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BDS Movement for Palestinian Rights Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Bjørnar Moxnes is a member of the Norwegian Parliament

Awarding a Nobel Peace Prize to the BDS movement would be a powerful sign demonstrating that the international community is committed to supporting a just peace in the Middle East and using peaceful means to end military rule and broader violations of international law.

The Shuafat refugee camp can be seen across the separation wall from the Israeli settlement Pisgat Ze'ev. Credit: Jillian Kestler-D’Amours/IPS

OSLO, Norway, Feb 2 2018 (IPS) - As a member of the Norwegian parliament, I proudly use my authority as an elected official to nominate the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Nominating the BDS movement for this recognition is perfectly in line with the principles I and my party hold very dear. Like the BDS movement, we are fully committed to stopping an ascendant, racist and right-wing politics sweeping too much of our world, and securing freedom, justice and equality for all people.

Inspired by the South African anti-apartheid movement and the American Civil Rights movement, the grassroots, Palestinian-led BDS movement is a peaceful, global human rights movement that urges the use of economic and cultural boycotts to end Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights and international law.

Awarding a Nobel Peace Prize to the BDS movement would be a powerful sign demonstrating that the international community is committed to supporting a just peace in the Middle East and using peaceful means to end military rule and broader violations of international law.The BDS movement seeks to end Israel’s half-century of military rule over 4.5 million Palestinians, including the devastating ten-year illegal siege collectively punishing and suffocating nearly 2 million Palestinians in Gaza, the ongoing forcible eviction of Palestinians from their homes, and the theft of Palestinian land through the construction of illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

It seeks equal rights for Palestinian citizens of Israel, currently discriminated against by dozens of racist laws, and to secure the internationally-recognized legal right of Palestinian refugees to return to homes and lands from which they were expelled.

Palestinian refugees constitute nearly 50 percent of all Palestinians, and they are being denied their right to return, guaranteed by law to all refugees, simply because of their ethnicity.

The BDS movement’s aims and aspirations for basic human rights are irreproachable. They should be supported without reservation by all democratically-minded people and states.

The international community has a longstanding history of supporting peaceful measures such as boycotts and disinvestment against companies that profit from human rights violations. International support for such measures was critical in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa and the racist colonial regime in former Rhodesia.

If the international community commits to supporting BDS to end the occupation of Palestinian territory and the oppression of the Palestinian people, new hope will be lit for a just peace for Palestinians, Israelis and all people across the Middle East.

The BDS movement has been endorsed by prominent figures, including the former Nobel Peace Prize winners Desmond Tutu and Mairead Maguire. It is gaining support from unions, academic associations, churches, and grassroots movements for the rights of refugees, immigrants, workers, women, indigenous peoples and the LGBTQI community. It is increasingly embraced by progressive Jewish groups and anti-racist movements across the world.

Eleven years since BDS’ launch, it’s high time for us to commit to doing no harm, and for all states to withdraw their complicity in Israel’s military occupation, racist apartheid rule, ongoing theft of Palestinian land, and other egregious human rights violations.

Awarding a Nobel Peace Prize to the BDS movement would be a powerful sign demonstrating that the international community is committed to supporting a just peace in the Middle East and using peaceful means to end military rule and broader violations of international law.

My hope is that this nomination can be one humble but necessary step towards bringing forth a more dignified and beautiful future for all peoples of the region.

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  • Misterioso

    Good news indeed!!!

  • CTwildheart

    Excellent nomination.

  • Hussein Hammami

    BDS deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, certainly more than many who currently hold it, but I doubt the Nobel Committee will even consider this nomination. The Committee wouldn’t have the stomach to withstand the attacks of the Israeli bullies including the use of their standard weapon, accusations of anti-semitism.

  • Eric Darden

    The goal of the BDS movement is the annihilation of Israel because it’s a Jewish state. If it wasn’t a Jewish state it wouldn’t be targeted. It is an evil movement led by evil people. BDS is not about justice, human rights, or freedom. It is about Jew hatred. They don’t care about “palestinians” in segregation camps, or those murdered by their own government, or even those killed in Syria. They use “Palestinians” as canon fodder in their twisted war against what they see as an outpost of capitalism. People who support BDS are scum.

  • Sam

    I will never recognize a Jewish state in the same way I don’t recognize an Islamic state which we all call ISIS and I won’t recognize a Christian state also despite that I’m a christian. If you want people to recognize a Jewish state then don’t blame Muslims if they recognized ISIS. now I have no problem recognizing an Israeli state as long as Israel recognize a Palestinian state which they don’t even if sometimes they say they do, their actions says otherwise.

  • Tony Riley

    Obviously you’re a racist hypocrite: Hitler invented BDS

  • Eric Darden

    A Jewish state is a necessity because of the failure of almost every single country with a Jewish minority to protect the Jews’ rights. There are many Muslim states besides ISIS. There are already 2 “palestinian” states: Gaza and Jordan. Israel won’t allow a third to be created in Judea because that state would immediately conduct war against Israel and given the death toll in the four Gaza wars since withdrawal, one can only shudder to think of the level of carnage that would result from a withdrawal from Judea.

  • Fine Withme

    Jews hate every religion but their own they are blatant in their #AntiCatholicism.
    They wish to see the annihilation of #Palestine. Israel is an evil state led by evil people. Israel is about hatred of all religion but its own ‘Nazism’ Hitler taught them very well. Israel like Nazi Germany will use ANYONE for cannon fodder!

  • Fine Withme

    Shudder all you like. It is NOT in Israel’s remit to decide world affairs. Balfour did not own the land he gave. It was not England’s to give. Jewry is a religion NOT a nationality, ‘Nationhood’. According to your logic we should give Alaska or some other land, to the ‘Gay’ population because of the failure of almost every single country to give equal rights to Gays. Remember Jerusalem is the Capital of Palestine.

  • Eric Darden

    In fact Jewry are a nation as well as a religion which is why they have faced murder on both those counts. If LGBT folk want to set up their own homeland somewhere, best of luck. I doubt it would get immediately invaded by four armies once established. England did not give Israel to the Jews, they simply agreed not to physically block the Jews from immigrating like the Ottoman Empire had done. There has never been a sovereign entity called Palestine, much less one that had Jerusalem as it’s capital.

  • Eric Darden

    You know, I’m looking on Wikipedia for Muslim and Jewish winners of the Nobel prize and it’s rather striking. Since the prize was created in 1901 there have only been 10 Muslim winners. By contrast there have been 22 Jewish winners… since 2005! The Jews have literally made a greater contribution to human progress in TEN years than the Muslims have in the last hundred; despite the fact that Jews are a fraction of the Muslim population. Since 1901 there have been nearly 200 Jewish Nobel winners. Forget Jewish though, let’s just look at ISRAEL: 12 winners have been Israeli (keep in mind that doesn’t include some people who won the prize before Israel’s creation and then lived there like Chaim Weizman). I think all this hostility towards Israel is just jealousy.

  • Seaford

    This is a perfect example of how supporters of Israel prevent themselves from seeing the illegality, injustice, and unbearable suffering being inflicted on the Palestinians.

  • sai

    “Israel, in fact, is no different than racist South Africa as long as it presents itself as Jewish state instead of a state of all its citizens.”
    -Shulamit Aloni, former Israeli education minister

  • Eoin1969

    The Jews boycotted German goods not the other way round.Israel is a criminal racist state

  • Tony Riley

    Wrong on both counts. Hamasshole imbecile.

  • Alison Orr

    Only the ignorant with no answer based on truth resort to name-calling.

  • Alison Orr

    Of course the Jewry aren’t a nation! Are Catholics a nation? Are Buddhists a nation? When people make such inane comments, trying to distort the truth, it just highlights their nescience.

  • Tony Riley

    The boycott of German businesses by foreign Jews was in response to a boycott of German Jewish businesses organised by the Nazis.

    My response to the comment was based on my contempt for Jew-haters.

  • Stef Vanstiphout

    Great, thanks. Apartheid’s gotta stop. I already sent an e-mail to the Nobel Prize committee suggesting Ahed Tamimi for nominee.

  • Eric Darden

    No this is a perfect example of how I respond to anti-Jewish vitriol with snarkiness and derision. When someone goes on a rant about how hateful Jews are and compares Israel to Nazi Germany, you’re not going to have an intellectually meaningful conversation.

  • Eric Darden

    She was education minister for one year in point of fact. She was a hardcore Leftist and said the same crazy stuff that Leftists all over the world say. Israeli Leftists hate their country just as much as American Leftists hate ours.

  • Eric Darden

    Jews are a nation because many don’t practice Judaism in any form and are still considered Jews. They have a shared language (Hebrew), a shared culture, and a shared history. Also, they define themselves as a nation. There is far more reason to call the Jews a nation than to call “Palestinians” a nation since “Palestinians” lack a separate language, racial makeup, or religion compared to other Arabs. They do have a separate shared history but it only goes back about 100 years. If Jews aren’t a nation then “Palestinians” definitely aren’t.

  • Alison Orr

    The logical conclusion (?) based on your argument that Palestine can’t be a nation because they don’t have a separate language, racial makeup or religion, is that Britain can’t be a nation either as the English language has its roots in at least 7 languages, it’s population is originally from various invading nations and very few practise any religion. You say the Jews consider themselves a nation; I could consider myself a brain surgeon, but it doesn’t make me one!

  • Fine Withme

    Anti Israel they deport people because of the colour of their skin.
    77 UN resolutions against it and counting. They respect the recognition of statehood from UN but reject the resolutions the same UN levels against it. They slaughter & imprison Children in the thousands. Viva BDS long may it continue… Until the Evil that is Israel complies with UN mandates!

  • Fine Withme

    Gods curse on you Israel you cruel hearted Monsters, your deeds they would shame all the devils in Hell.

  • MissCostello

    Well said. They can dish it out, but by G-d, they can’t take it. Cowards, bullies.

  • MissCostello

    You should be writing fairy tales; you’d make a fortune.

  • MissCostello

    “there have only been 10 Muslim winners. By contrast there have been 22 Jewish winners… since 2005! ” “Jealousy”.

    How old are you? Ten? Seriously.

  • MissCostello

    Your pathetic little comment counts for NOTHING against the *contempt* decent people everywhere hold for what has been done to the Palestinian people; treated worse than animals in their OWN COUNTRY over SEVEN DECADES. Crawl back under your rock – Apartheid Apologist for WAR CRIMES.

  • MissCostello

    “In fact Jewry are a nation as well as a religion”:
    Really? Can you tell us exactly WHERE these ‘FACTS’ can be viewed /found?

  • Tony Riley

    So boycott Jewish stuff.

    Nobody cares about your neo-Nazi hypocrisy.

    Start with Facebook and Google: 2 Jewish companies that employ thousands of Jews in Israel.

    Use the Palestinian version womancoveryourfacebook.

    Chuck out your mobile phone and your computer, as they all use Israeli technology.

    I always wonder if your support for Palestine includes supporting the fact that forced marriages are legal there, as are “honour killings” of vulnerable women who try to escape from them?

  • Tony Riley

    There’s no apartheid in Israel, of course.

    Head for Palestine, where it’s illegal to be Jewish or Gay.

  • Eric Darden

    re-read my posts.

  • Eric Darden

    I was responding to a guy spewing bs about how Jews hate all other religions and how Israel is like Nazi Germany. You want to have a serious discussion I can do that or we can hurl petty insults and comments at each other. It’s my opponent’s choice.

  • Eric Darden

    That’s not a counter argument.

  • Eric Darden

    I’m just going to call you ‘Sunshine”. 🙂

  • Eric Darden

    The United Nations has not credibility on this issue. It is a reflexively anti-Israel organization. A black man accused of attacking a white woman in 1950s Mississippi has a better chance of getting a fair hearing than Israel does at the United Nations. 164 “Palestinian” children were killed by Hamas forcing them to dig tunnels. Don’t see you too upset over that.

  • Eric Darden

    The argument I made is that the Jews have a stronger case to be considered a nation than the “Palestinians” do, which is correct. If you want to argue that neither the Jews nor the “Palestinians” are a nation, that’s fine but then you have to argue why the Arabs should get a 22nd independent nation at the expense of the world’s only Jewish one.

  • Helen

    well if they accuse of antisemitism, just tell them that you support the pals and that they are the true Semites of those lands.. i get tired of people calling us antisemitic when we are defending Semites. that just doesnt pass anymore.

  • MissCostello

    Don’t tell me what to do. I DECIDE what I read, not you. Answer the question or admit you don’t have one. Why else would I need to ‘re-read’ your posts (G-d forbid) when you can tell me right now what you’ve stated as FACT?

  • nelliephant

    and apart from throwing rocks at cars and wanting to kill jews what else has she done for peace

  • nelliephant

    idiot. palestine doesn’t exist. did it ever–no. did it have a government–no. did it have a currency—no jerusalem is the capital of israel.

  • nelliephant

    she is and alaways has been an idiot. rejected by israerlis 25 years ago

  • nelliephant

    there are 57 muslim states, 50 christian states, several hindu and Buddhist states and ONE jewish state. why do you have a problem with ONE jewish state

  • nelliephant


  • MissCostello

    “Responding to a guy” spewing bs” (blah blah):

    No you weren’t; you were “responding” to a *MAN* (try it sometime) who knows oppression & injustice, segregation /occupation, both illegal under International Law; checkpoints & ID cards (as in NAZI GERMANY); house demolition, Bedouin displaced, Palestinian children (unlike israeli brats) tried in MILITARY COURTS (no legal representation, forbidden family visits) all for throwing stones at those who make their lives hell; olive groves destroyed, fishermen shot at, skunk wagons spraying anyone in sight, water wells destroyed, few hours electricity a day, (if they lucky) people imprisoned without charge (or trumped up) for months /YEARS on end. The abuse is endless & the world knows it. So do YOU. Too weak to admit it. Not worth the sht on a Palestinian shoe!! BLOCKED.

  • Eric Darden

    Oh, now you’re just saying things.

  • Christian Schneider

    I hope Bob Dylan gives his prize back.

  • Tony Riley

    It belonged to Britain at the time, as the British had captured it from the Ottoman Empire.

  • Tony Riley

    We can take all the nonsense you choose to invent

  • Tony Riley

    Heaven forbid a Jew having an opinion you disagree with!

  • moosehorn

    I hope the Nobel Committee consider the nomination, that would be great.

  • moosehorn

    You are better in dishing it out.

  • moosehorn

    Ah, the typical arrogance of the Zio-Nazi.

  • Tony Riley

    With your sort, little or no effort is required.

    Make sure you boycott all Jewish inventions.

  • moosehorn

    Yeah, the highest per capita contribution to humanity in weapons and inhumanity, the lowest per capita in morality!

  • moosehorn

    Israel is the only apartheid state, based on the abuse of others by a group of people who consider themselves superior humans.

  • moosehorn

    Britain did not own Palestine to give to the Zionist entity.
    Israel was created by European guilt over the Nazi holocaust, why should Palestinians pay the price?

  • moosehorn

    Typical Hasbara trolls, when they realize they are losing the argument, they resort to insults.

  • moosehorn

    A Zio-nazi inflamed by anyone being critical of apartheid Israel.

  • moosehorn

    “Just saying things” lol, that MissCostello must have a wild imagination!!!

  • moosehorn

    That’s what Hasbara trolls do when they lose arguments.


    the nobel prize is just jews giving prizes to other jews.


    Why do you think the jews have been kicked out 300+ times over the years, it must be the goyims fault. ahahah


    Why do you have a problem for 1 state for Scientologists or flat earthers. ahah


    Jews are the most evil race to ever exist

  • Tony Riley

    Wow, that’s so original.

    You won’t be using much medicine in the future, as a matter of principle.

  • Tony Riley

    I know that historical facts are unwelcome, but in 1917, the British captured all of the land from the Ottoman/Turkish Empire.

    There has never been an independent sovereign nation state of Palestine.

  • Tony Riley

    Your real name is Dick.

  • Tony Riley

    Is that what the voices tell you, or are you reading it on a toilet wall?

  • Tony Riley

    Resolutions organised by Arab countries that wish to destroy Israel.

  • Tony Riley

    Israel has killed 26,500 “Palestinians”, and 55,000 other Arabs since 1948.

    Meanwhile, in Syria, 500,000+ have been killed in the last 7 years, including 30,000 “Palestinians”.

    Not that you care.

  • Hind Abyad

    Exactly. That’s what Hasbara trolls like you do when they lose arguments

  • Hind Abyad

    Broken record.

  • Eric Darden

    It’s because of envy.

  • Eric Darden

    That’s an oxymoron. You are just a regular moron.

  • Betty Berenson

    The Israeli army should be nominated for taking Syrians to hospitals in Israel for treatment. Or, Israelis who have brought water technology to Africa should be nominated for changing lives for the better. The BDS movement is made up of liars and propagandists who seek to demonize Israel for nefarious reasons. They do not deserve any acknowledgement.

  • Hind Abyad

    Israeli shot a Palestinian boy in the head today. AGAIN!!

  • Eric Darden

    Most anti-Semites do.

  • Betty Berenson

    Well said

  • Betty Berenson

    All people who are part of the Jewish nation are connected by genes. Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people. Get over it.

  • Betty Berenson

    One half of Israel’s population came from Arab countries, Africa, South America. So stop the lies and propaganda of the Israel haters. Israel is here to stay, it is the homeland of the Jewish people, time to get used to it.

  • Hind Abyad

    Broken record:
    We are the chosen, we have more Nobel prizes.
    We own Google, facebook, Twitter, 98% of MSM media.
    We own the US Congress. We own Europe, the Middle East.
    Zionist motto; “From the Nile to the Euphrates”.

    BTW. Einstein said in 1948; “I’m against a state of Israel because one day a terrorist like Menachem Begin could become the prime minister”.

  • yael58

    Idiots like you shouldn’t use such big words like “apartheid” as you clearly don’t know what it means.

  • yael58

    There are already two “Palestinian” states: Jordan and Gaza.

  • yael58

    If Hitler were still alive, you’d be all in favour of nominating him, wouldn’t you Nazi boy?

  • Hind Abyad

    Treating Al Qaeda, al Nusra, but doesn’t let a Palestinian with cancer pass through check points to a hospital.

  • Hind Abyad

    Arab Moslem and Christians are Semites.

  • Ilana Fine Bar-Hai

    I am shocked that a group that itsrlf is racist, based on lies and twists of the truth could be elected for a Nobel Peace prize. But then again, who would have ever thought Hitler would be so successful? I’m interested in hearing exactly which laws in Israel discriminate against any israeli citizen. The world is spiralling down once again, lead by EU once again. Disgusted.

  • yael58

    Stupid and ignorant people like you who don’t even know what “apartheid” is shouldn’t use such big words.
    And Steffie, if you don’t even know what dhimmitude is, and clearly you don’t, you really do need to STFU re “apartheid”.
    BTW, do you know who Ahed’s cousin is? Your would-be nominee for the Nobel Prize wants to be just like her murdering, terrorist cousin, Ahlam Tamimi. Ahlam Tamimi is the terrorist who masterminded the Sbarro bombing which killed at least 7 Jewish kids. Ahlam was only sorry she hadn’t killed killed more, but you Islamopologists have your panties in a twist over Ahed.

  • Ilana Fine Bar-Hai

    See how bds brings dirty anti semites out of the woodwork? Congratulations Norway.

  • Ilana Fine Bar-Hai

    Thanks Norwegian polititian, Look at who your supporters are. Shameful.

  • Joseph Biener

    Yes, by all means let’s award terrorists with a peace prize. That will make this SO much better.

  • Hind Abyad


  • Hind Abyad

    Syria was invaded by foreign jihadis from more than 85 countries, financed by the Zionists and Saudi Arabia, so go back to Khazaria.

  • Hind Abyad

    She never threw stones at cars or pedophie soldiers obsessed with killing children.

  • Eric Darden

    That’s not a counter argument.

  • Eric Darden


  • Tony Riley

    Shush, the adults are talking.

  • Tony Riley

    You’re a clown

  • sai

    She was far more than ‘just’ an education minister. Using the word ‘Leftist’ is seen for what it is – a pure & pathetic, adhominem (logical fallacy) attack/argument. A great women, Israeli prize winner.

  • Eric Darden

    As a Leftist she subscribes to the belief that terrorism is motivated by materialism rather than ideology. That is why she fails to understand that the “Palestinians” are motivated by a Muslim supremacist ideology that rejects the right of infidels to live in sovereignty in the Middle East rather than any legitimate grievances. Israel is not analogous to South Africa for several reasons, including: Israel treats groups differently based on them being citizens vs. non-citizens, Arab Israelis have the same legal rights as Jewish Israelis. In fact Arab Israelis have more rights in Israel than they do in any of the Arab countries.

  • Tony Riley

    Racist Bimbo

  • nelliephant

    yes she did. her cousin is a suicide bomber who killed 15 kids in a pizza parlor. ahed is a yazidi kid sold to the tamimis and since abused. that’s why she’s ended up like this. you can see she’s not an arab

  • nelliephant

    i don’t

  • nelliephant

    must break your heart to see the jewish state growing and flourishing. serves you right. as god said those that bless you, israel will be blessed those that curse you will be cursed

  • Dogmom

    People who truly understand the Middle East conflict know that the real injustices inflicted on the Arab population of Garza and the West Bank are inflicted by their very own leadership and not by Israel. Israel has every right to defend her people against terrorism and these defensive actions should not be mistaken for aggression. The wall has reduced suicide bombings by over 90%. Check points keep Israelis safe from attacks. Everything Israeli leadership does is defensive.

    BDS practices a form of terrorism by trying to destroy Israel through the economy and the spreading of shameless lies. It is anti-Semitism by stealth and certainly not worthy of a peace prize.

  • Dogmom

    They could have had statehood many times over by now but their leaders have rejected every Israeli offer, including most of the West Bank. Ask yourself why. Because their goal is not statehood- it is the destruction Israel, “from the river to the sea,”

  • Tzach Auman

    Well, after a full time terrorist getting the prize, this only gives you second from the bottom…

  • Sam Salzman

    For Islamist terrorists and their apologists.

  • BERM40

    einstien has been used by by the deranged psychopathic supporters of the neverlander/ terrorists for years , hes credited for a slew of comments never made your a antisemite, wear the BS …
    it fits your jew hate.

  • BERM40

    In apartheid South Africa the choice was clear and beyond escape: It was good versus evil. Apartheid, apartness, which meant racial segregation and discrimination enforced by the white minority on the country’s black, colored and Asian peoples, was wrong and inhuman, denying freedom and stunting and destroying lives. The problem for concerned people was not merely to do the obvious thing and reject apartheid, but to decide what to do about it. That is, how far to go in opposing it against an increasingly tyrannous government: from being a passive bystander to imperiling your liberty, even life.

    In Israel, the moral choices are many and complex and are a daily challenge. Each of the two main competing groups, Jews and Arabs, has right on its side, through history, land, religion, geography, and tradition. The dilemma is how to satisfy their separate demands and aspirations for a tiny piece of land. The problem is bedevilled because in the long struggle between them, neither side has always behaved well, inflicting death and destruction on the other.

    Each side believes that it is in the right, and each side fears and rejects the other. Jews and Arabs are a mirror image of each other: each believes that force is the only language that the other understands; each believes that the other is trying to wipe it out. That there is some truth in these beliefs on both sides adds to the complexities.

    The ugly reality must not be denied, as some do from the standpoint that Israel can do no wrong or that it must be defended at all costs against its enemies. Anti-Semitism is certainly a factor behind some of the attacks on Israel, but it must not be overstated, as some do, as a means of counterattacking. The Holocaust is inextricably bound up with Israel’s existence, but it must not be misused, as some do, as an emotional weapon to silence genuine critics.

    At the other extreme, Israel’s failings and mistakes must not be used, as some do, as an excuse—even more, a cover—for condemning Israel to the extent of denying its very right to exist.

    Israel’s accomplishments are wondrous; but it is not a perfect society and its people sometimes behave badly and violate their moral standards, like people anywhere in the world. They must be judged and treated the same as other people and countries. None of it has lessened my belief in Zionism or the imperative of Israel as a home and sanctuary for Jews.

    Israel is accused of being “like apartheid South Africa” or it is the “new apartheid” or it is “reminiscent of apartheid” or it “resembles apartheid” or it is “tantamount” to apartheid or it has “elements” of apartheid or it perpetrates the “principle” of apartheid, or it is even “worse than apartheid.” These phrases are used mainly in regard to Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, but some critics also apply them to Israel itself.

    They are more than mere words: the obvious aim is to have Israel declared as illegitimate a state as was South Africa and hence open to international sanctions. And even more, at least for some, to deny the validity of its existence.

    If the apartheid accusation is correct, then Israel merits harsh condemnation. For it to be an apartheid state would be a betrayal of the Jewish ethics that underpin its existence, of the dreams of its founders, and of the words of the Declaration of Independence of May 14, 1948: “The State of Israel . . . will be based on the precepts of liberty, justice, and peace taught by the Hebrew Prophets; will uphold the full social and political equality of all its citizens, without distinction of race, creed or sex…”

    Use of the word apartheid in the world has broadened and softened, referring to just about anything that means separation. In Cuba, the ban on tourists staying at swank hotels was labeled as “tourism apartheid” before it ended in 2008. A ban on some bathing costumes on Brazil’s beaches was described as “bikini apartheid.” In Britain, bans on same-sex marriages were described as “a form of sexual apartheid.” The fact that racial minorities, especially blacks, are the majority in U.S. prisons has been called the “New American apartheid.”

  • BERM40

    unfortunately the anti semite core of nazi-like values still remain in europe , it seems no where more so than n. europe sweden , nederlands etc…

  • Red Robbo

    Campaigners for Palestinian ‘freedom’, who often argue that sanctions brought down the apartheid regime of South Africa and they are what will bring down the apartheid regime of Israel, ignore the lesson of history. The election of the ANC to power was supposed to see the grinding poverty of the townships ended, but the ANC have turned out to be powerless to run capitalism in a way that would end exploitation and poverty. Capitalism means the continuation of war and want. Workers have no country.

  • Nannette

    If the Norwegians want the hateful, genocidal, BDS movement to be nominated for a Nobel Prize, then we, as democratic, freedom loving people choose to boycott ALL Norwegian products!

  • moosehorn

    Your anti-Semitic card is overplayed and worn out try a different tactic.

  • Ilana Fine Bar-Hai

    It got millions of us killed so I will keep using it Everytime an antisemite raises his ugly hatred.

  • moosehorn

    A Zionist outpouring hysteria, finger pointing and anti-Semitic accusations for the only reason that BDS could be nominated for the Nobel peace prize!

  • Ilana Fine Bar-Hai

    Yes, sad but true. Just look how many popped up here thanks to this Norwegian with his absurd idea. Says a lot about him and who supports him…

  • Elaine Kelley

    I support BDS, It’s nonviolent and transformational.

  • moosehorn

    I see, all them odious separation walls are only there for decoration!
    Now, here is a well trained hasbara troll attempting to deny the Israeli apartheid and the imposed oppression of the Palestinian people.

  • moosehorn

    Criticizing rogue Israel and those who justify its misbehaviours has nothing to with anti-Semitism.

  • moosehorn

    Yet, you will be labelled as an anti-Semite.

  • Ilana Fine Bar-Hai

    Just your choice of adjectives shows otherwise. Enough. You are hateful. You have nothing more to add to the discussion, I have said what I I have and you have shown who you are so it should senseless to continue and get more hateful and racist comments on here

  • Cpt_Justice

    And yet when I point out to Norwegians how antisemitic their society is, they are shocked & furious that I could dare to even suggest it! That anyone with any critical thinking skills at all could buy into the lies this person is so blithely mouthing is astonishing; the only motivation has to be bigotry.

  • Cpt_Justice

    Yes, by all means, answer one set of lies with another.

  • Cpt_Justice

    This is a perfect example of how antisemites prevent themselves from seeing just how deeply they have bought into the lies of terrorists.

  • Cpt_Justice

    Not only is this another set of lies, it ignores the other crucial facts:
    a) Israel is too small to take in all the refugees, and yet NO OTHER COUNTRY AROUND IT is taking in THOSE SAME REFUGEES – and yet YOU are saying nothing about them? Why is that? Antisemitism.
    b)Israel is actually giving them money & free transportation – what othe country does this?& yet YOU are saying nothing about them? Why is that? Antisemitism.
    c) Israel is in NO violation of ANY UN regulations; stop lying.
    d) When anyone uses another person as a human shield THAT person is responsible for their deaths. therefore, the “slaughtering” is all the doing of Hamas.
    Until the evil that is antisemitism is destroyed, the evil that is anti-Israeli terrorism will go on. It is your choice – you & everyone like you – not anyone else’s.

  • Karen

    Oh boo hoo. You’d sympathize with Hitler if it meant going after Jews. How about a peace prize for the ayatollahs? Do you also advocate for the murder of the 7,000,000 Jews in Israel? Because that’s what BDS stands for

  • Cpt_Justice

    What a stupid child you are. Please block me, too.

  • Cpt_Justice

    The word ‘antisemite” was coined by Wilhelm Marr is mean “Jew hatred” because he wanted his pathology to sound scientific instead of childish. Look it up, & stop whining about the vagaries of the English language.

  • Cpt_Justice

    Jordan killed 20,000 “Palestinians” all at once during ‘Black September.” Not that these antisemites actually care.

  • Karen

    Okay, so why does my DNA say I’m indigenous to Israel? Why does science and archeological evidence confirm this? Hitler said leave and go to Palestine. Now the anti-semites say leave Palestine. Well, how about Jews say F$ck you this time

  • Cpt_Justice

    I was going to ask you stop lying, but when you finished with “Khazaria”, I realized that you were actually too stupid to know the difference between truth & lies. SO, never mind!

  • Cpt_Justice

    He’s smearing it on there himself. & we know what he’s using to do it.

  • Cpt_Justice

    You are entirely wrong. It absolutely *was* Balfour’s: the Turks lost it to the English in an offensive war. For crying out loud, what is it you haters that you are all so *belligerently* ignorant? Not even going to address the rest of your stupidity – it’s just too much for any sane person to deal with.

  • moosehorn

    You’re calling the BDS movement racist, and its main goal is promoting the basic human rights of the Palestinian people. Oops I forgot that, for you, there is no such a thing as Palestinians, or may be they are not humans.
    As to answer your dumb question about discrimination: How about the continuous forced eviction, housing demolition, land theft and settlers engagement in harassments, the extrajudicial executions, unlawful killing and excessive use of force.
    The arbitrary arrest, torture and unjustified detention of minors. The West Bank movement restrictions and the never ending violations of human rights, and so on and so on.

  • Eric Darden

    Maybe those of us who support Israel should initiate a boycott “Palestinian” products? Oh wait, we can’t ’cause they don’t produce anything. 🙂

  • Cpt_Justice

    What’s inane is making pronouncements for other groups as if they were exactly the same as your own, imposing your standards on everyone else. Judaism is not like Christianity & to insist it must be because you can’t grasp how it’s not is the height of self-centered bigotry.

  • moosehorn

    No, because, for the like of you, they don’t exist.

  • Cpt_Justice

    You want a cracker, Polly?

  • Cpt_Justice

    He’s nothing more than a parrot. With a minimum of noise he has managed to hit every single talking point of antisemites.

  • Karen

    Show me a concentration camp in Israel that is comparable to Auschwitz. You’re pathetic and you’re throwing genocide around like the candy the Palestinians doled out after 9/11 and Tel Aviv bus bombings. By supporting BDS and ignoring the slaughter of Syrians, Yazidis, Yemenites, Afghanis, Nigerians, etc, you’ve exposed your Jew hate.

  • MissCostello

    What an outstandingly *stupid” comment. Clairvoyant too! Don’t give up the day job.

  • moosehorn

    This clown will twist, contort fart and belch, in no particular order, in a desperate attempt to prove that he lost touch with reality.

  • Eric Darden

    Turns out that basing your entire nation’s reason to exist on the destruction of another country and focusing all your resources on attacking a country that is significantly stronger than you is not conducive to a prosperous and productive economy.

  • MissCostello

    Bullshit is what YOU stand for. Try harder. Yours is crap.

  • moosehorn

    I sense desperation in your tone, or just the echoing of desperate lies.

  • moosehorn

    Oh give it up, if you want to stop the spread of anti-Semitism, start to behave humanely.

  • Connie Goldman

    BDS has nothing to do with anything other than the destruction of Israel. It’s a flawed nomination by a hypocrite who ignores the oppressed in other parts of the world. The BDS movement will stall and go down in flames like all other hate-driven movements.

  • moosehorn

    That is what I call vilifying the victim to defend the aggressor.

  • Minniehaha

    What a well thought out argument. Says all we need to know about you

  • Minniehaha

    How about you give up your bigoted Jew hate instead

  • moosehorn

    Ah, the morally bankrupt, justifying Israeli crimes by other killings. Disgusting.

  • moosehorn

    Does that justify the Israeli crimes?

  • Minniehaha

    Israel offered the Pals a state many times. They can blame themselves and the Arab countries that use them like puppets. I don’t hear you complaining about the Palestinians treatment In Lebanon. Why are they still in refugee camps? Why can’t they own land, get jobs, etc in other Arab countries? How about you educate yourself

  • Minniehaha

    so why was there anti-semitism before Israel existed? We weren’t acting humanely when we were forced into ghettos and slaughtered whenever the populace needed a scapegoat? Yeah, sure.

  • BERM40

    losers and fools.. ya you are both and ignorant of honesty, so sad you’re a corrupted jew hater not worthy of my time…

  • Minniehaha

    Yawn. You sound like a gender studies professor. Gee, no Jew hate agenda there 😂

  • moosehorn

    No one is mixed up between truth and lies such as yourself, and your resorting to insults proves that you lost the argument.

  • Minniehaha

    😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I curse you to have to look at your lying, hateful face in the mirror everyday for the rest of your life. Terrifying though

  • Minniehaha

    They don’t care because it doesn’t fit their Jew hate agenda

  • BERM40

    BDS movement, should be condemned, Every step and every opportunity we have we speak against it, we denounce it, and we denounce those who are seeking to carry out.

    BDS’s anti-Israel agenda, is always anti-Semitic and it is blatantly and utterly racist. It’s only against Israel – a group of people in one faith – where you see a BDS movement. You see it nowhere else. You can’t name me a single other country in the world, a single other faith or a single other people group where there’s a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement except against the Jewish people and Israel. It’s anti-Semitic, it’s racist, it is beneath contempt.

  • Minniehaha

    I love it. They have to blame Israel because they are incapable of self reflection and responsibility. Pathetic

  • Minniehaha

    Blah, blah, blah, blah. Do you think you’re original in your bigoted views? Heard it all before and yet here we are. And sad for you, but we’re not going anywhere. Guess we’re just your worse nightmare. Deal with it

  • Minniehaha

    And yet we have our own gene pool so, yes, there is a Jewish People. And you deny Jews, and only Jews, our homeland. DNA and science prove we are indigenous to Israel, but that sort of ruins your whole premise

  • moosehorn

    Pathetic or not, It’s a matter of right and wrong, and you are on the wrong side but that doesn’t bother your because you are one of the immoral haters.

  • Minniehaha

    Oh my goodness, the Jew haters have to fall back on their apartheid bullsh$t because the facts don’t support their bigoted arguments

  • Minniehaha

    How about you having an original thought instead of mimicking al the Jew haters who came before you

  • Minniehaha

    Omg, you crack me up. Do you judge Arab countries for abusing their own people? You’re a bigot who hates Jews and your comments reflect it. You can blame us and call us Nazis, but it’s people like you who reenforce the need for our own homeland. Sorry, but we were here long before the Palestinians were created in 1947.

  • Minniehaha

    Um, the wall is there because your bros kept bombing buses and pizzarias. But you don’t care about slaughtered Jews because it goes against your narrative

  • moosehorn

    Another inflamed Zio-Nazi, foaming at the mouth!

  • Ilana Fine Bar-Hai

    Yes. He says anti Israel is not anti semitism and then says if you want anti semitism to end start acting humanely. So Jews are not humane. But Nazis were..and you can follow his logic from there. And I tried to have a a sensible discussion. Ugh.

  • BERM40

    F-ing Norwegians. The people who gave the Nobel Prize to Y-ASS-er Arafat, one of the most heinous creatures of the last century. May their country be conquered by Islam with Godspeed.

  • Minniehaha

    Hahahahahaha. That’s why Israeli Arabs have full rights in Israel. Arabs are in the IDF, on the Supreme Court, in government positions. Yeah, that’s apartheid all right. What rights do Jews have in Arab countries? None because they were all ethnically cleansed. But go ahead and live in your little hate bubble

  • moosehorn

    Speaking from experience, right?

  • Minniehaha

    It’s something called DNA proof, but don’t let the facts get in your way

  • Minniehaha

    Typical ignorance of those so called Jew haters

  • Minniehaha

    My two year old sounds just like you. No! Me decide!

  • Tostig

    So basically, you just really, really don’t like Jews. Why not just admit it and save yourself all this preening and writing?

  • Minniehaha

    what Have you contributed to humanity? Nothing but recycled anti-Semitic tropes. You’re unoriginal and tiresome

  • Minniehaha

    And you’re still a bigot. Carry on

  • Minniehaha

    And it’s only targeting Jews. Hmmmm, sounds awfully familiar.

  • moosehorn

    DNA and science proved that two thirds are Ashkhenazy khazar invaders.

  • BERM40

    there have been many instance’s when the nobel prize has been offered to evil, wrongheadedly, like arafat and obama, Joseph Stalin, the Secretary General of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1945 and 1948 for his efforts to end World War II. Surprisingly, Adolf Hitler was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1939, by a member of the Swedish parliament, an E.G.C. Brandt.

  • Minniehaha

    It would because it will give Jews an opportunity to show what these bigots are advocating – the destruction of the Jewish people.

  • moosehorn

    You want to see a braying willfully ignorant, look into a mirror.

  • Minniehaha

    That we be awesome because than we can make a highlight reel of all her pallywood movies

  • Minniehaha

    Oh really. You’re lying through your teeth. Typical

  • moosehorn

    Displaying Immaturity or idiotic behaviour?

  • moosehorn

    Au contraire all facts describe Israel as an apartheid.

  • moosehorn

    So, apartheid is a big word, and that’s why Israel is establishing it?

  • moosehorn

    Jew-hater is also an overplayed and worn out card, don’t complain when Karma gets back at you.

  • moosehorn

    I have also said what I have to say and you have shown who you are.
    Estalavista, you’re not gona be missed.

  • Minniehaha

    You know nothing about me. I’m willing to bet you haven’t suffered ant-Semitic violence or discrimination. I have, as did my father and his father before him, so call me immoral for standing up for Jews, and fortunately, you’re just another example of why Jews need a homeland. We know exactly what you are

  • Ilana Fine Bar-Hai

    Hasta la Vista to you. Cannot say though, that you are going to be missed, to be honest!

  • Tony Riley

    If you’re a BDS supporter, don’t get Cancer, because Israel is the only country coming up with effective treatment.

  • Tony Riley

    No, the term “anti-semite” was invented by a Jew-hating German.

    Probably a relative of yours.

  • MissCostello

    “comparable to Auschwitz”:
    How stupid you are; since WHEN did Auschwitz become the barometer for every atrocity on the planet in 2018? Do we condone that which is CLEARLY WRONG, because it doesn’t quite match up (in YOUR view) to the evils of what took place elsewhere, years before? Try telling that to a Palestinian, who has *paid the price* in every way, from 1948 to this very day.

    “Jew hate”:
    Tell that to my *Jewish* friends – those (unlike you) who know injustice when they see it, against 1.5 million + men, women, children, confined within a narrow strip of land, every abuse that comes with it, day in day out, for WHAT? Living in the land they were BORN IN *harming no one*? Enough.

  • moosehorn

    BDS is a nonviolent movement defending the basic human rights of the Palestinian people and addressing the injustices they suffer under certain apartheid Israeli actions. it is not in your powers to stop it as you cannot dictate on the international community on how to run their affairs, suck it up and deal with it.

  • moosehorn

    I don’t see any outpouring love from you.

  • moosehorn

    There we go all arrogance about Israel this and the Israel that. Good try.

  • moosehorn

    If you suffered discrimination and injustice, you shouldn’t accept it being inflicted on the Palestinians, that simple.

  • Minniehaha

    Why would I pour love on the people who want to destroy us. I’ll save my love for Syrian children who have suffered chemical attacks. Guess you haven’t much love for them since you only go after Jews

  • Sam

    because these are not Muslim states, nor christian states. these are secular governments that recognize a religion as their identity but not as their laws or legislation. like Britain for example is considered a Christian country but not in their laws. they don’t legislate laws according to the bible, its called a christian country but Muslims, Jews and Christians live on it under the same laws that rules all of them.
    the only states that wants to be called upon their religion are Israel and ISIS. and I’m sorry as long as I don’t recognize an Islamic state, I will never recognize a Jewish state.

  • moosehorn

    Enough of tossing: you are an anti-Semite, you are a Jew-hater. The subject is about The BDS movement being nominated for the Nobel peace prize which unleashed a pile-on of hysteric zionists opposed the idea.
    As for the Palestinians we know, that to the like of you. they are some sort of imaginary creatures,

  • David Barrett

    There is no such thing as a Palestinian people. Where were they when Jordanian rule was in ascendant? They are a concoction of deceit to justify vilification of anything Jewish in this area

  • David Barrett

    Bjørnar Moxnes may be a member of the Norwegian Parliament but his ignorance of facts on the ground and his wish to eliminate Israel off the map by recognizing an egocentric Arab population which is unwilling to accept a Jewish state in its midst, let alone Jews,signifies that he too is an anti-Semite.

  • David Barrett

    Your use of the word apartheid signifies your anti-Semitism. Go and ask a South African what apartheid really was!!

  • moosehorn

    And that minimum noise drove into hysteria.

  • David Barrett

    The so called Pallys have brought all this upon themselves thro bad leadership, financial theft and Jew hatred. Go ask the ordinary Pally in the street – he will tell you the truth.

  • Minniehaha

    Yies BDS is so noble in its Jew hate. Why no outrage about Arabs slaughtering Arabs? Oh yeah, no Jews so it’s super boring and out of fashion. You need a little beret and AK47 so you can look like your Hamas friends

  • Minniehaha

    Yawn 🤮😴

  • David Barrett

    You wrote” They slaughter & imprison Children in the thousands” That is pure slander and totally unacceptable. The Arabs have killed 11 million of their own in the last 50 years and are still at it today . Not a word from you about half million dead in Syria?!

  • Minniehaha

    Yes, and BDS advocates for the destruction of Israel. So enough protestations about how noble and peaceful they are. Go take a nap

  • David Barrett

    No he did not . Prove it – source line and quote!!

  • Minniehaha

    😂 6,000,000 wasn’t enough for you. We’re dealing with reality while you’re starry eyed about destroying Israel. Go troll somewhere else. Why are you even commenting in a Jewish newspaper when your agenda is perfectly clear

  • moosehorn

    Don’t put words in my mouth, and don’t confuse my criticism of Israel inhumane actions toward the Palestinians, with Jew hating. Not all Jews accept what goes on in the apartheid state.

  • moosehorn

    I am not denying Holocaust, you are using it to justify the atrocities the Palestinians are being subjected to.

  • nelliephant

    A virtual guide to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, a country in South Asia with a coastline on the Arabian Sea in south. Pakistan is bordered by Afghanistan, China, India, and Iran.

    Within Pakistan’s landscape there is the flat fertile Indus plain in east, nurtured by the Indus, the country’s longest river and a key water resource. Pakistan’s north is mountainous. The nation’s highest mountains are in the Himalayas in north east. Pakistan’s largest and least populated province is Balochistan situated on the Balochistan Plateau in the south and west.

    The country occupies an area of 796,095 km², compared it is slightly larger than Turkey (783,562 km²) or slightly less than twice the size of the U.S. state of California.

    Pakistan has a population of 188 million people (data from Statistics Division, 2015).
    Capital is Islamabad. Main port, largest city and business capital of Pakistan is Karachi, second largest city is Lahore. Other major Pakistani cities: Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Multan, Gujranwala, Hyderabad, Peshawar, and Quetta.
    Spoken languages are Urdu (a form of Hindustani), English (both official), Punjabi, Sindhi, Dari, Balochi, and Pashto.

  • David Barrett

    Do you realise how much money has been poured into the Pally cause with hardly any progress in building proper residential urban developments , schools for their children and hospitals ? Israel provides their electricity but they don’t want tp pay for it and most of the money has found its way into the leaders pockets [ not surprisingly] , to build beautiful palatial residences for Abbas and his cronies and/or for illegal weapons. Oh! and Abbas now wants a 50 million personal airbus so he can fly to Europe!!All Israel does , after the Pallys turned down 3 deals, is to apply law and order, in accordance with the High Court. Sure a few mistakes have been made but ask the 2 million Arabs living WITHIN Israel where they would like to live the rest of their lives.
    I know what answer they would happily give!

  • nelliephant

    Islamic Muslim Countries Name With Their Capital City and Muslim Population
    Country Names————-Capital———Muslim Population “%”
    Afghanistan—————- Kabul————— 99%
    Albania———————Tirana————– 75%
    Algeria——————— Algiers————- 98%
    Azerbaijan—————– Baku————— 93.4%
    Bahrain——————– Al-Manama——– 99%
    Bangladesh—————- Dhaka ————- 85%
    Bosnia——————— Sarajevo———– 40%
    Brunei——————— Bandar Seri——– 67%
    Cameroon—————– Yaounde———– 55%
    Central African Republic— Bangui ————- 55.0%
    Chad———————- N’djamena ——— 85.0%
    Dahomey—————– Abomey———— 60%
    Egypt——————— Cairo ————— 93%
    Ethiopia——————- Addis Ababa ——– 65%
    Gambia——————- Banjul————– 85%
    Guinea——————– Conakry ———— 95%
    Guinea-Bissau———— Bissau————– 70%
    Guyana——————- Georgetown——– 15%
    Indonesia—————- Jakarta————- 95%
    Iran———————- Teheran———— 98%
    Iraq———————– Baghdad ———– 95%
    Jordan——————– Amman ————- 95%
    Kazakhstan————— Alma-Ata ———– 51.2%
    Kuwait——————– Kuwait City ——— 98%
    Kyrgyzstan————— Bishkek————- 76.1%
    Lebanon—————— Beirut—————-57%
    Libya——————— Tripoli—————-100%
    Malaysia—————– Kuala Lumpur——–52%
    Maldives—————– Kishiner————–100%
    Mali ———————- Bamako————–90%
    Mauritania ————— Nouakchott———- 100%
    Morocco—————— Rabat—————- 99%
    Mozambique————- Maputo ————- 29%
    Nigeria——————- Abuja ————— 75%
    Oman ——————– Muscat—————100%
    Pakistan—————— Islamabad———– 97%
    Palestine —————- Jerusalem———— 25%
    Qatar ——————- Doha——————99%
    Saudi Arabia————- Riyadh—————-100%
    Senegal—————— Dakar—————– 95%
    Sierra Leone————- Freetown————–65%
    Sudan——————- Khartoum————–85%
    Suriname—————- Paramaribo————25%
    Syria——————– Damascus————–87%
    Tajikistan————— Dushanbe————– 85%
    Tunisia—————— Tunis —————— 95%
    Turkey—————— Ankara —————- 99%
    Turkmenistan———– AshKhabad———— 87%
    Uganda—————– Kampala—————36%
    United Arab Emirates— Abu Dhabi————–100%
    Uzbekistan————– Tashkent————— 88%
    Western Sahara——— Laayoune—————100%
    Yemen—————— San’aa—————— 99%

  • Tony Riley

    I’m simply trying to help you avoid being a hypocrite.

    I would obviously be quite amused if you rejected life-saving medicine on the basis that it’s invented by a Jew.

  • moosehorn

    Now you are showing your true colours. Typical Hasbara trolls attempt to explain until realizing that they are getting nowhere and then they respond with disdain and disgust.

  • Tony Riley

    The apartheid state of Palestine?

    No, it’s a mess in Palestine: forced marriage is the norm, as are “honour killings” of vulnerable women who try to escape from them.

    You should boycott Palestine until it mends its ways.

  • David Barrett

    I shall also add that to the chagrin of many this dispute is not about social matters but about religion. The Arab Muslims have been brainwashed into carrying out despicable acts that are certainly not humanistic in the vain hope that their ‘brother’ Jew will be eliminated. No longer are Jews dhimmi !!
    “For the Jews to return to their Temple, the Arabs who treated the Jews badly and prevented us from serving our God must have a judgment brought upon them.”
    The Jewish people , so longa s they maintain their charitable behavior and what I would call their slow return to religious acceptance are in the ascendant ; or to put it into Arabic so that they may understand — insh’Allah

  • Minniehaha

    And you’re making a ridiculous leap. I advocate for a two state solution but BDS doesn’t, so quit with the sanctimonious bs. I’m done with you

  • moosehorn

    Enough, you a morally corrupt, hasbara trained hypocrite with ulterior motives.

  • Sam

    Again these are Secular countries with Islam as their religion. just as the example I told you before about Britain being a christian country.

  • nelliephant

    if you think the islamic republic of iran is a secular state not run by the ayatollahs you’re deluded. try asking ayatoyallah khamanei if he runs a secular state

  • EyalN

    you are welcome to visit Palestinian cities and arab cities in Israel and you will see that all of them have a better life than arabs in arab countries. Palestinians are not welcome in Israeli areas because they kill Israelis. if you are Christian or gay or both don’t visit them because they will kill you. in Gaza they kill anyone that is not straight muslim. sodastream had palestinians working for them but because of BDS they had to fire them and move the company into israeli area.
    if palestinians needs a real good doctor israelis help them, do you know anyone else that help is enemy?
    israel is the only county in the area that help Syrians

  • Minniehaha

    Oh my someone is losing their sh$t. 😂

  • BERM40

    blah blah blah racist scum more bs from the ignorant jew hater

  • Sam

    Despite the fact that Iran enforces laws based on religious believes on their citizens but in the eyes of the international community and the UN they are secular and they won’t dare to say otherwise. another example of a bad secular country is Saudi Arabia which claims to be secular but most of their laws are based on a religious book. I’m not saying this is ok I’m just saying that you can’t ask the world to recognize a Jewish state, in the same way they won’t recognize an Islamic state.

  • moosehorn

    According to your tooth fairy!

  • moosehorn

    Oh just another Palestinian, who cares,

  • moosehorn

    And you complain about hatred! Karma will get back at you.

  • moosehorn

    The pot is calling the kettle black.

  • moosehorn

    That makes an expert in misconception.

  • moosehorn

    Your DNA says that you are a Ashkenazy invader,

  • moosehorn

    Wasn’t I right in warning Elaine Kelley about the attacks of the likes of you?

  • Minniehaha

    You go on and on and on and on and on without hearing a thing. You’re so determined to make your point you don’t care about what anyone says. yes, we know you’re mother Theresa and Gandhi but without the the class, piety and rational thought. You’re arguing with someone who believes in a two state solution, but you won’t give Jews self determination. I can’t imagine what you must be like on a bad day 🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉

  • moosehorn

    Hope that it will teach the rabid Zionists that their desperate Intimidation tactics are void of legitimacy.

  • moosehorn

    TO your wee brain all words are too big to be used.

  • moosehorn

    How many reels could be made of the Zio-Nazi crimes against humanity. that is if you consider the Palestinian as human beings.

  • moosehorn

    She’s not an Ashkhenazy Khazar invader.

  • moosehorn

    I would like to know what is causing you to be so confused?

  • moosehorn

    You are simply regurgitating your own vomit,

  • moosehorn

    Green with envy and pissing vinegar for the simple fact that the BDS movement deserves a nomination. What would you do if they win it?

  • moosehorn

    Then the hate-driven Zionist ideology shall be the first whether.

  • moosehorn

    Your stupidity is beyond limits, and you’re not worth to be included in any intelligent discussion.

  • moosehorn

    By comparing your first reply to the rest of the rhetoric charged braying, one can surely see that your hypocrisy is unequivocal.

  • moosehorn

    You are not worth the Sh$t. Get it?

  • moosehorn

    Good try, I’m boycotting Israel until it ends it oppression of the legitimate land owners.

  • moosehorn

    You are the hypocrite, save your fake help, or shove it you know where.

  • Minniehaha

    I get that you can dish it out but not take. This conversation is stale, so shalom

  • BERM40

    braying like a donkey,,, its your life is it not by the way no palestine…

  • Tony Riley

    All mobile phones
    All computers

    Clearly, you’re a bigoted liar

  • Tony Riley

    So you do use Jewish inventions?

  • O O

    Khazarian imposters squatting in Palestine should return home to Eastern Europe.

  • O O

    96% of Jews are non-Semitic Ashkenazics.

  • O O

    Holocaustdeprogrammingcourse dot com

  • O O

    “The Invention Of The Jewish People” Shlomo Sand.

  • O O

    Organ theft, Apartheid, Usury, LGBT, Pornography, Genocide, Land Theft, Bombing Children Playing Football on The Beach, the list goes on.

  • Hind Abyad

    Nonsense you have no references between Asia and Middle East

  • Hind Abyad

    Are Semites a race or a religion?
    In other words; are you a Semite?

  • Hind Abyad


  • Hind Abyad

    Arafat (and Begin)- the Irgun Nobel Prize. Arafat was came after.

  • Helmut Käss

    BDS wants to help the palestinian cause and it does it with with peaceful ways. So I think it is a good idea to give them the nobel peace prize.

  • Hind Abyad

    But they use Arabic numbers

  • Eric Darden

    That’s not a counter argument.

  • Eric Darden

    The constant stream of persecution and violence against non-Muslims such as Yazidis, Christians, Zoroastrians, hindus, etc. clearly demonstrate that hatred for Jews is not based on what they’ve done but the fact that they are infidels.

  • Hind Abyad

    Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by…

    ‘Albert Einstein Letter to The New York Times. December 4, 1948.
    New Palestine Party. Visit of Menachen Begin and Aims of Political Movement Discussed by Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, Sidney Hook…
    Source: Text from original microfilm


    Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the “Freedom Party” (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine.

    The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States. Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome his visit. It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughout the world, if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin’s political record and perspectives, could add their names and support to the movement he represents.
    Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial contributions, public manifestations in Begin’s behalf, and the creation in Palestine of the impression that a large segment of America supports Fascist elements in Israel, the American public must be informed as to the record and objectives of Mr. Begin and his movement.
    The public avowals of Begin’s party are no guide whatever to its actual character. Today they speak of freedom, democracy and anti-imperialism, whereas until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist state. It is in its actions that the terrorist party betrays its real character; from its past actions we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future.

    Attack on Arab Village
    A shocking example was their behavior in the Arab village of Deir Yassin. This village, off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands, had taken no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who wanted to use the village as their base. On April 9 (THE NEW YORK TIMES), terrorist bands attacked this peaceful village, which was not a military objective in the fighting, killed most of its inhabitants (240 men, women, and children) and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish community was horrified at the deed, and the Jewish Agency sent a telegram of apology to King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan. But the terrorists, far from being ashamed of their act, were proud of this massacre, publicized it widely, and invited all the foreign correspondents present in the country to view the heaped corpses and the general havoc at Deir Yassin.
    The Deir Yassin incident exemplifies the character and actions of the Freedom Party.
    Within the Jewish community they have preached an admixture of ultranationalism, religious mysticism, and racial superiority. Like other Fascist parties they have been used to break strikes, and have themselves pressed for the destruction of free trade unions. In their stead they have proposed corporate unions on the Italian Fascist model.
    During the last years of sporadic anti-British violence, the IZL and Stern groups inaugurated a reign of terror in the Palestine Jewish community. Teachers were beaten up for speaking against them, adults were shot for not letting their children join them. By gangster methods, beatings, window-smashing, and wide-spread robberies, the terrorists intimidated the population and exacted a heavy tribute.
    The people of the Freedom Party have had no part in the constructive achievements in Palestine. They have reclaimed no land, built no settlements, and only detracted from the Jewish defense activity. Their much-publicized immigration endeavors were minute, and devoted mainly to bringing in Fascist compatriots.

    Discrepancies Seen
    The discrepancies between the bold claims now being made by Begin and his party, and their record of past performance in Palestine bear the imprint of no ordinary political party. This is the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a “Leader State” is the goal.
    In the light of the foregoing considerations, it is imperative that the truth about Mr. Begin and his movement be made known in this country. It is all the more tragic that the top leadership of American Zionism has refused to campaign against Begin’s efforts, or even to expose to its own constituents the dangers to Israel from support to Begin.

    The undersigned therefore take this means of publicly presenting a few salient facts concerning Begin and his party; and of urging all concerned not to support this latest manifestation of fascism.

    H.H. HARRIS,
    M. SINGER,
    New York, Dec. 2, 1948

  • Eric Darden

    They use Hindu numbers that were appropriated by the conquering Muslims. The problem is that once Islam stopped expanding around the 1500s and steadily began contracting they were no longer able to take knowledge that others had discovered and incorporate it into their empires which led to the steady decline of the Islamic civilizations to the point where they lag behind nearly every other civilization on Earth today. Now, if they would give up their supremacist beliefs, embrace democracy and free markets, and focus on building up their own societies then the situation could change and Muslim countries could prosper.

  • nelliephant

    they are arabs just like the syrians, lebanese and iraqis. they are as real as harry potter

  • nelliephant

    the walls are built to keep the scum terrorist arabs out. they should build more

  • Ashtari Nilufar

    ISRATIN: One nation-state with equal rights and plights for all! I wish the BDS movement to be more widely known in Europe; awarding it a Nobel Prize is a step in that direction. Thanks Norway for speaking out against Israel and standing up against the “consensus.” History will prove you right.

  • Stef Vanstiphout

    The brother of terrorist Netanyahu is not responsible for Netanyahu’s actions. And: “You reap what you sow”

  • Hind Abyad

    No, not by conquering..Arab Golden Age Baghdad in 8th century was the center of studies and knowledge. Arabic numbers replaced Roman letter numbers, no need to scream, numerals are the work of Hindu, Persians, Chinese etc..Arab found the Algebra equation

    (..)”Among other things, Al-Karaji used mathematical induction to prove the binomial theorem. A binomial is a simple type of algebraic expression which has just two terms which are operated on only by addition, subtraction, multiplication and positive whole-number exponents, such as (x + y)2.
    The co-efficients needed when a binomial is expanded form a symmetrical triangle, usually referred to as Pascal’s Triangle after the 17th Century French mathematician Blaise Pascal.
    Although many other mathematicians had studied it centuries before him in India, Persia, China and Italy, including Al-Karaji”.

  • Y.Gazit

    Bjørnar Moxnes, you are a sick person and need an urgent help from a psychiatrist, or
    possibly, you are just a useful ignorant

  • Hind Abyad

    The map Philistia is in the ..Zionism is a mental disease

  • Hind Abyad

    boo hoo hoo the wailing wall.
    Goy hater invented racism, the “chosen” myth

  • Hind Abyad

    Gaz it. Zionist

  • BERM40

    my little sharmoota, dear you need to be schooled arafat was the first homo neverlander terrorist, in no way worthy of a nobel, certainly not for a none existing peace , he was more of a ex piece of nothing not even shyte off my shoe….

  • moosehorn

    The laugh is on you, clown,

  • moosehorn

    A mental disease and a dangerous ideology.

  • BERM40

    poor little moose boy without the wit to create a risible comment… loser… what did I hear that right…… still no palestine , nope its a figment of your dreams , not unlike flying donkeys to the non existent furthest mosque, not even on the moon , goon.

  • moosehorn

    Impressive! Did you com up with this by yourself?

  • moosehorn

    Thank you Mr. Bjornar Moxnes. Look how your honourable decision brought out droves of hysterical Zionists throwing unfounded anti-Semitic accusations. I hope you are not going to cave in to the demands of these monsters,

  • Hind Abyad

    Shamouta your mama babies’re blocked

  • Tore S. S.

    Wow. Well that was a sad comment section. I pity those who cannot see the difference between a state and a religion/ethnicity.
    Jews are not the problem. Israel’s numerous illegal activities are the problem.

  • nelliephant

    no, i got the figures, from some islamist racist scumbag like you

  • BERM40

    your sadly inept at being original little sharmoota.. get off your knees and stop hating your betters , by the way… still no palestine…

  • Eric Darden

    It is true that several centuries ago Muslim scientists made significant contributions to scientific discovery In addition to the knowledge they attained through conquest. However, starting with the Reconquista of Spain and accelerating rapidly with Britain’s seizure of India, the dutch colonization of Indonesia and Napolean’s invasion of Egypt in 1798, the Muslims have lagged far behind almost everyone else. The great academic Bernard Lewis detailed this decline and the Muslim world’s desperate attempt to grapple with it in his 2002 book What Went Wrong.

    The most dramatic example of how far they have fallen is the fact that Israel, a country of some 8 million people (6.5 million Jews), publishes more scientific research papers and issues more patents than all 57 Muslim countries constituting 1.6 billion people combined. Now, were the Muslims to embrace democracy, rule of law, freedom of speech, secularism, and free markets; they would likely embark on a new era of prosperity. Also, they would not be a threat to Israel as liberal democracies do not war with one another.

  • MissCostello

    No answer then? Thought not.

  • Minniehaha

    Hey idiot, my family was in Auschwitz so you’re expertise is garbage

  • Minniehaha

    Can you tell me who suffers from the highest rate of religious hate crimes in the US? Judaism. It’s not suffered, it’s suffering, that’s why there will always be a Israel despite your best efforts to delegitimize it. And why aren’t you going after the corrupt Palestinian leadership who have ripped off their people and fed them a steady diet of hate? Where has the billions of dollars of aid gone? Check out the palace Abu Mazen lives in. But why blame Arabs when the Jews are so handy as scapegoats.

  • Minniehaha

    And there you have it. You just exposed who and what you are. By using that terminology and by calling Israelis Nazis, you’re just another pathetic bigot. You have no idea what Nazis are. Ever been to Dachau? Auschwitz? If you had, you wouldn’t throw that term around so lightly. Have you even been to Israel. Just curious

  • Minniehaha

    We are and we own you 😂😂😂😂😂

  • MissCostello


    ME: TWO DAYS AGO in reply to ‘FERAL ERIC’;
    “Not worth the sht on a Palestinian shoe!! BLOCKED.”

    YOU: TODAY: “he was more of a ex piece of nothing not even shyte off my shoe….”

    Are you SO THICK, unable to come up with anything ORIGINAL of your OWN, you resort to stealing MY /other peoples WORDS, hoping no one will NOTICE?!? IDIOT!

    No wonder you’re staunch *defender* of biggest THIEF on the planet! When it comes to LAND, HOMES, LIVES, RESOURCES, NOBODY does it better than nauseating FAKE STATE ISRAEL.

  • MissCostello

    You didn’t learn much, did you? Irgun? Stern Gang? Haganah?

    ‘Israel’ was FOUNDED on *TERRORISM*; King David Hotel 1946; NINETY ONE British personal blown to smithereens, many injured. Just ONE example. Nothing’s changed. I’ll take no lectures from you, Minnie Blah Blah!

  • MissCostello

    Watch your comments, moosehorn! BermGerm has a sly sneaky habit of rubbishing every word others say, then helping itself to our lines, hoping we looking other way! Couldn’t make it up!

  • MissCostello

    You’ll be ‘moving on’, shutting up, or arguing with yourself then?

  • MissCostello

    ‘asshat??? “look like the fool”:

    Speaking of ‘fools’ – if you’re going to insult someone – BermGerm – it helps if you can at least spell the swearwords.

  • Carlos R. Gonzales

    The Arab population has only grown in Israel since 1948. Arabs have benefited from medicine. clean water, modern agriculture, public education, eradication of malaria all implemented by Jews. There are “Palestinians” alive today because their great-grandparents lived near Jews. Arab infant mortality rates went down when Jews came to town. Where’s Israel’s Nobel Prize?

  • alyn21

    You are supporting a lie. There has never been a country called Palestine and there is no such people as Palestinian. The only occupied territories are the ones occupied by Muslims.

  • alyn21

    Another useful idiot for Islam

  • moosehorn

    That’s right: Terror was crucial in the creation of Israel.

  • BERM40

    like see you next tuesday loser… by the way looked again you have nothing to add to the dialog, you are vacuous and pathetic a natural sharmoota get off you’re knees and act like a human being… by the way , looked no palestine. nothing wrong with my spelling twit, maybe your just a pos lackwit that cannot parse english.

  • BERM40

    sad you are such a waste of time you sad witless twat, israel is legal and the terrorist palestinians refuse peace , so ducky toss out anything designed by an Israeli , practically all electronics and life saving processes, bds yourself to your own early demise.

  • BERM40

    angry and foaming at the mouth a rabid sharmoota , wipe your mouth of the leavings of your last customer, and realize how worthless you really are, I could care less what drival you write , I really dont care to read your pedantic blood libels and bs, Israel is legal the squatters are the neverlander south syrians you can go and leave with them back to the real so called palestine jordan or gaza. your a pathetic joke. and far too easy , just like you’re mom….

  • moosehorn

    Is your warped sense of morality, why you are deflecting the subject for the simple reason to defend the morally indefensible?

  • moosehorn

    Why, you deny that Israel is using Nazi tactics in oppressing the Palestinians?

  • moosehorn

    Definitely, you are a pathetic liar.

  • moosehorn

    A shameless immature pothead blurting nonsense.

  • moosehorn

    What an illiterate shmuck, I bet a fourth grader will put you to shame.

  • BERM40

    what an immature foolish hater you are, pathetic much, have you ever heard of medical cannibis or are you so full of yourself that you would deny a persons health and wellbeing because you are a worthless pos with not an iota of rational dialog, back to the gulag nazi boy your not worthy to post with adults.

  • moosehorn

    Ironically coming from a sad sorry loser, on the hasbara payroll.

  • moosehorn

    You can’t be for real, unless you fled from a mental institution and you left your meds. behind!!!

  • moosehorn

    You don’t have to try that hard to prove that you are an illiterate idiot.

  • moosehorn

    Expressing schadenfreude more likely.

  • sai

    Apples & Oranges. Syria is a war zone – Israel is an apartheid zone. An Apartheid state that also has its dirty hands deeply involved in the dirty war being waged on Syria. And let’s not forget its support of Al-Qaeda & ISIS in all this.

  • sai

    Professor of International Law at the University of Illinois, Francis Boyle – responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 – the American implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention, had, after spending two weeks observing, in the Apartheid state of Israel, what can only be said to be a rather shocking conversation with the IDF’s head lawyer, Joel Zinger.

    “I said It’s clear you people are inflicting Nuremberg crimes on the Palestinians. Exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews. What’s your explanation?”

    He said: “Military necessity.”

    Notice, he didn’t disagree with me.

    I said: “That argument was rejected at Nuremberg when the lawyers for the Nazis made it.”

    So then he said: “Well, we have public relations people in the United States … and they handle these matters for us.”’

  • sai

    “As a leftist she subscribes to..” There you go again. Utter nonsense. Just as your ridiculous claim that Palestinians aren’t motivated by, “any legitimate grievances”

    Tell me you’re joking, here?

    South Africa? Israel is far worse.And no, they do not have more rights in Israel than they do in any other Arab country. The Jews in Iran have more rights than the Palestinians in Israel do.

    “When you observe from afar you know that things are bad, but you do not know how bad. Nothing can prepare you for the evil we have seen here. In a certain sense, it is worse, worse, worse than everything we endured. The level of the apartheid, the racism and the brutality are worse than the worst period of apartheid”. – Mondli Makhanya – editor-in-chief of the Sunday Times of South Africa

  • sai

    Professor of International Law at the University of Illinois, Francis Boyle – responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 – the American implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention, had, after spending two weeks observing, in the Apartheid state of Israel, what can only be said to be a rather shocking conversation with the IDF’s head lawyer, Joel Zinger.

    “I said It’s clear you people are inflicting Nuremberg crimes on the Palestinians. Exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews. What’s your explanation?”

    He said: “Military necessity.”

    Notice, he didn’t disagree with me.

    I said: “That argument was rejected at Nuremberg when the lawyers for the Nazis made it.”

    So then he said: “Well, we have public relations people in the United States … and they handle these matters for us.”’

  • sai

    “[We’ve become] a brutal occupation force similar to the Germans in World War II,” – Avraham Shalom, former head of the Shin Bet

  • Marek Edelman

    Israel IS an Apartheid State

    BDS BDS BDS !!!

  • Marek Edelman

    Absolutely disgusting & Racist Comment

  • sai

    “I find what is happening here is TEN TIMES WORSE than what i experienced in South Africa.This is apartheid.” -Arun Gandhi (Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi)

  • Marek Edelman

    You are the one who is sick …

    BDS is absolutely NON VIOLENT

  • sai

    “I have been vilified numerous times for making this comparison to Apartheid. I shrink not one step backward. I saw and name what i saw: Apartheid..” -Desmond Tutu

  • sai

    “I have supported the struggle against Apartheid South Africa and now I cannot be a proponent of what I have witnessed in Israel, and that is, a replication of Apartheid!” -Ismail Coovadia, former South African Ambassador to Israel

  • sai

    “I will state clearly, without exaggeration, that any South African, whether involved in the freedom struggle, or motivated by basic human decency, who visits the Occupied Palestinian Territories are shocked to the core at the situation they encounter and agree with Archbishop Tutu’s comment that what the Palestinians are experiencing is far worse than what happened in South Africa.” – Ron Kasrills, former South African Intelligence Minister

  • Cpt_Justice

    The irony of your post is insurmountable

  • Cpt_Justice

    Hmm, that’s a toughie. Looks like you’re doing both from here – ok, I’ll give you 2 crackers.

  • Cpt_Justice

    Oh, good grief – are you 7 *physically*, too?

  • Cpt_Justice

    I *have* babysat for infants, yes.

  • Cpt_Justice

    Oh, sweetie – save yourself. There’s nothing there to reason with.

  • Cpt_Justice

    Your confession is noted, thank you. How incomparably ironic…!

  • Cpt_Justice

    Put down the crack pipe.

  • Cpt_Justice

    It takes an especially stupid hater to confess to what he’s denying, *right in the midst of denying it*. Congratulate yourself on what is probably your greatest achievement!

  • Cpt_Justice

    Of course you do. There is nothing you won’t make up & this post is just another proof of that.

  • Cpt_Justice

    And he will also speak of himself in third person. Which doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.

  • Cpt_Justice

    LOL!! Jump higher next time, ninny.

  • Tony Riley

    Truth is your enemy

  • Tony Riley

    Tutu hates Jews. He is disgusting.

  • Tony Riley

    Ghandi was a racist: read what he said about Africans

  • Ilana Fine Bar-Hai

    About laws discriminating against israeIi citizens of any religion… There are no such laws at all. I assume Moxnes and others perhaps think Arabs in the area of Samaria and Judea, otherwise known as the West Bank of the Jordan river, are Israeli citizens. They are NOT. Many hold Jordanian passports actually. And their movement into Israel is restricted, like any country can do with non citizens. Many are allowed to come and work in Israel. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of terror attacks within Israel, and which killed Arabs, Christians, jews, tourists, Druze etc, we’re committed by non citizens from the “west bank”. This is why it takes time to enter Israel to work. BDS had many factories in which Jews and arabs worked side by side, closed down and moved into Israel. Hundreds of people lost their jobs. There are documentations online and on YouTube of many Arabs talking about this and their feelings on it.

  • Cpt_Justice

    Freudian projection; it’s a thing, Get help for it.

  • Cpt_Justice

    I love how they all have “Jewish friends” & naturally these “Jewish friends” agree with everything they say. LOL

  • Cpt_Justice

    How stupid does someone have to be to not know that “The King David Hotel” was actually commandeered British Military HQ? Or is it a willful stupidity based on lies & hatred?

  • Cpt_Justice

    Show me an actual cite for these “quotes”. The fact that the so-called “Palestinians” are actually GROWING in number, and increasing *geometrically* with each decade, & that they are SIXTH for OBESITY in the world, *proves* that there’s no “Nuremberg crimes” being committed. Asinine bullcrap.

  • Cpt_Justice

    Of course he does. They all do, they are all hypocrites. If they were serious about boycotting Israel, they’d throw out their computers.

  • Cpt_Justice

    The only Nazi here is you & everyone like you.

  • Cpt_Justice

    The only Nazis here are you & everyone like you

  • sai

    Arun Gandhi (Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi) this is. Your attempt at deflection/ad-hominem is noted.

  • sai

    All ethnically cleansed you say? What utter tosh. As for those rights, Jews in Iran have more rights than Palestinians in Israel-Palestine. “The most accurate way to describe Israel today is as an Apartheid state.” -Professor Neve Gordon, Israeli professor of Politics and Government at Ben-Gurion University

  • Tony Riley

    Sticking to facts: there is no apartheid in Israel, unlike all of its Arab neighbours. All Israeli citizens are equal by law, but Jews are illegal in most Arab countries, including “Palestine”.

    Israel is not involved in the war in Syria, it merely retaliates to every missile and mortar fired at it from Syria. Israel and Syria are still at war.

    You’re full of it.

  • sai

    Your “logic” is fundamentally flawed. Nothing you’ve said there *proves* (why the stars?) that no Nuremburg crimes have/are being committed. The quote comes from his own video testimony. If you put it into a search bar you’ll come to it.

  • sai

    What a surprise, more slurs, slander, ad-hominem. From a letter he wrote:”

    “BDS is not antisemitism. Do business with Jews, organize with them, love them. But don’t support – militarily, economically or politically – the machinery of an apartheid-state. We can’t do business as normal because conditions in the Holy Land are totally abnormal.”

    I see no hatred of Jews here. Only a man of conscience raising his voice for justice and thus peace.

  • sai

    Sticking to facts:

    “That Israel and its colonial occupation of Palestine meets the UN’s definition of an Apartheid state is beyond dispute.” – R Kelly, Professor of American History

    Regarding Syria, Israel is very much involved, with over airstrikes launched into the country. No, these are not retaliation to missiles or mortars. When ISIS attacked by mistake, and apologised, Israel didn’t retaliate. Imagine that too, eh? ISIS apologising. such is the cosy relationship they share. The same goes for Al-Qaeda who Israel supports in Syria. Various UN reports confirm this, as well as al-Nusra commanders (al-Qaeda) themselves.

    WikiLeaks has produced emails between Israeli/IUS embassies relating to their dirty tactics in regards to destroying Syria as we know her You’re unaware?

  • Tony Riley

    R Kelly? Who?

    Israel attacks convoys of Iranian missiles being transported to Lebanon for use against Israeli civilians. Perfectly legal.

    You should probably stop smoking crack.

  • Tony Riley
  • Tony Riley

    Try looking here:

    Bishop Tutu Is No Saint When it Comes To Jews

    by Alan M. Dershowitz

    December 20, 2010 at 12:18 pm




    Among the world’s most respected figures is South Africa’s Bishop Desmond. His recognizable face—with its ever present grin—has become a symbol of reconciliation and goodness. But it masks a long history of ugly hatred toward the Jewish people, the Jewish religion and the Jewish state. Bishop Desmond Tutu is no mere anti-Zionist (though Martin Luther King long ago recognized that anti- Zionism often serves as a cover for deeper anti-Jewish bigotry). He has minimized the suffering of those killed in the Holocaust. He has attacked the “Jewish”–not Israeli–“lobby” as too “powerful” and “scar[y].” He has invoked classic anti-Semitic stereotypes and tropes about Jewish “arrogance”, “power” and money. He has characterized Jews a “peculiar people,” and has accused “the Jews” of causing many of the world’s problems. He once even accused the Jewish state of acting in an “unChristian” way.

    Were he not a Nobel laureate, his long history of bigotry against the Jewish people would have landed him in the dustbin of history, along with a dishonor roll of otherwise successful people, whose reputations have been tainted by their anti-Semitism such as Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, Patrick Buchanan and Mel Gibson. But his Nobel Prize should not shield him from accountability for his long history of anti-Jewish bigotry, any more than it should for Yassir Arafat, Jimmy Carter and Jose Saramago.

    Let the record speak for itself, so that history may judge Tutu on the basis of his own words—words that he has often repeated and that others repeat, because Tutu is a role model for so many people around the world. Here are some of Tutu’s hateful words, most of them carefully documented in a recent petition by prominent South Africans to terminate him as a “patron” of the two South African Holocaust Centers, because he uses his status with these fine institutions as legitimization for his anti-Jewish rhetoric.

    He has minimized the suffering of those murdered in the Holocaust by asserting that “the gas chambers” made for “a neater death” than did Apartheid. In other words, the Palestinians, who in his view are the victims of “Israeli Apartheid,” have suffered more than the victims of the Nazi Holocaust. He has complained of “the Jewish Monopoly of the Holocaust,” and has demanded that its victims must “forgive the Nazis for the Holocaust,” while refusing to forgive the “Jewish people” for “persecute[ing] others.”

    Tutu has asserted that Zionism has “very many parallels with racism,” thus echoing the notorious and discredited “Zionism equals racism” resolution passed by the General Assembly of the United Nations and subsequently rescinded. He has accused the Jews of Israel of doing “things that even Apartheid South Africa had not done.” He has said that “the Jews thought they had a monopoly of God: Jesus was angry that they could shut out other human beings.” He has said that Jews have been “fighting against” and being “opposed to” his God. He has “compared the features of the ancient Holy Temple in Jerusalem to the features of the apartheid system in South Africa.” He has complained that “the Jewish people with their traditions, religion and long history of persecution sometimes appear to have caused a refugee problem among others.” He has implied that Israel might someday consider as an option “to perpetrate genocide and exterminate all Palestinians.”

    He has complained that Americans “are scared…to say wrong is wrong because the Jewish lobby is powerful—very powerful.” He has accused Jews—not Israelis—of exhibiting “an arrogance—the arrogance of power because Jews are a powerful lobby in this land and all kinds of people woo their support.”

    “You know as well as I do that, somehow, the Israeli government is placed on a pedestal [in the U.S.] and to criticize it is to be immediately dubbed anti-Semitic, as if Palestinians were not Semitic.”

    He has compared Israel to Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Soviet Union and Apartheid South Africa, saying that they too were once “very powerful” but they “bit the dust,” as will “unjust” Israel.

    He has denied that Israel is a “civilized democracy” and has singled out Israel—one of the world’s most open democracies—as a nation guilty of “censorship of their media.” He has urged the Capetown Opera to refuse to perform Porgy and Bess in Tel Aviv and has called for a total cultural boycott of Jewish Israel, while encouraging performers to visit the most repressive regimes in the world.

    He has claimed that his God sides with Palestinians, whom he compares to the Israelites under bondage in Egypt, and has sought to explain, if not justify, how Israeli actions lead directly to suicide bombings and other forms of terrorism.

    He has been far more vocal about Israel’s imperfections than about the genocides in Rwanda, Darfur and Cambodia. He repeatedly condemns Israel’s occupation of the West Bank without mentioning the many other occupations in the world today. While attacking Israel for its “collective punishment” of Palestinians—which he claims is worse than what Apartheid South Africa did—he himself has called for the collective punishment of Jewish academics and businesses in Israel by demanding boycotts of all Jewish (but not Muslim or Christian) Israelis. (This call for an anti-Jewish boycott finds its roots in the Nazi “Kauft Nicht beim Juden” campaign of the 1930’s.) When confronted with his double standard against Jews, he has justified it on phony theological grounds: “Whether Jews like it or not, they are a peculiar people. They can’t ever hope to be judged by the same standards which are used for other people.” There is a name for non-Jews who hold Jews to a double standard: It is called anti-Semitism.

    Tutu has acknowledged having been frequently accused of being anti-Semitic,” to which he has offered two responses: “Tough luck;” and “my dentist’s name is Dr. Cohen.”

    I am confident that President Obama was not aware of Tutu’s sordid history of anti-Jewish rhetoric and actions when he awarded him the Medal of Freedom in the White House in 2009. The sad reality is that Bishop Tutu’s beneficent look is the new face of the oldest of bigotries.

    The decent people of South Africa have become aware of Tutu’s bigotry, because they have seen and heard it up close. It is time for the rest of the world to recognize that the Bishop is no saint. When it comes to Jews, he is an unrepentant sinner.

    Though he is now retired, he still has the opportunity to repent and to end the sordid history of applying an unacceptable double standard to the Jewish state, the Jewish people and the Jewish religion.

  • sai

    If anyone should stop smoking crack, it’d be you, Mr Riley. There’s nothing legal about Israel’s bombing of Syria. Only Israel and its apologists, could say, and claim something so ridiculous as that. There’s two things wrong here, one, is that Israel bombs all manner of targets which belies their claims; two, is that even if true – even if they were attacking missiles, since when does a country have a right to bomb another country? Can the US legally bomb Russia because their missiles are to be used against their civilians?

    Are there any missiles that are to be used against Israeli civilians, even? That is, would anyone fire these missiles if so, unless the apartheid state of Israel attacked first?

    No. Let’s get real here.

  • Tony Riley

    When Arabs find out what his grandad said, Arun will have to run for his life.

  • moosehorn

    I see that you are still confused.

  • moosehorn

    Lies and hatred, is all what you are braying.

  • moosehorn

    Those are the decent people, the likes of you call self-hating Jews.

  • moosehorn

    The same advise for you.

  • moosehorn

    Why are you confusing the word with Freud’s psychoanalytic theory?

  • moosehorn

    Is that one of your habits? No wonder why you are so confused.

  • moosehorn

    Then how come you are allowed access to a computer?

  • moosehorn

    Still hysteric.

  • moosehorn

    Truth is unknown to you.

  • moosehorn

    What do you and you and your “sweetie” know about reason?

  • Tony Riley

    The truth is that you’re a pathetic Hamasshole

  • Patrick Sudlow

    Mahatma Ghandi was an African!

  • Tony Riley

    No. An Indian.

  • Patrick Sudlow

    He emigrated to South Africa and lived there for 20 years, therefore was a South African. As such, he was classed as a coloured, considered slightly better than the Blacks, by the white Anglo-Dutch. The Anglo-Dutch whites had a similar view to the Zionists when it came to colour and race, expect Zionism is extremely prejudiced towards who are not White Jews.

  • Tony Riley

    You’re mistaken: he was Indian, even though he lived in South Africa. He wrote some horrible things about Black Africans.

    Very few Israelis are white: I believe more “Palestinians” are white. Look at the Tamimis, for example.

    Israel has rescued tens of thousands of Black Jews from Muslim countries.

    All Israeli citizens are equal by law.

    Here’s a question for you: if life is so awful for Israeli Arabs, why don’t any of them ever leave to claim asylum in the neighbouring Arab countries?

  • Patrick Sudlow

    Most Zionists are Caucasian (White). The Zionists did invite Ethiopian Jews to emigrate to Occupied Palestine, as a propaganda ploy. But they have experienced nothing but racist abuse from the Zionists. Even a USA paper posted an article:
    As for Palestinians leaving, it is very difficult for them, when they are not allowed to travel and it is THEIR country. Even so, the UN estimates:
    “Nearly one-third of the registered
    Palestine refugees, more than 1.5 million individuals, live in 58
    recognized Palestine refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, the Syrian Arab
    Republic, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.”

  • EyalN

    what part was worse that south africa? the luxury cars they have? the fancy houses? the fancy malls they have? the night life in palestinian cities? you are talking about something you have no idea what are you talking about. yes palestinians can’t go to the beach in tel aviv because they will kill someone on the way so israel don’t let them. Gaza got billions in donations to recover and they used all of it for attack tunnels to israel. in gaza if they wanted they could have a normal life, they have the beach, they have a border around them, no israeli is going in there, if they need a professional doctor israeli hospitals help them for free but they want to kill jews.

  • Hind Abyad

    Feb.6 2018 Israeli shot a Palestinian today during a large-scale raid in Nablus this evening,
    in confrontations with residents. Khaled Walid Tayeh (22) was shot in the chest. Dozens more injured, including by live fire.

  • Hind Abyad

    Where’s Religion? Bolsheviks founders of Zionism were Atheists.

  • Hind Abyad

    ‘Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”). Though Zionism originated in eastern and central Europe in the latter part of the 19th …’

    ‘Canaan, area variously defined in historical and biblical literature, but always centred on Palestine. Its original pre-Israelite inhabitants were called Canaanites. The names Canaan and Canaanite occur in cuneiform, Egyptian, and Phoenician writings from about the 15th century BC’
    Encyclopedia Britannica

  • Hind Abyad

    Hahaha…Jews and Arabs lived together in peace before Zionists invasion.
    Jews travelled along Arab caravans- en route to conquer Spain in 1000 Ad-
    for business opportunities, both flourished in Andalucia under Arab protection
    in the Golden Age.

  • Hind Abyad

    There’s No argument in your post it’s the twilight zone

  • Hind Abyad

    Think of Coudenhove Kalergi who founded Euro, the genocide of Europe

  • Hind Abyad

    Israel is targeting Palestinians Christians and Moslems, since 70 years.
    Sharon created Hamas to destroy the Palestinian social fabric.

  • Cpt_Justice

    Like everything else in your life, more than you.

  • Cpt_Justice

    That explains a lot; take a tranquilizer. In fact, take all of them – you’d be doing yourself a favor.

  • Cpt_Justice

    You certainly win for non sequitur. Or is this a denser-than-usual moment for you?

  • Cpt_Justice

    Is there nothing you don’t project onto other people? Ever?

  • Cpt_Justice

    Do you seriously think that’s the case here, or is this just another desperate attempt to dodge the truth? Either way, pitiful.

  • Cpt_Justice

    Try English next time. Get an adult to type it for you.

  • Cpt_Justice

    I would ask you to stop lying, but that would be a waste of time.

  • Cpt_Justice

    Obviously very stupid, as you exemplify here.

  • Cpt_Justice

    Everything is yellow to jaundiced eyes.

  • Cpt_Justice

    No, sweetie. Yours is what’s flawed. You are stating something that is unproven, you are claiming that it was said by someone & also not proven, & the sad fact is that no one *has* to prove that “they didn’t happen”. Not only is that a logical fallacy, the fact is that when you make a statement you have to prove it.

  • Cpt_Justice

    Beautifully put. A shame it will not make a dent.

  • Cpt_Justice

    This isn’t just a lie, it;a compound lie. Good going!

  • Cpt_Justice

    Oh good grief. You really are stupid. There is no getting through to you; facts, logic, history – all mean nothing in the face of your brainless, barely coherent, hate.


    (Be sure to claim “victory” because I won’t be responding to you anymore; that’ll be the cherry on the sundae of your belligerent, vicious dishonesty)

  • Ilana Fine Bar-Hai

    Perhaps one person will read it and delve deeper than shallow propaganda. Always worth a try! Peace will only come via discussion, sane discussion.

  • 122

    people like this Bjørnar Moxnes have to die long before any Islamic terrorist, they are the real enemies of the Jews and the Israelis on the earth, they are the modern day ant-semites only they are hiding behind their fake “human rights” slogans, I am hoping there is a message going to be sent to these pieces of garbage

  • 122

    kill anyone who is saying Israel is an Apartheid state and that it should be boycotted! kill them!!!!

  • 122

    it is supporting Violent people and anyone who is a BDS supporter is in need of a death

  • 122

    scummy Norwegian Pieces of garbage told the Jews they should go to “Palestine” before they decided to kill them in WW2, now this Bjørnar Moxnes piece of garbage is just following in his grandfathers footsteps in trying to kill the Jews in the Middle East I am hoping there is a message sent to these pieces of garbage

  • plusaf

    Bjørnar Moxnes…
    You, sir, are a bigoted, ignorant, prejudiced fool.
    Or, as might be more likely said in the US… a complete asshole.

  • plusaf

    … then why is it ‘just fine’ for BDS to do things to “encourage” Israel to change Their policies…?

    Because You don’t like it? Because you’ve come to believe things about Israel and “Palestinians” which may or may not be true, based on who’s provided “the facts” to you?

  • plusaf

    … so a person from India who moves to SA “becomes a South African”… are you defining it by citizenship or birthplace or your own definition?

  • plusaf


  • plusaf

    Hind, maps all around the world have changed over the millennia… borders, names, ownership.

    To use a biblical map name is irrelevant. Some of the early maps which have new labels like “United States of America” had labels like “There Be Dragons Here.”

    Your argument is without basis or relevance.

  • plusaf

    David, also ask where the capital was, what their money looked like, both metal or paper, etc. THOSE are some of the landmarks and measures of claiming to “be a country.”

    I don’t think “Palestinians” or “Palestine” can meet any of those measures…

  • Hind Abyad

    Because they are trigger happy robots

  • Hind Abyad

    What has Germany to do with the Middle East?

  • Tony Riley

    Quite a bit: the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem worked with Hitler to murder Jews in Eastern Europe.

    Arabs supported the Afrika Corps against the British and Americans.

    You and Hitler hated Jews from the day you were born.

    You both lost.

  • sai

    “The level of the Apartheid, the racism and brutality, are worse than the worst period of Apartheid [South Africa]” – Mondli Makhanya, Editor-in-Chief, Sunday Times of South Africa

  • sai

    “Every single veteran of the South African struggle who had ever been to the land of Israel and Palestine, have come back with a single message. And that is, that NOTHING that the South African people had ever experienced under Apartheid, remotely equates what the Palestinians experience daily in life in the shadow of Zionism. Iife in the shadow of Zionism is FAR WORSE. It’s a picnic compared to what we experienced under Apartheid.” -Prof. Farid Esack

    Farid Esack, is a South African Professor. Appointed by Nelson Mandela as a gender equity commissioner, he’s also well known as a veteran of his country’s struggle against Apartheid.

  • sai

    “Apartheid in South Africa was just a picnic compared to Palestine.” -Vasu Gunden, founder/executive director of ACCORD [African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes]

  • sai

    “What is interesting is that every black South African that I’ve spoken to who has visited the Palestinian territory has been HORRIFIED and has said WITHOUT HESITATION that the system that applies in Palestine IS WORSE.” – Professor John Dugard, Former U.N. Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Occupied Palestine

  • sai

    Boy oh boy. You clearly have no understanding of the words/concepts/terms that you use. Do you have a dictionary to hand? And what’s this nonsense? “When you make a statement you have to prove it” (?) Listen sweetie, if I say the Sun is 93 million miles away, I have no need to “prove it”.

    You’re free to believe or disbelieve that information. Simply saying it’s untrue on account of one’s own ignorance, would be a conclusion arrived at in the absence of any logical thought.process.

  • moosehorn

    If you’re not choosing to be willfully ignorant, nothing is getting through your thick skull.

  • moosehorn

    Get out of your cocoon, inform yourself and get an education, you sorely need it.

  • Cpt_Justice

    The irony of this post is superseded solely by your arrogance.
    Pretending that I don’t know what words mean because you want to bluster
    your way out of this garbage? Risible. Yes,sweetie, you do have to
    prove statements you make, because these ridiculous lies about Israel
    are absolutely *nothing* like scientific fact (One which, I know for a
    fact, you had to LOOK UP in order to post it here, pretending to be
    intelligent – BTW, thanks for proving my point for me).

    You’re free to believe any lie you have been fed by any terrorist/sympathizer. Simply insisting it’s true based on your own ignorance & hatred would be a conclusions arrived at in the absence of any logical thought process. & is going to get you ridiculed EVERY SINGLE TIME

  • Cpt_Justice

    True, absolutely true. I was thinking only of the immediate.

  • moosehorn

    What kind of drug are you on? or what sort of Cool-Aid have been drinking?

  • a.c.hall

    Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize when he was Killing Iraqis and Afghans with his Drones. Netanyahu should get one for turning Gaza into a Nazi Ghetto with NO Power or Fuel or Water or Life Saving Medical Drugs. The BDS want People all round the World to Stop Buying Goods Made in the Occupied Territories, and Fascist Israeli Goods.

  • Hind Abyad

    The history of the only map in the Bible suffices

  • Tony Riley

    Hey Eva Braun, you just don’t get it do you?

    The Jews in Germany saw what Hitler was all about from 1933 onwards, and it was a question of doing whatever it took to stay alive.

  • Hind Abyad

    Because IDF are trigger happy.

  • EyalN

    this is palestine and ask syrians who is helping them when they need a doctor

  • Chris Berel

    It would seem that only by boycotting the racists at IPS can we make a difference.

  • Chris Berel

    I am shocked to see that so many South Africans are crazy. Is it the water or lack of water?

  • Chris Berel

    Was not Dugard condemned at the UN?

  • Joseph Biener

    This only shows how dishonest and corrupt the media is towards Israel. I am sure you will simply reject this, but here are the facts about Israel’s restoration.

  • sai

    Not that I’m aware of. You should know that using ad-hominem like this is to engage in logical fallacy.

  • sai

    That you’re shocked is a sure sign of your ignorance. You wouldn’t be shocked if you were more informed – aware of the situation.

  • sai

    Nothing to see here. Dershowitz??


  • sai

    Oh gosh. The gatestone institute?

    What total nonsense.

  • sai

    And here you go again! What utter tosh! No irony, you clearly, and very evidently have no understanding of the words/terms you use actually mean. That’s why your post was the illogical mess it was/is. An action that’s been repeated here (again).

    What other explanation is there? That’s right, none. Unless of course, you were and are, intentionally writing crap for your own nefarious purposes? The charade of sensible debate continues with this; your latest BS – illogical mess, offering.

    Are you not embarrassed? Do you really believe in your own head that you sound credible? Do you think that folks are as stupid as think/hope them to be? (they’re not).

  • Tony Riley

    Because he’s Jewish?


    Because you’re a complete Hamasshole?


    Tutu has said all of the stuff in that article.

    Do you agree with him?

  • Tony Riley

    Because it’s Jewish?


    Because you’re a complete Hamasshole?


  • sai

    You see you even write/include nonsense such as this:

    “(One which, I know for a fact, you had to LOOK UP in order to post it here, pretending to be intelligent – BTW, thanks for proving my point for me)”

    You know for a fact? How do you know? You’re psychic are you? The ONLY FACT here, is that you’re clearly speaking nonsense. Logically speaking you know no such thing – nor could you.

    I can tell you that I had to do no such thing as you erroneously claim, to. I am a researcher that has plenty of such documents/quotes, etc on file.

    To sum up then, the only point that’s been proved here, is that you’ve once again provided a propaganda post gone wrong. Based on the evident fact that you’re incapable of using logical trains of thought.

  • Trinity Holmes

    This is BS plain and simple!I lost all respect for the Nobel Prize when Obama and Gore received it!
    This just confirms I was right!
    Israel should wipe the Palestinians out as That is what Palestine wants to do to the jews!
    BDS is as racist as any group !
    I have also lost all respect for Norway!
    No I am not a Jew but someone smart enough to see what racists all Muslims are!

  • sai

    Don’t be silly and stop being so pathetic. The old ‘antisemitic’ card is tired and worn. The site has zero credibility on account of it’s total lack of integrity.

  • sai

    He’s a proven liar and established Israeli propagandist. In short, he has zero integrity.

    Nothing Tutu has ever said re the Apartheid State of Israel is wrong. Uncomfortable truths for some, no doubt. But incorrect? No.

  • Tony Riley

    Tutu said all this stuff. Stop being an asshole.

  • Tony Riley


  • Ilana Fine Bar-Hai
  • David Barrett

    Quite correct but Jews were Dhmmi [ Arab protection]and all that you write refers to those living outside the boundary of what we call todays Middle East. Even today in most civilized countries there are reasonable relationships between both groups because neither wish to upset the host country. I am referring very specifically to the ME

  • David Barrett

    You are quite right – there is no Palestinian people. Show me its history , coinage, rulers pre Egyptian born Arafat etc. However there are descendants of people who came from various Arab lands to settle in the province of the Ottoman .Those who stayed in 1948 now number 2 million and have more rights than Arab countries give to their own !
    The rule of law applies just like it does in many other countries. There is no arbitrary arrest – there is cause and torture is forbidden. Even minors are detained in UK and Europe.
    BDA is an anti-Semitic movement that poses as being concerned for the Arabs but cause more harm to them and also is interested in destroying Israel – as it appears so are you

  • David Barrett

    utter balderdash

  • David Barrett

    ..and an anti-Semite to boot. He is a liar!!

  • David Barrett

    Note that Mahatma himself had no comment. Arun is just plain ignorant

  • David Barrett

    True number of refugees is nearer to 25000. The rest is a deliberate stunt by UN as an anti-Semitic approach to malign Israel and enrich their pockets . All these so called refugees could have bee settled years ago. AND YOU KNOW IT!!

  • Fatah 🇯🇴

    To prevent further confusion:
    1. The Palestinians (Plishtim) the bible refers to came from Greece.
    2. The Palestinians (Balestinians) you guys refer to come from Arabia.

    The current Palestinians have a stronger affinity to Philippines than to biblical Palestine to be exact.

  • Cpt_Justice

    I can see you’re heavily triggered, because you are growing even less logical & coherent than usual. LOL

  • Cpt_Justice

    Yes, here I go again, laughing at you stamping your feet & insisting up is down because you want it to be so. Bad news, sweetie; you being unable to refute me doesn’t make my posts “illogical”. Now go bother someone else.

  • Cpt_Justice

    The irony of your post is superseded solely by your arrogant ignorance. & even you know it; the quality of your writing, already poor, is slipping fast. I would tell you to get a grip, but I’ll just stick with get a *clue*. But you won’t. Of course, thankfully, that’s not my problem.

  • Cpt_Justice

    “Absolutely disgusting & Racist Comment”

  • Cpt_Justice

    Thank you for admitting just what a stupid racist you are.

  • Hind Abyad

    You’re confused. i’m not Palestinian. In ancient Genesis map descendant of Shem, Canaan, Philistia are on the Mediterranean Coast in the Levant. Ashkenaze are between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. Mizrahim are down on Egyptian borders near Arabia.
    Were did you study Revisionist Zionism?
    F was Ph like <<<pharisee

  • O O

    “The Invention of The Jewish People” Shlomo Sand.
    Jews are not a race.

  • sai

    What? How could he possibly have commented? He died before Israel came into existence! Before that he had plenty to say about the wrongs of the Zionist project.

    Arun is ignorant? That doesn’t work either. Have a look in a dictionary as to what the word means – how it’s defined, you’ll then understand why.

  • sai

    Oh, the irony!

    Hehe. you are a card indeed.

  • Sweetz

    As a South African & an Anti Apartheid activist I declare that Israel is an Apartheid State which is 10 times worse than Apartheid South Africa.
    Look at the illegal & inhumane 10 year seige of Gaza, that didn’t happen in South Africa.

    Checkpoints??? Really? South Africa had it’s Bantustans but NEVER did they discriminate by having such humiliating checkpoints. There was free movement.

    The imprisonment of children, there were none in South Africa.

    Military presence daily in our bantustans & bombings, Never!

    Hamas resistance movement is a Terror organisation? No stress, the current ruling party of South Africa the ANC of Nelson Mandela was also listed as a terrorist organisation and Nelson Mandela was a listed Terrorist.

    There is not a single valid claim to counteract that Israel is NOT AN APARTHEID ROGUE STATE & BDS has to become more effective from countries to END this dehumanisation of the Palestinian people.
    FYI Palestinian Arab Christians & Muslims are also semites. The same cannot be said about Zionists.

  • moosehorn

    He can’t help being so pathetic.

  • moosehorn

    Yeah, you’re helping in destroying their country.

  • moosehorn


  • moosehorn

    Another useful idiot of evil Zionism.

  • moosehorn

    And pervert describes you well.

  • moosehorn


  • moosehorn

    Here a genuine reaction of a true Zio-Nazi.

  • moosehorn

    This not about Jews. This about about the abuse of basic Palestinian human rights.

  • moosehorn

    Why don’t you suggest the nomination of the criminal Nuts&Yahoo?

  • Tony Riley

    As it took you 6 days to come up with that sparkling riposte, you should change your name to StupidDick.

  • moosehorn

    I gave it enough time to get through your thick skull, you filthy pervert.

  • Tony Riley

    You call me a pervert, because I am married to a woman.

    Your pig divorced you because you’re not a good husband.

  • Tony Riley

    Is moosehorn your real name, or just a description of your sex life?

  • moosehorn

    Your perverted behaviour towards female posters indicates that you must be married to real dog, and trying to gratify your urges somewhere else.

  • moosehorn

    Here is another proof that you are a noxious pervert.

  • Tony Riley


    You’re an Iranian drone

  • David Barrett

    LETS DEFINE APARTHEID. Blacks [ even slightly coloured looking non South Africans] and whites could not walk on same pavements, could not shop in same shops , could not use same toilets, could not go to same schools or universities etc etc.
    Israel is a multi coloured , multi ethnic society where none of this apartheid exists .
    We do happen to have neighbours [ who are not interested whatsoever in having a peace with Israel esp those miscreants in Gaza] who delight in killing themselves and others for which reason we have built a separation BARRIER [ mainly a fence] to stop them coming into our territory.
    Israel is home to 2 million Arabs of all religions who participate fully in every aspect of civilain life even the High Court , parliament, hospitals at a high level and army.
    Now I ask all those innoramii below, who claim to know what apartheid was, how many Arab countries, let alone so called Pally land, permit Jews to live and function freely in their countries?!!
    The PLO , Hamas and Abbas have stated quite clearly that Jews are NOT welcome anywhere within their vicinity — THIS IS TRUE APARTHEID. – and practiced only by Arabs!
    BDS is an association that preaches anti Israel/ antiJewish sentiment [ and it does not matter to me if it has any Jewish members]and encourages apartheid and violence by Arab citizens all over the world against Israel and Jews ; especailly at institutions of education by barring free speech . BDS is rotten to the core!

  • Ilana Fine Bar-Hai
  • yael58

    Cretin. Look up the word in the dictionary.

  • moosehorn

    Salaud. It is more evident in the occupied Palestinian territories.

  • Connie Goldman


  • moosehorn

    Is there anything sicker than the Zio-fascist ideology?

  • Fatah 🇯🇴

    “Was like”?
    And in 1967 the Beople of Balestine discovered they lost their P?
    You should seriously consider seeking mental help.

  • Hind Abyad

    Ha Hah…! Not worth an answer. Israel help Saudi financed Jihadist. Holocaust survivors live in poverty

  • Hind Abyad

    ‘Victims’ acting worse than Nazis.

  • Hind Abyad

    Ph- like you Pharisee.

  • Helen4Yemen

    Have you not heard how the white Jews sterilized the African Jews to stop them having black babies?

    Have you not heard how the white Jew performed medical experimentation on Yemeni Jewish children?

    Want more? Just ask?

  • Helen4Yemen

    Desmond Tutu: :

    “I have been to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and I have witnessed the racially segregated roads and housing that reminded me so much of the conditions we experienced in South Africa under the racist system of Apartheid. I have witnessed the humiliation of Palestinian men, women, and children made to wait hours at Israeli military checkpoints routinely when trying to make the most basic of trips to visit relatives or attend school or college, and this humiliation is familiar to me and the many black South Africans who were corralled and regularly insulted by the security forces of the Apartheid government.”

  • Helen4Yemen

    GOOGLE: Israel sterilized African Jews

  • Helen4Yemen

    Why must the Arabs be burdened with a totally alien European Jewry that the Europeans wanted gone?

  • Helen4Yemen
  • TecumsehUnfaced

    Why do you lie to cover up the hate that the European invaders had for the genuinely Semite people of Palestine?

  • Ilana Fine Bar-Hai

    Your post shows how absolutely uninformed you are and how you swallow propaganda. My husband is Yemenite and your story is distorted. There were wrongs done, a far cry from wrongs your countries did that time period and sterilization is totally false as well. Again certain wrongs were done, not sterilization. Want more? The Yemenite and Ethiopians have a wonderful population growth here, easily available to all who look for the truth. I suggest getting off propaganda sites and checking the facts which I can easily supply and later will for readers who want the truth. Shame on you for lying, hatred and incitement. Just what the world needs, more lies, more hate…ugh.

  • TecumsehUnfaced

    Sorry, Goebbels! Repeating your lies does not make them true. Haven’t you noticed that they have already been refuted below?


  • Tony Riley

    It’s not true.

    Israel offered contraceptive pills to the women, because they were staying in transit camps for a few months, before moving into permanent homes.

    Google Helen4YemenIsARacistBimbo

  • Helen4Yemen

    How European Jews kidnapped Yemenite children and the families of the kidnapped children never saw those children again.


  • Helen4Yemen

    1- Israels forced birth control to Ethiopian Jews worldbulletin.NET/haber/155252/israels-forced-birth-control-to-ethiopian-jews
    2- Israel Admits Ethiopian Women Were Given Birth Control Shots haaretz.COM/israel-news/israel-admits-ethiopian-women-were-given-birth-control-shots.premium-1.496519
    3- An Inconveivable Crime Israel’s patronizing and inhumane treatment of Ethiopian women is nothing new haaretz.COM/opinion/an-inconveivable-crime.premium-1.484110
    4- State of Israel forced the sterilization of Ethiopian women intrepidreport.COM/archives/8866
    5- Ethiopian women in Israel ‘given contraceptive without consent’ theguardian.COM/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel
    6- Israel Forcibly Injected African Immigrants with Birth Control forbes.COM/forbes/welcome/
    7- Israel gave birth control to Ethiopian Jews without their consent

  • Helen4Yemen

    Allegedly doubting their Jewishness, rabbi won’t wed Ethiopians

    Petah Tikva community members forced to get married in Tel Aviv;

    Chief Rabbinate promises to investigate claims

    BY GAVRIEL FISKE September 7, 2014,

    The Sephardic chief rabbi of Petah Tikva has reportedly been refusing to sanction the marriages of Ethiopian Jews seeking to tie the knot in his city on the grounds that their Jewishness is in doubt.

    The rabbi, Benjamin Atias, was accused by members of the city’s 10,000-strong Ethiopian community of consistently refusing to grant them permission to get married, according to an Army Radio report, which featured quotes from several Ethiopian residents saying that they had been forced to marry elsewhere.

    One of those who was denied permission to marry, Dachilo Abaye, told the radio station that members of his community were entering the marriage canopy with “hatred for the rabbinate” instead of “joy and happiness,” and added that “no one can question the Jewishness of Jewish Ethiopians.”

    Like all Israelis, members of the community now can, thanks to an October 2013 law, choose to register and get married in any rabbinical jurisdiction in the country, leading many members of Petah Tikva’s Ethiopian community to register in nearby Tel Aviv. Israeli law does not allow for civil marriages or weddings outside of the formal religious establishments, with Jews forced to marry through the Chief Rabbinate.

    “The law and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel’s procedure mandates that any rabbi who registers marriages serve every Jewish Israeli citizen without discrimination, including members of the Ethiopian community. If a breach of the law or procedure will be discovered in this case, the issue will be thoroughly investigated and rectified,” the Chief Rabbinate said in a statement responding to an inquiry.

    The religious head of Israel’s Ethiopian Jewish community, Rabbi Yosef Adana, raised the issue with the Chief Rabbinate several months ago, leading, according to the rabbinate, to a special arrangement whereby 14 rabbis from the Ethiopian community would be given special permission to register marriages and perform weddings for their community.

    Petah Tikva’s Rabbi Atias, who could not be reached for comment, is a member of the Shas party, and his younger brother, Ariel Atias, served as an MK and minister for the party. Ironically, it was the late former Sephardic chief rabbi and Shas party founder Rabbi Ovadia Yosef who, in the early 1970s, provided an important ruling confirming the Jewish status of Ethiopian Jews, who at the time were mostly still living in Ethiopia.


  • Helen4Yemen

    It took 32 years for the Ashkenazis to bring in the Ethiopian Jews, right? Don’t you think that 32 years is a long time for the Ethiopian Jews to wait whereas any white Jew was not only admitted quickly but was highly sought? Lest we forget, the Ethiopian Jews were brought only to avoid embarrassment when they demonstrated in huge numbers in Ethiopia and invited the int’l media to shed light to their dilemma that they were refused entry into Palestine. It did not take long for Ashkenazis to bring in a few of them at a time to avoid world condemnation about their repulsive racism. Otherwise, there would have been no Ethiopian Jews or any other African Jews admitted. NONE! Look at this immigration list and you can tell very quickly that while white Jews were allowed to enter Palestine, black Jews were forbidden.

    Ethiopians Total
    Year Year arrivals arrivals
    1948 -1951 — 10 — 687,624
    1952 -1960 — 59 — 297,138
    1961 -1971 — 198 — 427,828
    1972 -1979 — 306 — 267,580
    1980 -1989 — 16,965 — 153,833
    1990 -1999 — 39,651 — 956,319
    2000 – 2004 — 14,859 — 181,505
    2005 – 2009 — 12,586 — 86,855
    2010 – 2013 — 7,200 — 67,050

  • Tony Riley

    Get beyond your innate racism.

    The Independent published a correction, admitting that the contraception was voluntary.

    Meanwhile, in Palestine, forced marriages are legal, as are the “honour killings” of vulnerable women, who try to escape from them.

    So are the murders of gays and lesbians.

    You must be so proud.

  • Helen4Yemen

    The Ashkenazi who makes up 95% of world Jewry is totally of European ancestry at 99%, is he not? Tell me what # 22 “European-Jewish” is? Is it not code for Khazar? If not, what else is it? Tell me. This is the list of the genetic groups for the entire human race.

    1 Africa North ………………… 14 Iberian Peninsula
    2 Africa South-Central …….. 15 Great Britain
    Hunter Gatherers ……………. 16 Italy/Greece
    3 Africa Southeastern ……….17 Ireland
    4 Benin/Togo …………………..18 Europe East
    5 Cameroon/Congo ………….19 Europe West
    6 Ivory Coast/Ghana ……….. 20 Scandinavia
    7 Mali …………………………….. 21 Finland/Northwest Russia
    8 Nigeria ………………………… 22 European Jewish
    9 Senegal ……………………….Pacific Islander
    America …………………………. 23 Polynesia
    10 Native American …………. 24 Melanesia
    Asia ……………………………….West Asia
    11 Asia East …………………….25 Caucasus
    12 Asia Central ………………. 26 Middle East
    13 Asia South

  • Minniehaha

    Remember in 1929 when Arabs slaughtered Jews who were living in Israel before there was an Israel? Remember when over 700,000 Jews were driven out of their ancient homes in Arab lands? Such barbarians! Remember when Jews were living in Israel before there were such things as Palestinians? Remember when there was Judaism before there was Islam? Yes, I remember a lot of things too

  • Tony Riley

    Jews are illegal in Yemen

  • Minniehaha

    Ignore Moosehorn. He/she/it argues for the sake of argument and refuses to be educated or listen to another point of view. A troller and hater. So just ignore if you can

  • Minniehaha

    So you’re you know more about Jews than Jews? Mirahi and Sephardic Jews outnumber Ashkenazi Jews and they are not white. Arabs hate the Palestinians and keep them in refugee camps. I wonder why?

  • Minniehaha

    And Africans rape babies so they don’t get AIDS.

  • Helen4Yemen

    2013 The hypocrisy of a black Miss Israel http://www.dailylife.COM.AU/news-and-views/dl-opinion/the-hypocrisy-of–a-black-miss-israel-20130401-2h2qr.html
    2015 Separate, but not equal treatment plagues Israel’s Ethiopian Jews https://www.timesofisrael.COM/separate-but-not-equal-treatment-for-israels-ethiopian-jews/
    2015 The plight of Ethiopian Jews in Israel
    2015 Ethiopian Jews: Not Jewish enough https://www.aljazeera.COM/indepth/opinion/2015/05/ethiopian-jews-jewish-150504075644608.html
    2015 Why Ethiopian Jews are protesting police violence in Israel https://www.washingtonpost.COM/news/monkey-cage/wp/2015/05/08/why-ethiopian-jews-are-protesting-against-police-violence-in-israel/?utm_term=.8a1909e89c4d
    2016 WHY ETHIOPIAN JEWS FACE INCREASING DISCRIMINATION AND POLICE BRUTALITY IN ISRAEL http://www.newsweek.COM/2016/10/07/why-ethiopian-jews-israel-face-discrimination-racism-police-brutality-502697.html
    2016 In Israel Too, Young Black Men Face Police Racism and Brutality https://www.haaretz.COM/opinion/.premium-in-israel-too-young-black-men-face-police-racism-and-brutality-1.5415346
    2017 Recognising the discrimination Ethiopian Jews face in Israel is a step in the right direction http://www.middleeasteye.NET/columns/israel-report-no-one-talking-first-ethiopian-jews-1052692607
    2017 How Israel’s White Supremacy Targets African Refugees and Ethiopian Jews https://www.alternet.ORG/grayzone-project/israel-white-supremacy-anti-black-racism-african-refugees-ethiopian-jews
    2018 Ethiopian Jews Threaten Mass Hunger Strike Over Israel Move
    2018 I’m Black And Jewish. Israel Is Not My Promised Land. https://forward.COM/opinion/391298/im-black-and-jewish-israel-is-not-my-promised-land/

  • Tony Riley

    Most Israeli Jews certainly aren’t white.

    You are certainly a Dick

  • Tony Riley


  • Helen4Yemen

    Most of the Jews from Arab countries were European:

    1) Those who settled there after Spanish expulsion

    2) Those who settled there during the Ottoman period

    3) Those who fled to Arab lands during WW2.

    The actual Arab Jews are less than 10%.

    Why then are all the PM of that entity European?

    I have seen photos of thousands of the IDF and it looks like 99% are European and 1% African and 0% Jews of Arab origin – unless you can show me a photo or two of Arab Jews in the army or navy or police.

  • Helen4Yemen

    Therefore, you resort to posting nonsense when you are unable to respond to the comment? Yemeni Jews are Yemenis and the Ashkenazi is European who looks on the Yemeni Jews with contempt.

  • Helen4Yemen

    Why are there no Jews from Arab countries in the IDF?

    Show me a picture or two of Arab Jews in the army or navy or police or anywhere else … like this:


  • Helen4Yemen

    In 1939, the total of Jews in Arab countries
    (including European Jews n Arab countries) was 4% of
    world Jewry. If Arab Jews are 50% in Palestine, that
    would mean they are 20% of world Jewry. How did that
    happen? Remember that the Ashkenazi makes up 95% of
    world Jewry.

  • Helen4Yemen

    95% of world Jewry = Ashkenazi at 0% Middle Eastern ancestry.

    Yes or no?

  • Tony Riley

    Don’t be stupid: there are thousands, you fool.

    Do your own research, but try not to use Google: it’s Jewish.

  • Tony Riley

    Now you’re just underlining your ignorance

  • Helen4Yemen



  • Helen4Yemen

    All the pm of that little state have been Europeans.
    Why don’t the Arab Jews elect one of their own? Do the
    Arab Jews feel inferior to the European Jew?

    The Khazars wasted not time removing their Khazar names and

    replacing them with what they thought sounded good.

    New name…………… Original name……. ancestry origin

    Netanyahu…………… Mileikowsky…………… Lithuania

    Ehud Olmert………… Unknown ………………. Ukraine

    Ariel Sharon…………. Arik Scheinermann….. Russia

    Ehud Barak………….. Ehud Brog………………. Ukraine

    Shimon Peres………. Szymon Perski…………. Poland

    Yitzhak Rabin……….. Unknown ………………. Ukraine

    Yitzhak Shamir……… Icchak Jeziernicky…… Belarus

    Menachem Begin….. Mieczyslaw Biegun….. Belarus

    Golda Meir…………… Golda Mabovitch…….. Ukraine

    Levi Eshkol…………… Levi Shkolnik………….. Ukraine

    Moshe Sharett……… Moshe Shertok……….. Ukraine

    David Ben-Gurion…. David Grün…………….. Poland

  • Helen4Yemen

    1 Birth control shots forced on Ethiopian women
    2 Israel Admits Forcing Birth Control on Ethiopians
    3 Ethiopian mandatory birth control scandal prompts outrage in Israel
    4 Israel admits Ethiopian women were given birth control shots
    5 Learning From the Nazis Israel Admits Secretly Injecting Ethiopian Jews With Birth Control Drugs

  • TecumsehUnfaced

    This has got to be the weirdest site I’ve ever run into. Guess what they need to approve? A–ociation! a–ault! I never dreamed of such obsession!!

  • TecumsehUnfaced

    You are joking! The invasion of Palestine by Jewish supremacists was far more racist and far more anti-Semitic.

  • Helen4Yemen

    In the beginning, I was discouraged, the one post I was trying to post would not go though. But I have since posted many comments with no problem. What is discouraging for me is how the hasbara folks resort to one-line silly comments when faced with facts.

  • TecumsehUnfaced

    They will do anything to do what they perversely see as good for the Jews. They will even wipe out whole nations. (But they prefer to get exceptionally befuddled Americans to do that for them.)

  • Helen4Yemen

    1) 1975 — ISRAELI MILITARY COLLABORATION WITH SOUTH AFRICA https://wikileaks.ORG/plusd/cables/1975DARES02794_b.html
    2) 2002 — Apartheid in the Holy Land Desmond Tutu https://www.theguardian.COM/world/2002/apr/29/comment
    3) 2004 — Forbidden Roads: The Discriminatory West Bank Road Regime http://www.btselem.ORG/publications/summaries/200408_forbidden_roads
    4) 2006 — Carter: Israeli apartheid ‘worse’
    5) 2006 — UN: The report concludes that the weight of the evidence supports beyond a reasonable doubt the proposition that Israel is guilty of imposing an apartheid regime on the Palestinian people https://www.theguardian.COM/world/2006/feb/06/southafrica.israel
    6) 2006 — Brothers in arms – Israel’s secret pact with Pretoria https://www.theguardian.COM/world/2006/feb/07/southafrica.israel
    7) 2007 — Yes, There is Apartheid in Israel http://www.counterpunch.ORG/2007/01/08/yes-there-is-apartheid-in-israel/
    8) 2007 — When Israel Was Apartheid’s Open Ally – By Lenni Brenner https://wikileaks.ORG/gifiles/docs/29/295385_when-israel-was-apartheid-s-open-ally-by-lenni-brenner-.html
    9) 2008 — Aparthied roads – promoting settlements – punishing Palestinains https://web.archive.ORG/web/20170315151553/https://www.ochaopt.ORG/documents/opt_prot_maan_apartheid_roads_dec_2008.pdf
    10) 2010 — US Funds Apartheid Roads on West Bank http://www.ipsnews.NET/2010/05/mideast-us-funds-apartheid-roads-on-west-bank/
    11) 2010 — Israel/West Bank: Separate and Unequal.Under Discriminatory Policies, Settlers Flourish, Palestinians Suffer https://www.hrw.ORG/news/2010/12/19/israel/west-bank-separate-and-unequal
    12) 2010 — How Israel offered to sellSouth Africa nuclear weapons https://wikileaks.ORG/gifiles/docs/17/1740686_re-g3-israel-south-africa-revealed-how-israel-offered-to.html
    13) 2011 — Palestinian “Freedom Riders” Challenge Segregation http://therealnews.COM/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=7602
    14) 2012 — The Worst Apartheid in Modern History http://www.alterinter.ORG/spip.php?article3883
    15) 2012 — Israeli Jews Support Apartheid Regime, Survey Reveals
    16) 2013 — The Gritty Truth About Israel’s ‘Jewish-Only’ Highways http://www.salem-news.COM/articles/january052013/jewish-roads-tk.php
    17) 2013 — Hebron: Separate roads for Jews, Palestinians http://www.ynetnews.COM/articles/0,7340,L-4353235,00.html
    18) 2013 — Israel’s Palestinian-only buses draw accusations of segregation, apartheid https://www.washingtonpost.COM/news/worldviews/wp/2013/03/04/israels-palestinian-only-buses-draw-accusations-of-segregation-apartheid/
    19) 2014 — This Road is for Jews Only. Yes, There is Apartheid in Israel http://www.globalresearch.CA/this-road-is-for-jews-only-yes-there-is-apartheid-in-israel/5368468
    20) 2014 — Does the term ‘apartheid’ fit Israel? Of course it does. http://www.latimes.COM/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-makdisi-israel-apartheid-20140518-story.html
    21) 2014 — Desmond Tutu: U.S. Christians Must Recognize Israel as Apartheid State http://www.haaretz.COM/israel-news/1.599422
    22) 2015 — Natanyahu plans apartheid roads in the West Bank http://www.nytimes.COM/2015/11/24/world/middleeast/netanyahu-plans-separate-bypass-roads-for-israelis-in-parts-of-west-bank.html?_r=0
    23) 2016 — Article by Ben White: Why Israel is an apartheid state https://www.palestinecampaign.ORG/article-israel-apartheid-state
    24) 2016 — Call Apartheid in Israel by Its Name http://www.haaretz.COM/opinion/.premium-1.702597
    25) 2016 — Only International Pressure Will End Israeli Apartheid http://www.haaretz.COM/opinion/.premium-1.698874
    26) 2017 — Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid https://web.archive.ORG/web/20170316154440/https://www.unescwa.ORG/sites/www.unescwa.ORG/files/uploads/israeli-practices-palestinian-people-apartheid-occupation-executive-summary-english.pdf
    27) 2017 — Book review: John Lyons lays bare the tyrannies of Israel’s apartheid state in memoir https://www.thenational.AE/arts-culture/books/book-review-john-lyons-lays-bare-the-tyrannies-of-israel-s-apartheid-state-in-memoir-1.626764
    28) 2017 — Is Israel an ‘apartheid’ state? This U.N. report says yes. https://www.washingtonpost.COM/news/worldviews/wp/2017/03/16/is-israel-an-apartheid-state-this-u-n-report-says-yes/?utm_term=.a070bcce4ffa
    29) 2017 — Israel’s “South Africa moment” is fast approaching
    30) 2017 — Apartheid and the Future of Israel/Palestine https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.COM/2017/09/21/apartheid-and-the-future-of-israelpalestine/
    31) 2017 — As apartheid deepens Israel targets the UN settlements database https://www.middleeastmonitor.COM/20170922-as-apartheid-deepens-israel-targets-the-un-settlements-database/
    32) 2017 — South Africa’s ANC: Israel was established ‘on basis of apartheid’ https://www.almasdarnews.COM/article/south-africas-anc-israel-established-basis-apartheid/
    33) Video — Watch: Palestinians prevented to walk on ‘Jews only’ roads
    34) Video — Watch: Palestinians prevented to walk on ‘Jews only’ roads https://youtu.BE/qC4EEPVRBsE

  • Helen4Yemen

    What I resent the most is that the Christian
    West transferred the hated Jews to an Arab land
    and the Christian West has been at peace with
    the hated Jews for the first time ever while the
    Arabs find theirs live in chaos after these
    hated Jews arrived.

  • Helen4Yemen

    A ‘racist” against who?

    The snow-white Jews from Europe or the African Jews or Asian Jews?

  • Helen4Yemen


  • TecumsehUnfaced


  • TecumsehUnfaced

    But the arrogance of the invaders of Palestine is returning all Jews into extreme danger according to Dr. Shahak.

    Thus, Israel Shahak’s book “Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3,000 Years” is all the more important for being a document by a aknowledgeable Jew — a Jewish “insider” — about the beliefs and behavior of his fellow Jews. Born in Warsaw in 1933, Shahak spent a portion of his childhood in the concentration camp in Belsen, from which he immigrated to Palestine in 1945. He grew up in Israel, served in the Israeli military, and became a chemistry professor. Like all Israelis, he became fluent in Hebrew. He also became acclimated to the peculiar moral atmosphere of Israeli society: a combination of overweening arrogance and deceit, a mixture of pugnacious self-righteousness and duplicity.

    Unlike his fellow Israelis, however, Professor Shahak is deeply troubled by this peculiar atmosphere. Whereas the Jews around him take it for granted that the goyim on whom they depend for economic, military, and diplomatic support are too stupid ever to figure out what the Jews think about them and say about them behind their backs and plan to do to them when they can, and too sheeplike ever to take effective action if they do figure it out, he worries. He remembers that the Romans figured it out, and they consequently sacked Jerusalem and ended their cult in Palestine. He remembers that the Germans figured it out, and that’s why he became an involuntary tenant in a concentration camp. He’s worried that if his fellow Jews continue behaving as they always have, they will get themselves into some really serious trouble — again.

    In particular, Professor Shahak is concerned about the behavior of those of his people who adhere to “Judaism”. He is not one of these himself, and so he is able to look with some degree of objectivity at the mixture of superstition, Jewish chauvinism, and hatred of non-Jews which makes up the Jewish religion and its sacred writings. He deplores traditional Jewish teachings, not only because of the danger that some new Martin Luther will come along and spill the beans to the Gentiles, but because of the spiritually debilitating effect these teachings have had on the Jews themselves. Of the world of medieval Jewry in Europe, the world of the ghetto and the shtetl which modern Jewish writers refer to in euphoric tones as a world of quaint tradition and piety, Shahak says: “It was a world sunk in the most abject superstition, fanaticism, and ignorance …”

    He cites a number of specific instances of the ways in which Jewish religious authorities have kept their flocks under control. In general, the rabbis have taught their fellow Jews that their Gentile neighbors are spiritually and morally unclean; that they are subhuman, on a level with the beasts of the field; and that they hate Jews and must be hated in return. Jews are taught that the Christian religion is a religion fit only for animals, and that its founder, Jesus, was the son of a prostitut3 and is presently immersed in a pit of boiling excrement in h3ll.

    ~Preliminary report at:

    Professor Israel Shahak about Jewish “Religion”
    Jewish History, Jewish Religion
    The Weight of Three Thousand Years http://www.biblebelievers.ORG.AU/jewhis.htm

  • TecumsehUnfaced

    Hilarious! She has already conclusively demonstrated that she is far more educated and intelligent than you. I bet you still believe in that nonsensically silly ‘diaspora’ your brainwashers dreamed up to justify their theft of Palestine.

  • TecumsehUnfaced

    It’s funny when a Talmudist like you calls somebody else racist.

    THE JEWISH TALMUD is “Holy Writ” for the Jews.

    The Talmud supercedes the Old Testament in authority for the Jews. And the Talmud is the most racist, hate-mongering , blasphemous book the world has ever known.

    The Talmud was written in Hebrew [and Aramaic] between the 3rd & 6th Centuries as a codification of the so-called Oral Law that the Jewish rabbis claim was handed down from Moses.

    But the Messiah Jesus censored the “Oral Law” when He said, “By the traditions of your elders you make void the Word of God.” (St Matthew 15).

    The English translation of the Talmud has been watered down so as to conceal from the Gentiles the “satanic verses” contained in the original Hebrew.

    The “Satanic Verses” of the Talmud can be classified into 3 categories:

    1) Jewish Supremacy.
    2) Hatred Towards The “Goys” (Gentiles).
    3) Blasphemies Against Jesus Christ, The Virgin Mary, & All Christians.


    * “If a ‘goy’ (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed.” (Sanhedrin 58b)

    * “If a Jew finds an object lost by a ‘goy’ it does not have to be returned.” (Baba Mezia 24a)

    * “If a Jew murders a ‘goy’ there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)

    * What a Jew steals from a ‘goy’ he may keep.” (Sanhedrin 57a)

    * “Jews may use subterfuges to circumvent a ‘goy.’” (Baba Kamma 113a)

    * “All children of the ‘goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.” (Yebamoth 98a)

    * “Girls born of the ‘goyim’ are in a state of ‘niddah’ (m3nstrual uncleanness!) from birth.” (Abodah Zarah 36b)


    * “The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b)

    * “If you eat with a ‘goy’ it is the same as eating with a dog.” (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)

    * “Even the best of the ‘goyim’ should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)

    * “S3xual int3rcourse between the ‘goyim’ is like int3rcourse between animals.” (Sanhedrin 74b)

    * “When it comes to a Gentile in peace times, one may harm him indirectly, for instance, by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice.” (Shulkan Arukh, Yoreh De ‘ah, 158, Hebrew Edition only)


    * “‘Yashu’ (derogatory for ‘Jesus’) is in H3ll being boiled in hot excr3ment.” (Gittin 57a)

    [’Yashu’ is an acronym for the Jewish curse, ‘May his (Jesus) name be wiped out forevermore.’]

    * Yashu (Jesus) was s3xually immoral and worshipped a brick.” (Sanhedrin 107b)

    * “Yashu (Jesus) was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness and refused to repent.” (Sotah 47a)

    * “Miriam the hairdresser had s3x with many men.” (Shabbath 104b, Hebrew Edition only)

    * “She who was the descendant of princes and governors (the virgin Mary) played the h@rlot with carpenters.” (Sanhedrin 106a)

    * “Christians who reject the Talmud will go to h3ll and be punished there for all generations.” (Rosh Hashanah 17a)

    – Br. Nathanael Kapner

  • TecumsehUnfaced

    Don’t feel bad. Getting outwitted makes all stupid people feel sleepy.

  • Ilana Fine Bar-Hai

    you forgot to mention how the Jews got to Europe… From posts I just read here, I am shocked at your level of antisemitism and racism. I cant believe I even engaged in conversation with you. I had no idea who I was conversing with. My goodness! I am truly shocked at your posts.

  • Ilana Fine Bar-Hai


  • TecumsehUnfaced

    You’re right, they are very badly sun burnt. They are red.

  • TecumsehUnfaced

    You Khazars were already in Europe when you converted.

    Why do you invalidate yourself all the time with false charges of “antisemitism” and racism?

    Amy Goodman of Democracy Now:

    Often, when there is dissent expressed in the United States against the policies of the Israeli government, people here are called “anti-Semitic.” What is your response to that as an Israeli Jew?

    Shulamit Aloni, former Israeli minister:

    Well it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel then we bring up the holocaust . When in this country people are criticizing Israel then they are anti-Semitic. And the organization is strong and has a lot of money. And the ties between Israel and the American – Jewish establishment are very strong and they are strong in this country, as you know. And they have power, which is ok. They are talented people and they have power and money, and the media and other things, and their attitude is ‘Israel my country right or wrong’, identification. And they are not ready to hear criticism. And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli govt as anti-semitic and to bring up the holocaust and the suffering of the Jewish people and that – that is justify everything we do to the Palestinians.

  • TecumsehUnfaced
  • TecumsehUnfaced

    But you Khazars set up your evil thugdom by mortaring women and children. You must be super proud.

    The Butchery Begins: Deir Yasin

    The process was one of sustained slaughter as village after village was wiped out. The killing was intended to cause people to flee for their lives.

    The commander of the Haganah, Zvi Ankori, described what happened: “I saw cut off genitalia and women’s crushed stomachs … It was direct murder.” [52]

    Menachem Begin gloated over the impact throughout Palestine of the Nazi-like operations he commanded at Deir Yasin. Lehi and IZL Commandos stormed the village of Deir Yasin on April 9, 1948, slaughtering 254 men, women and children.

    A legend of terror spread amongst Arabs who were seized with panic at the mention of our Irgun soldiers. It was worth half a dozen battalions to the forces of Israel. Arabs throughout the country … were seized with limitless panic and started to flee for their lives. This mass flight soon developed into a maddened, uncontrollable stampede. Of the 800,000 Arabs who lived on the present territory of the state of Israel, only some 165,000 are still there. The political and economic significance of this development can hardly be overestimated. [53]

    The implementation of this program was carried out in part by Menachem Begin and in part by his future successor as Prime Minister, Yitzhak Shamir, as military commanders of the Irgun and the Lohamei Herut Israel (Lehi), i.e., Fighters for the Freedom of Israel. Inhabitants were force marched in blood-soaked clothing through the streets of Jerusalem to jeering on-lookers, before disappearing.


  • TecumsehUnfaced

    Yes, it’s hilarious when they try to use the disreputable Gatestone Institute as a source

  • TecumsehUnfaced

    Sleepy again? Maybe if you played honestly, you wouldn’t be outwitted all the time.

  • Helen4Yemen

    I am Middle Eastern and our land was used to
    transfer the hated Jews of Europe. The Ashkenazi
    claimed to ber “returning”. Can one at 0% Middle
    Eastern ancerstry “return” to the Middle East?
    Look at Alan Dershowitz’s DNA results.

    1) Europe is highlighted to trace his 99.9%
    European ancestry.

    2) Africa is highlighted because he has 0.1%
    African ancestry.

    3) Asia is highlighted because he has 0.1% Asian

    4) The Middle East is totally left blank because
    they found no trace of Middle East ancestry –
    not even 0.1% – nothing – zilch!


  • Helen4Yemen

    Yea, they left the Middle East, went to Europe and

    became white Europeans, right?




  • Helen4Yemen

    Are you saying without Khazars squatting on Arab land that

    the Arabs will not be able to manage their own affairs?

    It is a simple question: why are Khazars on Arab soil?

    You want to dare me that the Ashkenazi are not Khazars?

    Go ahead, try me.

  • Helen4Yemen

    Why is the white man on Arab land?

    It is a simple question that requires a simple answer?


  • Helen4Yemen

    For over a thousand years and prior to the arrival of Eastern European Jews in the 1930’s and 40’s, there were no Jews at all on that land.There are no Palestinian indigenous Jews left anywhere in the world today and all the Jews now in Palestine have 0% ancestry in Palestine but elsewhere. Over centuries, the indigenous Jews of Palestine simply converted to Islam or Christianity. There are only indigenous Palestinian Muslims and Palestinian Christians but no indigenous Palestinian Jews anywhere in the world. The Palestinians are in fact the descendants of the ancient Jews. The Ashkenazi Jews who make up 95% of world Jewry are descended from Khazars. There have not been any Jews living in Palestine for over 1,000 years.

    “In 1920, the British Government’s Interim Report on the Civil Administration of Palestine stated that there were hardly 700,000 people living in Palestine. The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine.

    https://en.wikipedia.ORG/wiki/Demographic _history_of_Palestine_(region)

  • TecumsehUnfaced

    Not her fault that you’ve been so deeply brainwashed into believing utter nonsense. But the truth will set you free, and you will do better in the future.

  • Helen4Yemen

    Jabotinsky – the Iron Wall – 1923

    My readers have a general idea of the history of colonization in other ountries. I suggest that they consider all the precedents with which they are acquainted, and see whether there is one solitary instance of any colonization being carried on with the consent of the native population. There is no such precedent. The native populations, civilised or uncivilised, have always stubbornly resisted the colonists, irrespective of whether they were civilised or savage.

    • A voluntary reconciliation with the Arabs is out of the question either now or in the future. If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison for the land, or find some rich man or benefactor who will provide a garrison on your behalf. Or else-or else, give up your colonization, for without an armed force which will render physically impossible any attempt to destroy or prevent this colonization, colonization is impossible, not difficult, not dangerous, but IMPOSSIBLE!… Zionism is a colonization adventure and therefore it stands or falls by the question of armed force.

    • Has any People ever been seen to give up their territory of their own free will? In the same way, the Arabs of Palestine will not renounce their sovereignty without violence.

  • Helen4Yemen

    ASHKENAZI = KHAZARS! 2 +2 always = 4.

    The Ashkenazi is at 99% European and 0% Middle
    Eastern ancestry. If the white man came from the
    Middle East, it is then one of the mystries of life
    that he lost all of his Middle Eastern DNA. Did it
    evaporate when he was performing the “diaspora”?

  • TecumsehUnfaced

    But there’s nothing more racist than the savage European Khazar invasion of Palestine with the intent of seizing the land from the genuinely Semite people of Palestine and driving them out. By your own statement you invaders must come close to asphyxiating yourself with your own evil racist odors.

  • Helen4Yemen


    I have been collecting pictures of IDF crimes for
    over a decade and I have thousands of pictures saved.
    They are 99% European Jews, 1% African Jews and I
    have yet to see an Arab Jew among the IDF. I have
    been asking anyone to show me a picture of an Arab
    Jew in IDF unifoirm but nobody came forward with a
    picture. It is possible that the Arab Jews would
    not be too comfortable pointing a gun at a people
    with whom they lived for centuries before the white
    Jew lured them to Palestine with false promises but to
    be used as cheap labor.

  • TecumsehUnfaced

    I understand that the few they do have are Druze, whom they use to guard the Mosque. The Druze are infamous for producing Quislings.

  • Helen4Yemen

    1) There are no “Sephardic Jews” unless you can mention one who is.

    2) Most of the Jews in Arab countries were of European origin who came during the Spanish expulsion, during Ottoman and WW2

  • Helen4Yemen


    Year ….. Algeria …. Morocco …. Tunisia ……. Total
    1940 …. 110,000 …. 160,000 …. 66,000 …. 336,000
    1945 …. 120,000 …. 175,000 …. 66,000 …. 361,000
    1950 …. 130,000 …. 280,000 …. 90,000 …. 500,000
    1955 …. 140,000 …. 280,000 .. 105,000 …. 525,000
    1960 …. 135,000 …. 200,000 …. 65,000 …. 400,000
    1965 …….. 4,000 …… 85,000 …. 30,000 …. 119,000
    1982 ……….. 300 …… 18,000 …… 2,500 …… 20,800

    The French colonized

    Algeria from 1830 to 1962
    Tunisia from 1881 to 1956
    Morocco from 1912 to 1956

    How many of the Jews of French-colonized Algeria,
    Morocco, Tunisia were French Jews or other European

    After the Algerian war to remove the French, we
    see that the French Jewish population jumped from
    350,000 to 500,000 and that increase of 150,000 were
    most certainly the French Jews in Algeria returning
    home with the French.

    Also, people need to remember that thousands of Jews
    fled Spain, Portugal and settled on Arab lands where
    they remained for 500 years. European Jews settled on
    Arab lands during the Ottoman period and during WW2.
    Therefore, the percentage of the Jews of Arab
    countries in 1948 might have been mostly European

    Were the French expelled when they left Algeria due
    to the war? Were the French Jews in Algeria expelled
    when they went back with the French after the war?

  • Helen4Yemen
  • Helen4Yemen

    But you still need to tell me why the white man is clinging
    to stolen land when he is free to go back home? Is the
    Ashkenazi Middle Eastern? What the h-ll is he doing in the
    Middle East?

  • mamabearroars

    The slur and ad Homineum, antisemitism, is close to hot-air and used to when grabbing at a life raft in defending the non-defensible arguments. To many Jews, the knee-jerk reaction is to call someone antisemitic when they bring up the aggressive brutal treatment of Israel to the Palestinians. When they open up the history of WW1 and WW2 to examine it.

    Why such a reaction to this history when ancient and current history or history of any group of other people is of no concern? The usage of the insult paints a picture that does in fact paint a thousand words.

  • moosehorn

    God bless you mamabear, and please keep roaring for justice and human rights respect until the world hears your voice.

  • mamabearroars

    I just saw this post but totally agree. We have friends that are experts in the history of the Middle East this and their worst enemy and that of all people on earth, the Jewish Supremacists. Because of the same marauding throughout history and the violence and suffering they brought to the native people of those lands they arrived in it is clear that this tribe of scattered plunderers should really be put on an Island by themselves.

    Maybe given them an uninhabited Island without any weapons like nuclear. Then all leaders in all countries must decide that they tear down the infiltrated governments of the world and criminal cabal in all governments that we call the security organizations. Instead we create peace organizations. We have a just a few extreme monsters and even if they are trillionaires they must be the priority of the world to destroy them for peace in the world to exist. We all have the one same enemy.

  • Niemals

    The German Bundestag has passed a resolution describing the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions campaign against Israel as anti-Semitic. Parliamentarians said some BDS slogans recalled Nazi propaganda.
    Read on H t t p s : / / w w w(dot)dw(DOT) com / en/ german-parliament-condemns-anti-semitic-bds-movement/ a-48779516

  • Niemals

    I dont like “Pending”, so I share it this way h t t p : / / disq(DOT)us /p/ 21yv63y

  • Niemals

    BBC News, on 8 November 2016;
    “Israel’s Arab soldiers who fight for the Jewish state” By Jane Corbin
    h t t p s : //w w (DOT)bbc(DOT) com /news /world-middle-east-37895021 You will find enough pictures of Israeli Arabs.

  • Niemals

    Helen4Yemen the eternal Jew hater never cared to read this; h t t p s : //w w (DOT)bbc(DOT) com /news /world-middle-east-37895021

nineteen minutes summary