NEPAL: End of Road for Nepal’s Monarchy?

A republican wave that swept King Gyanendra out of power last year continues to blow strongly through Nepal.

POLITICS-NEPAL: Child Soldier Issue Slows Peace Plan

A senior journalist recently likened Nepal's fragile peace process to an overcrowded bus lurching uncertainly on this country’s mountainous roads, yet moving forward to its destination.

NEPAL: Political Pact With Maoist Rebels Checks King

An alliance between Nepal’s mainstream political parties and Maoist rebels brings hope of resolution to a crisis, brought on by King Gyanendra’s Feb. 1 assumption of direct rule, citing the failure of democratically-elected governments to deal with a bloody, decade-old communist uprising.

SOUTH ASIA: Bhutanese Refugees Forgotten in Nepal’s Turmoil

King Gyanendra’s military-backed ‘royal coup’, on Feb. 1, has proven a major setback for the Lhotsampas (Bhutanese nationals of Nepali origin) fleeing the autocratic regime of the world’s other Himalayan kingdom.

RIGHTS-NEPAL: Conflict Pushes More Kids to Work

Dipak Budhamagar wants to be a farmer like his father, who was killed by Maoist insurgents during the Tihar festival last November for fleeing a rebel work camp after a month's forced labour.

RIGHTS-NEPAL: Conflict Pushes More Kids to Work

Dipak Budhamagar wants to be a farmer like his father, who was killed by Maoist insurgents during the Tihar festival last November for fleeing a rebel work camp after a month's forced labour.

NEPAL: The Final Nail in the Coffin for Media Freedom

After months of sermonising on the need for a "nationalistic" and "responsible" media, the government of Nepal - directly controlled by King Gyanendra - passed an ordinance aimed at taming it.

MEDIA-NEPAL: District Reporters ‘Jobless in Their Jobs’

Before King Gyananedra's Feb.1 declaration of emergency- rule, journalist Rameshwor Bohora was a frequent traveller to the Himalayan kingdom's rural areas - where large swathes of Nepal are under Maoist rebel-control.

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