Stories written by Adam Green
Adam Robert Green is a reporter with the Financial Times magazine This is Africa and was previously editor of ‘Exploration and Production: Oil and Gas Review’. He has written for IPS, New Internationalist, the Middle East Institute, Daily News Egypt and China Post. He is studying toward an MSc in Development Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.

DEVELOPMENT: Microfinance Craze Conceals Multiple Problems

The microfinance industry is expanding at breakneck pace, with more banks and private equity firms now entering the fray. Yet there is growing unease about the naive assumptions, and evangelical predictions, of its advocates.

ENERGY: Eskom Loan “Will Help” South Africa’s Poor Neighbours

The 3.75 billion dollar World Bank loan for a new coal-fired power station in South Africa is essential for economic growth in neighbouring low income countries, according to Dr Mohamed Abdelrahman, energy advisor for the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), a programme of the African Union.

FINANCE: IMF Proposes 100-Billion-Dollar Climate Fund

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has published the first details of a proposed financing framework, dubbed the 'Green Fund', intended to mobilise 100 billion dollars a year by 2020 to help developing countries cope with the consequences of climate change and mitigate further emissions.

EAST AFRICA: Impatient EU Pushes for Progress on EPA Trade Deal

The European Commission (EC) is increasing the pressure on the East African Community (EAC) to sign the free trade deal known as an economic partnership agreement with the EU.


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