
The 8 Best Exercises for Weight Loss

Half of American adults try to lose weight each year, according to estimates. People who want to lose weight often turn to exercise, rather than dieting. This helps you lose weight by burning calories. Exercise can help you lose weight and has many other benefits such as improved mood, stronger bones, reduced risk of developing many chronic diseases.

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These are the top 8 exercises to lose weight.

1. Walking

Walking has been praised as one of the best ways to lose weight.

It is easy to use and convenient for beginners. It’s also a low-impact exercise that doesn’t cause joint pain. Harvard Health estimates that a person weighing 155 lbs (70 kg) burns approximately 167 calories each 30 minutes at a moderate walking speed of 4 mph (6 km/h).

In a 12-week study of 20 obese women, walking 50-70 minutes three times per week for an average of 1.5% and 1 inch (2.8 cm) respectively reduced body fat and waist circumference. Walking can be easily integrated into your daily life. Walking during lunch breaks, climbing stairs at work or walking with your dog are all ways to increase your daily steps.

Start by walking for 30 minutes three to four times per week. As you get more fit, you can increase the frequency and duration of your walks.

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Summary Walking can be a great way to get around.

Exercise for beginners is easy and can be done almost anywhere. This reduces the stress on your joints. Include more walking into your daily routine.

Everyday activities

2. Running or Jogging

You can lose weight by exercising and running.

Although they look similar, the main difference is that running is much faster than jogging (6.4-9.7km/h) and jogging is between 4-6 mph (6.9-9.7 km/h). Harvard Health estimates that an individual weighing 155 lbs (70 kilos) burns about 298 calories when he runs at a pace of 5 mph (8 km/h), or 372 calories when he runs at a pace of 6 mph (9.7 km/h).

Studies have shown that running and jogging can help reduce harmful visceral fat otherwise known as belly fat. This fat wraps around your organs and is linked to many chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Running and jogging are both great exercise options that you can do anywhere. You can start by jogging for 20-30 minutes three to four times per week. Running outdoors can be painful for your joints so you might consider running on grass or other soft surfaces. Many treadmills come with built-in cushioning that may make it easier for your joints.

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Summary Running and Jogging

These are some great weight loss exercises that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine

Weekly routine. They are also known to help reduce belly fat.

Chronic diseases.

3. Cycling

Cycling is a very popular activity which can improve your fitness and help you lose weight.

Many gyms and fitness centers offer stationary bikes, which allow you to ride indoors while still enjoying the outdoors.

Harvard Health estimates that an individual weighing 155 lbs (70 kg) burns approximately 260 calories per 30-minutes of cycling on a stationary bicycle at a moderate speed, and 298 calories for 30 minutes riding on a bicycle at a moderate speed of 12-13.9mph (19-22.4 km/h).

Cycling is great for weight loss. Studies have shown that those who cycle regularly are more fit, have higher insulin sensitivity and have a lower risk of developing heart disease, cancer, or death than those who don’t cycle.

For all levels of fitness, cycling is great for everyone, including beginners and athletes. It’s also a low-impact, non-weight-bearing exercise that won’t put too much strain on your joints.

Summary Great cycling is possible

For people of all fitness levels, it can be done outside on a bike or in the open air. Indoors, on a stationary bicycle. There have been many health benefits associated with it. This includes a higher insulin sensitivity and a lower risk of certain chronic diseases.

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4. Weight training

Weight Training is a popular option for those looking to lose weight.

Harvard Health estimates that a person weighing 155 lbs (70 kilos) burns approximately 112 calories in 30 minutes of weight training.

Weight training can also help you build strength, promote muscle growth, and increase your resting metabolic rate, or how many calories you burn at rest.

A 6-month study found that doing strength-based exercises three times per week led to a 7.4% increase of metabolic rate. This was equivalent to burning an extra 125 calories each day, according to the study.

A second study showed that weight training for 24 weeks led to a 9% rise in men’s metabolic rate, which translated into approximately 140 calories more per day. The increase in metabolic rate for women was almost 4% or 50 calories more per day.

Numerous studies also show that weight training can continue to burn calories for many hours, even after you have stopped exercising.

Summary You can learn more about weight training.

It will help you lose weight by burning calories after and during your workouts. It could be helpful in shedding weight.

Also, it helps you build muscle mass which increases your resting metabolic rate.

Number of calories your body burns when you’re at rest.

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5. Training in intervals

Interval training (also known as high intensity interval training (HIIT),) is a broad term that describes short bursts or intense exercise that alternate with recovery times.

A HIIT workout typically lasts between 10 and 30 minutes, but can burn lots of calories.

A study of 9 men showed that HIIT burns 25-30% more calories per hour than other exercises such as weight training and cycling.

HIIT can help you burn calories and spend less time exercising.

Numerous studies also show that HIIT is particularly effective in burning belly fat, which can be linked to many chronic illnesses.

It is simple to add HIIT into your workout routine. You just need to choose a type or exercise such as running, jumping or biking and set your rest and exercise times.

For example, you could pedal hard for 30 seconds and then slow down for 1-2 minutes. This pattern can be repeated for between 10 and 30 minutes.

Summary Interval Training

This is an effective strategy for weight loss that can be used to many different types of

Exercises such as running, jumping and biking. Incorporating intervals

Training can help you burn more calories faster.

6. Swimming

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Swimming is a great way to lose weight or get in shape.

Harvard Health estimates that swimming for a person weighing 155 lbs (70 kilos) burns about 233 calories per hour.

The way you swim can affect the amount of calories you burn. A person weighing 155 lbs (70 kilos) burns 298 calories per 30 minutes doing backstroke, 372 calories in breaststroke and 409 calories in butterfly. There are also 372 calories for treading water ( 5 ).

A 12-week study of 24 middle-aged women showed that swimming 60 minutes per week significantly reduced body weight, flexibility, and several risk factors for heart disease, such as high total cholesterol or high blood pressure.

Swimming has another advantage: it is low-impact, which means that it is easier on your joints. This makes swimming a great choice for those with joint pain or injuries.

Summary Swimming can be a wonderful activity.

Low-impact exercises for those looking to lose weight. It may also help you lose weight.

Increase your flexibility and lower the risk of various diseases.

7. Yoga

Yoga is a popular way of exercising and relieving stress.

Although it isn’t often considered a weight loss exercise it can burn a lot of calories and offer many health benefits which can help you lose weight. Harvard Health estimates that an individual weighing 155 lbs (70 kilos) burns approximately 149 calories each 30 minutes when they practice yoga.

In a 12-week study of 60 obese women, it was found that participants in yoga classes for 90 minutes per week saw a greater reduction in their waist circumference (by 1.5 inches on average) than those who were in the control group.

The yoga group also experienced improved mental and physical well being.

Yoga can be used to burn calories and help with overeating. Studies have also shown that it can teach mindfulness. This can help you control your eating habits, resist unhealthy foods, and understand your body’s hunger signals. Although most gyms offer classes in yoga, you can also practice it anywhere. You can even practice yoga in your own home with the help of many tutorials available online.

Summary: The great thing about Yoga?

It is a weight loss exercise that you can do almost anywhere. It also burns calories.

It helps you to resist eating and reduces calories.


8. Pilates

Pilates is an easy exercise for beginners that can help you lose weight.

A study by the American Council on Exercise found that a person of 140 pounds (64kg) would burn 108 calories in a 30-minute beginner’s Pilates class and 168 calories in an advanced class of the same length ( 26).

While Pilates is not as effective at burning calories as running, many people find it fun, making it easier to stick with over time.

A study of 37 middle-aged women over 8 weeks found that Pilates exercise for 90 minutes three times per week significantly decreased waist, stomach and hip circumferences compared to a control group who did not exercise during the same time period.

Pilates can not only help with weight loss but also improve your strength and balance , flexibility , and overall fitness.

You can give Pilates a try by incorporating it into your daily routine. You can either do Pilates at home, or in one of the many Pilates classes offered by gyms.

Combine Pilates with a healthy lifestyle to further increase weight loss.

Summary Pilates can be a wonderful way to get your mind off of things.

This is a beginner-friendly exercise that will help you lose weight and improve your other abilities.

Your physical fitness includes strength, balance and flexibility.


What weight loss can you realistically anticipate?

There are many factors that affect how much weight you can expect to lose through exercise.

These include:

Experts recommend losing between 0.5-1.36kg (1-3 pounds) per week, or about 1% of your body weight.

Too fast weight loss can lead to serious health problems. It can lead to muscle loss, increased risk of developing conditions such as gallstones, fatigue, malnutrition and headaches.

People who lose too much weight quickly are more likely to regain it.

Remember that weight loss does not happen in a straight line. It is common to lose weight faster when you get started.

Summary Many variables affect

How much weight you can expect to lose through exercise. The majority

Experts recommend losing between 0.5-1.36kg (1-3 Pounds) per week or about 1%.

Your body weight.

The bottom line

You can lose weight with many exercises. Walking, running, cycling and swimming are all great options for burning calories.

Nevertheless, there are many other exercises that can help you lose weight. It is important that you choose an exercise that interests you. It will be easier to stick with it over time and see the results.

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