Top 5 Resume Design Principles & Hacks

Princeton,NJ/ 360prwire/ November 16/

There is no denying the fact that job hunting is an intimidating process. It not only comes with high uncertainties, but you are also required to place your best foot forward in a single-page resume. The resume writing summary steps that you implement should summarize who you are, what achievements you have garnered, and where you strive to go ahead. It is no short order. However, you should not forget the resume design as well.

The design or manner in which you present information in your resume is crucial. This is because most hiring managers are going to observe the resume design at the first glance. As you invest ample time in refining the resume design, you will improve your chances of standing out in the crowd. Let us help you unravel the important resume design principles for a successful career.

How to Design Your Resume?

A perfect resume along with some confidence and knowledge is perfect to fulfil your dream of acquiring a perfect job. When you possess the right skills as well as expertise, but still having troubles finding your dream job, then you should carefully inspect the resume. During the creation of a resume, most individuals tend to focus on the content. They overlook the format or the design of the resume. However, it is equally important to pay attention to the design of your document. 

Here are some ways in which you can design a compelling resume:

#Designing a Visually Pleasing Resume

Your resume should be designed aesthetically without over-stuffing information everywhere. When you do so, it makes your document to appear clumsy and unorganized. Moreover, it also makes it difficult for the recruiter to search for right and relevant information in the same. This might make them miss out some important information related to your career. 

For a well-designed layout, focus on including ample white spaces, colours, graphics, images, or charts. The presence of these attractive traits in the document makes it highly appealing and worth-scanning.

#Including Visual Appeal to the Contact Information

When you wish to ensure that the recruiters are able to contact you, try making it simple for them. Ensure that the contact part of the resume is attractive visually. You can ensure placing the same on the top section of the document. When you are submitting the document electronically, try including a live link to the respective email address. Based on the industry that you are opting for, it is recommended to add live links to your profiles of social media channels as well.

#Using a Professional and Attractive Font

Ensure that the font that you use in the document is eye-catchy and professional at the same time. The font selected by you will help in reflecting the personality traits. Moreover, it also offers the recruiter an overall idea of your individuality.

When you make use of a unique font for resume writing, it will make the document distinct from the others. Additionally, it is important to make sure that the font you use is not overtly expressive or flashy. Avoid using comical fonts at the same time. Make it a point to use only simple and professional fonts for your resume writing.

#Ensuring that Content is Easy to Skim

We live in a digitized era. We are flooded with content of all sorts and variations –right from the moment we wake up. With abundance of content everywhere around –including texts, emails, and news, it is not possible to go through every piece of content.

In the world of content, resumes are also important documents. As per a study report, it is estimated that hiring managers tend to spend around 6-7 seconds on a document. Therefore, you should leverage the available time to your advantage by ensuring that your document is easy to skim. 

#Keeping It Brief

When you resume is brief, it appears impactful at the first glance. With brief information throughout the document, it becomes easier for the recruiter to go through the same seamlessly. With concise information the given page, it is easier for employers to go through relevant information at a single glance.

#Considering Infographics

When you use infographics in your document, it can make your resume stand out. Infographics help in explaining specific aspects or information visually. 

While including infographics, it is important to know about your target audience. When you are applying for some administrative role at a conventional company, using a highly graphical resume might not be the ideal case. However, if you are applying for a modern design-specific job, you can indeed use infographics to enhance the aesthetics.


Employers have a tough job going through multiple resumes every day to come up with the right candidate. Make their job easier by following important resume design principles during the job application process. 


The post Top 5 Resume Design Principles & Hacks appeared first on 360PRWire.

Adam Ali