Stories written by Ali Gharib

U.S.: Wikileaks Reveals Treacherous Terrain for Iran Policy

The leaked reports sent by U.S. officials abroad to Washington reveal a treacherous playing field for the United States in the Middle East.

Experts Call Brazil-Turkey Deal with Iran a “First Step”

A group of U.S. experts ranging from former top diplomats to non-proliferation specialists is praising the recent deal brokered by Brazil and Turkey on Iran's nuclear programme as a potential "first step" towards ratcheting down tensions between the West and the Islamic Republic.

U.S.: Obama Losing Control of Iran Policy

In a surprisingly swift move on Thursday night that could have wide-ranging implications, the U.S. Senate passed a bill containing broad unilateral sanctions to punish foreign companies that export gasoline to Iran or help expand its domestic refinery capabilities.

VENEZUELA: Drug Trafficking Getting Worse, Says U.S. Report

Governmental corruption and the refusal to cooperate with U.S. counter-drug efforts are worsening a ballooning drug trafficking problem in Venezuela, according to a new report by the investigative office of the U.S. Congress.

U.S.: Anti-Regime Exiles Galvanised by Iran Unrest

While mass demonstrations in Iran are dwindling – with large gatherings and the opposition appearing largely paralysed by the authorities' crackdown – the crisis there is causing a return to prominence for groups of Iranians living in the West: the exiles who have long advocated regime change in Iran, sometimes by armed means.

POLITICS: U.S. to Name Ambassador to Damascus after Four Years

After informing the Syrian embassy in Washington on Tuesday night, the U.S. State Department announced on Wednesday that President Barack Obama will be sending an ambassador to Damascus for the first time since 2005.

POLITICS-US: Obama "Appalled" by Iran Repression

Facing a growing chorus of Republican criticism to speak out more forcefully on Iran's disputed election results, the U.S. president made his harshest statement yet Tuesday, condemning Iran's leadership for its violent crackdown on protesters.

MIDEAST: Lebanese Polls Closely Watched by U.S. and Region

After emerging from a political crisis last year, the Lebanese people will head to the polls Jun. 7 to determine the composition of the new parliament. A variety of foreign powers, including the U.S., will be watching closely, waiting for the electoral results before they determine their policies towards the new government.

US-MIDEAST: Cairo Speech Widely Hailed at Home

U.S. President Barack Obama's historic speech in Cairo Thursday elicited broad approval from around the U.S., with the notable exception of the neoconservative right.

US-MIDEAST: Obama Overture Fraught With Stumbling Blocks

In his most widely anticipated speech to date, U.S. President Barack Obama will reach out directly to the Muslim world Thursday morning at Cairo University.

HEALTH: Killer Diarrheal Diseases Eclipsed on Donor Agendas

Interest in reducing the harm caused by diarrheal diseases has waned among the global health and aid communities, said two new reports released Tuesday in Washington.

POLITICS-US: New Drug Czar Praised by Reform Groups

U.S. President Barack Obama's pick for his new drug czar signals a radical shift from the policies of his predecessor, George W. Bush, by focusing on treatment for drug offenders rather than jail time.

POLITICS-US: Obama Intel Picks Send Mixed Message

Announcing his choices for top intelligence positions on Friday, President-elect Barack Obama was lauded by some for breaking strongly with the policies of the outgoing Pres. George W. Bush administration, while other observers offered sharp criticisms.

FILM: 1982 Massacre Rendered Through Dark, Distorted Lens

Recently opened in wide release in the United States, Ari Folman's new animated documentary detailing Israeli involvement in the Sabra and Shatila massacre sheds new light on the Israeli side of that conflict, as well as the one unfolding today.


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