
Could There Ever Be a Cure for Mesothelioma?

Scientists, researchers, and doctors all over the world are fighting to improve public health and introduce new treatment options for the deadliest and most devastating conditions that plague us. Among the most aggressive diseases is mesothelioma, which while rare, is especially deadly.

Why don’t we have a cure for this malignant and painful disease? And could we have one in the future?

What Is Mesothelioma?

First, we need to understand what mesothelioma is. Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer. It almost exclusively occurs in individuals who have been exposed to material known as asbestos. Asbestos had many advantages in construction, so it was used quite heavily for many decades. Unfortunately, it also has the side effect of spurring mesothelioma growth.

Asbestos itself contains tiny, jagged fibers. When inhaled, these fibers lodge themselves in the mesothelial lining of the lungs (and sometimes other organs). This thin tissue, when irritated for long enough, can eventually develop cancer cells that grow and spread aggressively. Mesothelioma can lie dormant for years, or even decades, but when it starts developing, it tends to spread quickly. While some treatments do exist and can minimize certain symptoms, mesothelioma is almost always fatal – and many patients die within one year of diagnosis.

Why Curing Mesothelioma Is Challenging

Why is curing mesothelioma so challenging?

Technology changes rapidly. Scientific understanding expands every day. In some ways, it’s silly to speculate about whether there could ever be a cure for mesothelioma, because humanity has at least thousands, and probably millions of years to develop one. But suffice it to say, there are many challenges impeding progress on the development of a cure for mesothelioma, and it’s unlikely that we’ll have one anytime soon. 

That said, there is reason for optimism; mesothelioma is getting rarer, and new, innovative treatment methods can help patients live longer. There may not be a cure, but there are more options available with each passing year.