
Barx Buddy Reviews — The Truth About BarxBuddy EXPOSED

The BarxBuddy dog training device has been hitting the headlines recently. But are the Barx Buddy reviews true? The following will expose all the truths.

What Is BarxBuddy?

BarxBuddy is a compact gadget that emits a high-pitch sound that only dogs can hear. When the one-press button is activated, the dog will immediately hear the sound and start to pay attention to his/her owner’s commands.

The sound can be quite alarming to dogs when they hear it for the first time. However, it is not dangerous. The frequency has been expertly adjusted to ensure that it’s enough to get their attention and not cause harm or undue stress.

The idea behind the sound is that the dog will not want to carry on their unnecessary barking afterward.

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How Does BarxBuddy Work?

BarxBuddy works by producing a high-frequency sound that captures the attention of dogs that are engaging in unwarranted behavior. This could be any (or all) of the following:

There is also a light feature that will work to divert the dogs’ minds away from the unruly behavior and back to their owners.

Here’s how it works in a nutshell:

  1. As soon as a dog misbehaves, the owner will press the on button.
  2. The BarxBuddy will release the sound instantly.
  3. The ultrasonic tone will grab the dogs’ attention, stopping the behavior they were engaging in.
  4. Once the dog calms down, the owner will reward the good behavior with treats or praise.

Its motto seems to be “simple but effective dog training”.

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Does BarxBuddy Really Work?

In a word, yes. There are countless BarxBuddy reviews out there that sing its praises.

Some have said that “from the first day it has been a Godsend”, others say “one week after using BarxBuddy, my dog is starting to calm down”, and the rest have said, “the difference in my dog’s behavior is unbelievable”.

There’s no doubt that this little device truly works a treat.

Is It Safe to Use BarxBuddy?

To answer this question simply, yes. The BarxBuddy is 100% safe to use for humans, dogs, and other animals that might be present in the area.

Many people have reported in their BarxBuddy reviews that using it caused zero harm to their dog and other pets.

While the noise emitted from the handy device is high-pitched it is not painful for dogs to hear. The flashlight that can be turned off and on is not painful for animals either.

Humans and dogs can rest easy knowing that the device has been meticulously tested for safety. Plus, many Barx Buddy reviews have confirmed this matter. There’s no need to just take the company’s word for it anymore.

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BarxBuddy Features

Upon use and reading extensive Barx Buddy Reviews, it’s clear that this handy device comes with many features. Some of which, could be quite easy to overlook.

The BarxBuddy handheld dog training gadget comes with a plethora of functions, allowing owners to not only train but also deter unwanted canine attention.

The specific features are as follows:

How Do The Lights Act As a Training Aid?

The light at the end of the device looks similar to a torch. However, it has been expertly designed by their professional team to ensure it diverts dogs’ attention away from the unruly act.

Some BarxBuddy reviews have even stated that they don’t always need to use the ultrasonic sound if their dog is attracted by the light!

Why Should You Buy a BarxBuddy?

There are seemingly endless reasons why you should buy the BarxBuddy but the most common one is that it stops uncontrollable dogs in their tracks.

If dogs keep barking at nothing, wake their owners up at night, and are constantly running off, this doesn’t bode well for the dog owner to trust and love. A BarxBuddy will get this behavior under control so that a positive bond can be built.

Additionally, dogs that bark when people stroll past the window can cause an unsettled feeling in the neighborhood. Whether it’s the elderly or small children, incessant barking can lead to them having a negative opinion of everyone in the household. So, the BarxBuddy device will ensure the entire street has peace of mind.

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Does The BarxBuddy Device Work on Aggressive Dogs?

For aggressive dogs, the combination of the light and sound features will ensure their attention is diverted to calm them down.

What Is The BarxBuddy’s Maximum Range?

The gadget works best at 30 feet or nearer.

BarxBuddy — The Pros and Cons

Barx Buddy reviews have set out a comprehensive list of all the advantages and disadvantages of the product. The items compiled here will help buyers to make the best decision based on pure facts, rather than just opinions (which can be occasionally biased if they don’t come from a reputable source).

The BarxBuddy Pros

The BarxBuddy Cons

Where Can I Buy BarxBuddy?

Some BarxBuddy reviews have expressed their frustration on the lack of availability of the handy gadget. However, this is usually because they are searching for it in the wrong places.

Searching for the device on sites such as Amazon, Target and other well-known department stores won’t be worth it.

Currently, the BarxBuddy handheld dog trainer can only be purchased through the manufacturer’s website.

Because of this, if search results show the gadget for sale on other sites, care is recommended. This is likely a scam, imitation, or a straight knock-ff. The quality, therefore, will be incredibly low and buyers will feel a lot of disappointment.

Always purchase it through the manufacturer’s website.

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The Final Verdict

After that, is the BarxBuddy worth it? Most owners will have likely made up their minds by now.

For those who are struggling to keep their dog’s barking in check, the BarxBuddy gadget is more than worth it! The device provides a one-stop-shop for barking-, jumping-, and aggression-related needs.

Not to mention that a Full Money-Back Guarantee is included in the purchase. So, if there isn’t complete satisfaction, the entire amount will be refunded within 30 days!

It’s a 100% risk-free buy.

The BarxBuddy dog deterrent is only available at their official website:

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The post Barx Buddy Reviews — The Truth About BarxBuddy EXPOSED appeared first on Financial Market Brief.