
Sonex Orthopedics Uses FDA-Approved Technology To Repair Injuries And Provide Pain Relief After All Other Options Failed

Non-Invasive Shockwave Technology Treats a Wide Variety of Injuries and Conditions

Austin, TX – June 16, 2021 – Sonex Orthopedics, the first practice specializing in Shockwave Therapy and the only practice that treats every injury with FDA-approved devices, announced today it has seen remarkable healing and pain relief with its patients across the board.  Sonex opened its doors less than two years ago. With COVID griding businesses to a halt for a while, the fact it has so many success stories is a testament to how well its High and Low-energy Shockwave Therapy works.

Buck Baccus is a 59-year-old commercial real estate broker who was a collegiate athlete and longtime runner. A little over one year ago he found himself virtually unable to walk due to the crippling pain caused by plantar fasciitis.  Buck had seen podiatrists, orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, and medical massage professionals, and even purchased several expensive pairs of orthotics, but nothing gave him any real reliefPreview (opens in a new tab).  After a single Shockwave treatment at Sonex Orthopedics, he is pain free and back to exercising.

Bob Shoppa is a pharmacist, avid golfer, and cyclist whose arthritis in his knees became so bad he could not walk to the mailbox without pain, much less walk 18 holes. Being a pharmacist, Bob went the traditional route for treatment, which involved painful cortisone injections that provided some relief for four to six weeks, but after that, it was back to the doctor for another round.  This cycle continued until his orthopedic surgeon said he needed total replacement of both knees. Now less than one year post treatment, Bob is virtually pain free and back to walking the links and riding his bicycle.  Sonex Orthopedics has been achieving results like these in every condition they treat.

Extracorporeal shockwave therapy is highly effective in treating meniscus tears, tendonitis or tendinosis, stress fractures, tennis elbow, osteoarthritis, plantar fasciitis, and many other musculoskeletal conditions. It works by sending high-energy acoustic shockwaves directly into the affected area, stimulating a natural healing response, including the upregulation of growth factors and stem cells. The energy causes new blood vessel formation and forces both bone and soft tissue to regenerate. It also breaks up scar tissue and calcifications that often impede healing and induces an analgesic reaction in the area, although long-term relief comes from the injury healing. The result is a speedy recovery and often a return to pre-injury activity levels with no downtime.

“The good news is you don’t have to live with pain anymore,” said Dr. Ryan Sieg, a board-certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine and medical director at Sonex Orthopedics. Our FDA-approved shockwave technology is proven to speed up the repair of injured tissue while greatly reducing or eliminating pain with no downtime.”

About Sonex Orthopadics, LLC

What we do at Sonex Orthopedics is simple, we improve our client’s quality of life through the natural healing stimulated by High-Energy and Low-Energy Shockwave Therapy (HeSWT & LeSWT).

We are the first practice that specializes in Shockwave Therapy and the only practice that treats every injury with only FDA approved devices.

With insurers restricting treatment choices and the rate of surgery increasing, Sonex was created to provide a proven and effective, non-invasive alternative to surgery when conservative treatments have failed. With more than 20 years of Shockwave Therapy experience, Sonex can restore your functionality and get you back to doing the things you love.

Contact Information:
Media Contact, Christian Scarborough Sonex Orthopedics contact: Sean Vieira

, Menafn, IPS, Reportedtimes, Financial Content, ReleaseLive, English

Contact Information:

Media Contact,
Christian Scarborough
Sonex Orthopedics contact:
Sean Vieira

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