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20 Common Reasons Why You are Not Losing as Much Weight as You Expected To

Your body will fight back when you lose weight.

It is possible to lose a lot of weight quickly, even without much effort. Weight loss can slow down or stop completely after a while.

 This article lists 20 reasons you might not be losing weight.

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This book also includes actionable tips to help you break through plateaus and get things moving again.

1. You might be losing even though you don’t realize it

You don’t have to worry if you feel stuck on your weight loss journey.

It is quite common for the scale to not move for several days or weeks at a stretch. However, this does not mean you aren’t losing weight. The body weight fluctuates by a few pounds. It all depends on what you eat and how much water you retain (especially for women).

It is possible to gain muscle while simultaneously losing fat. This is especially true if you are just starting to exercise.

 This is a good thing. You really want to lose body fat and not weight.

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To gauge your progress, it is a good idea not to use the scale. Measure your waist circumference once a month and body fat percentage.

It can also be very important to consider how your clothes fit.

You don’t have to worry about your weight if it has remained at the same level for longer than 1-2 weeks.



An explanation for a weight loss plateau could be muscle gain, undigested foods, or fluctuations in body fluid. You might still be losing weight if the scale doesn’t move.

2. You aren’t keeping track of the food you eat

If you want to lose weight, awareness is key. Many people don’t realize how much food they’re actually eating. Research shows that tracking your food intake can help you lose weight. People who keep food journals or take photographs of their meals lose more weight than those who don’t.

Food tracking can have some downsides, especially if it is used to aid weight loss. People with eating disorders may experience side effects such as calorie counting or food tracking that can be dangerous.

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A food log can help you lose weight.

3. Insufficient protein intake

Protein is an important nutrient to lose weight.

Consuming 25-30% protein can increase metabolism by 80-100 calories/day and help you eat many hundred more calories each day. You will also notice a decrease in snack cravings. This may partly be explained by the protein’s effects upon appetite-regulating hormones like ghrelin, and others.

Make sure you get enough protein if you eat breakfast. Research shows that people who eat a high-protein breakfast feel less hungry throughout the day. High protein intake can also help prevent metabolic slowdown (a common side effect when losing weight). It also helps to prevent weight gain.

Click HERE: My Weight Loss in 7 Days Secrets


A low intake of protein can slow down your weight loss efforts. You should eat plenty of protein-rich food.

4. You are eating too many calories

Many people have difficulty losing weight simply because they eat too many calories.

This may seem absurd to you. However, studies have consistently shown that people underestimate their calorie intake. If you’re not losing weight, it might be worth weighing your food and keeping track of your calories.

These are some useful resources:

Calorie calculator. To calculate how many calories you should eat, use a Calorie Calculator.

Calorie Counters. There are five websites and apps that will help you track your calorie intake and nutrient intake.

If you want to achieve a specific nutrient goal such as 30% of your calories coming from protein, tracking is important. If you don’t track things correctly, this can make it difficult to reach your nutrient goal.

You don’t have to weigh every calorie and count everything all the time. These techniques can be used for a few days each month to help you get an idea of how much food you eat.


It’s possible that you are consuming too many calories if your weight loss appears to be at a halt. Many people underestimate their calorie intake.

5. Whole foods are not recommended.

Quality is as important as quantity.

Eating whole food can help you feel better and regulate your appetite. These foods are more filling than highly processed counterparts.

Remember that processed foods labeled “healthy foods” can be unhealthy. Read the label and be aware of foods that contain extra carbs.


Your diet should be based on whole foods. Consuming too many processed foods can negatively impact your ability to lose weight.

6. You are not lifting weights

Resistance training is one of the best things you can do to lose weight.

This will help you keep your muscle mass.

Additionally, lifting weights can help to prevent metabolic slowdown. It will also ensure that your body remains toned and muscular.


It is a great way to lose weight. It helps prevent muscle loss that is often associated with weight loss.

7. You are binge-eating

Binge eating is when you eat large quantities of food quickly, sometimes more than your body can handle.

Many people who are trying to lose weight face this problem. While some may eat a lot of processed foods, others may eat a lot of healthy foods like nuts, nut butters and dark chocolate. Even though something is “healthy”, its calories still matter.


You may have a tendency to eat a lot, which could be why you are having difficulty losing weight.

8. Cardio is not your thing

Cardiovascular exercise is also known as aerobic or cardio exercise. It’s any exercise that increases your heart beat. This includes activities like jogging and cycling.

It is one of most effective ways to improve health. It’s also extremely effective in burning stomach fat, which is harmful visceral fat and can cause disease.


Try to do cardio regularly. Cardio helps to lose fat around the midsection. A lack of exercise can be a reason for weight loss plateaus.

9. You’re still drinking sugar

Sugary drinks are a significant fattening item in the food supply. You won’t lose weight if you drink sugary beverages.

This applies to sugary drinks such as Coke and Pepsi. This is also true for Vitaminwater and other “healthier” drinks, such as Coke and Pepsi.

Even juices can be dangerous and should not even be drunk in large quantities. One glass of juice can have the same amount of sugar as several whole fruits.


A great way to lose weight is to avoid sugary drinks. These beverages often account for a large portion of a person’s daily calorie intake.

10. You are not sleeping well

Good sleep is essential for your mental and physical health, as well as your weight.

Study after study has shown that obesity is linked to poor sleep. Children and adults with poor sleep are at an 89% and 55% higher risk of becoming obese, respectively.


Obesity is strongly linked to poor quality sleep. This could also slow down weight loss.

11. Carbohydrates are not to be cut back

A low-carb diet may be a good option if you have more weight to lose or have metabolic conditions such as prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.

This type of diet was found to be as effective as the “low fat” diet, according to short-term research.

A 2018 study found that there was little difference between a low-fat, high-nutrient diet and a low-carb diet. It is important to find a long-term sustainable meal plan you can enjoy.

Low-carb diets are not only good for weight loss, but also have many other benefits. These diets can lead to improvements in many metabolic markers such as cholesterol, HDL(good) cholesterol, and blood glucose.


A low-carb diet is a good option if you’re struggling to lose weight. Numerous studies have shown that low-carb diets can help you lose weight.

12. You eat too often

It is a myth to eat small meals every day in order to increase metabolism and lose weight.

Research shows that eating frequency does not have an effect on weight loss or fat burning.

It’s also extremely inconvenient that you have to prepare and eat food every day. This makes healthy nutrition even more difficult.

However, intermittent fasting is a very effective way to lose weight. It involves going without food for long periods of time (e.g. 15-24 hours).


Exercising too often can lead to an excessive intake of calories, which could hinder your efforts to lose weight.

13. Water is not your friend

Drinking water may help with weight loss.

A 12-week weight loss study showed that people who consumed half a liter (17.8 ounces) of water 30 min before meals lost 44% more than those who didn’t.

Consuming water can also increase the amount of calories burned by as much as 24-30% in a 1.5 hour period.


Drink a glass of water before you eat to reduce calories. Water may increase your ability to burn calories.

14. You are drinking too much alcohol

If you enjoy alcohol and want to lose weight, spirits (like vodka), mixed with zero-calorie beverages may be the best option. Beverages like wine and sugary alcoholic beverages have high calories.

Keep in mind, however, that alcohol has approximately 7 calories per gram.

However, there are mixed results in studies on alcohol and weight. Moderate drinking appears to be acceptable, but heavy drinking can lead to weight gain.


Generally, alcoholic beverages have high calories. When you’re trying to lose weight, you should consider drinking alcohol mixed with low-calorie drinks.

15. You are not mindful of what you eat

One of the most effective weight loss techniques in the world is mindful Eating.

This involves slowing down and eating without distraction. It also requires you to savor each bite, listening to your brain’s natural signals, and taking the time to listen when your body is tired.

Many studies have demonstrated that mindful eating can lead to significant weight loss and decrease binging.

These are some tips for eating mindfully.

You can eat with no distractions by sitting at a table with only your food.

Slowly chew and eat. Be aware of colors, textures, smells, and flavors.

Drink water when you feel satisfied.



When trying to lose weight, eat mindfully. People often struggle to lose weight because of their mindless eating habits.

16. A medical condition is making it more difficult.

Some medical conditions can cause weight gain and make it more difficult to lose weight.

These include hypothyroidism and polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) as well as sleep apnea.

Some medications can make it more difficult to lose weight, or worsen the problem.

Talk to your doctor if you feel any of these are applicable to you.


Your weight loss efforts may be hindered by medical conditions like hypothyroidism and sleep apnea.

17. You are a junk food addict

A 2014 study found that 19.9% of North Americans and Europeans are suffering from food cravings.

It is possible to eat less junk food or change your diet if you are suffering from a junk food addiction.

How to get help.


Weight loss can be difficult if you have strong food cravings and/or food addiction. Seek professional help.

18. You’ve been dieting for too long

It might not be a good idea for you to “diet”, but it may be worth it.

You may need to take a break if you have been losing weight for a long time and have reached a plateau.

Increase your calorie intake by adding a few hundred calories to your daily calorie count, sleep more, and lift weights in order to gain muscle and strength.

Keep your body fat levels at the same level for at least 1-2 months before you attempt to lose weight.


You may have been trying to lose weight for too long. Perhaps it is time for a break.

19. Your expectations are not realistic

It is usually a slow process to lose weight. People lose patience before they reach their goals.

It is possible to lose weight quickly in the beginning. However, it is rare that people can lose more than 1-2 pounds per day.

Unrealistic expectations about what you can achieve with a nutrient rich diet or exercise are another challenge.

It’s not possible for everyone to be a bodybuilder or fitness model. Many photos in magazines and other publications are enhanced.

You may be able to accept your body as it is, even if you have lost weight.

Your body will eventually reach a point where it is comfortable with your weight. It may not be possible to reach a higher weight or be realistic. This could have negative consequences for your health.


When it comes to weight loss, people’s expectations can sometimes be unrealistic. Remember that weight loss takes time. Not everyone can be a fitness model. You should be able to create a weight loss plan that is individualized and based on your goals.

20 Too focused on dieting

Long-term diets are almost impossible to maintain. Studies show that those who diet tend to gain weight over time.

Do not approach weight loss with a diet mindset. Instead, adopt healthy habits that promote good health. You can do this by eating a healthy, balanced diet, getting out as much as you can, and doing the things that make your heart happy.

Weight loss is a natural side effect of nourishing your body, not depriving it.


It is not the best long-term solution. Focus on a healthy lifestyle if you want to lose weight and maintain it.

The bottom line

It isn’t always easy to lose weight. There are many factors that can make it difficult.

The simplest way to lose weight is to eat a lot more calories than you burn.

You can try strategies like mindful eating, keeping track of your food, eating more protein and strength training.

Changes in your weight and lifestyle require patience, dedication, perseverance and resilience.

Original Source of the original story >> 20 Common Reasons Why You are Not Losing as Much Weight as You Expected To

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