Path of Exile Review

In Path of Exile’s early moments, you’re a horrible sight, wandering and wearing rags. Survival means exploding wandering, bloated cadavers with driftwood. Appreciate simplicity. Path of Exile turns you from a shipwreck survivor into a god-killing, universe-hopping avenger.

Path of Exile’s lore-soaked setting and challenging passive ability tree set it apart from other modern RPGs. Since 2013, more has been added, moving it in a distinct route from Diablo 3 and the genre. Its identity is built on experimentation and growth.

Path of Exile Review

Path of Exile shifts when you think you’re done, enticing you to climb again. This RPG doesn’t like long pauses. Always a new boss to slay, a new system to learn, or a weapon you need for your new character build.

The path of Exile’s core is its character development adventure from nothing to a cosmic action hero and its massive passive skill tree. Passive abilities and stats improve your Exile’s skill, intellect, weapon proficiencies, spell damage, and countless more broad and situational adjustments.

You can choose from seven classes, such as the fierce Marauder or the hexy Witch, but these only decide where you start on the web. For example, my Marauder is a duel-wielding cyclone of destruction, whereas yours is an elemental shaman who employs magic more than physical power, going the opposite way.


I’m playing a Hierophant, a Templar Ascendancy in my latest streak. It’s allowed me to play a nearly pure-totem setup. Totems and summons do all the work as I run about like a crazy chicken avoiding projectiles and enemies.

Becoming a spectator in these fights is strange. I imagine the novelty wears off, but the building is one of Path of Exile’s great joys. Every playstyle has countless builds, whether you want to pound crap or raise skeleton wizards. Damage-reflecting AFK constructions let you see enemies crumble.

This complicates an already tricky ability tree, although there are plenty of builds for beginning players and build walkthroughs to explain Path of Exile’s intricate advancement mechanics. Steven compiled a list of Path of Exile beginner makes, including the Hierophant build I’ve been playing.

With so many classes and subclasses, new gamers may use some guidance. Other players are excellent guides, but most of their advice is contradictory, and even beginner builds are full of jargon and assume the reader knows the basics. Path of Exile may be open while still guiding new players.

Once you master it, you may dislike other RPGs’ character development. There’s always a powerful talent that could modify your character, and you can tweak your build to significant effect. Jewel slots let you add real gems to specific tree nodes for solid bonuses. You’ll be able to open slots and get jewels early on.


Path of Exile’s skill gems are subversive. Path of Exile’s classes aren’t defined playstyles; hence none have predetermined skills. Instead, active abilities are gained through skill gems if you match their state requirements. To utilize a skill gem, insert it in the appropriate socket. Some things have no sockets, whereas rarer ones have six.

Skill gems resemble spell-making. You can combine gems with sharing their effects if an item’s sockets are linked. Now, instead of launching a fireball by hand, I use a totem so I can avoid being impaled by a demon. More linkages allow you to design new spells with complex synergies. It’s tactile, like hand-crafting spells.

The spell effects fill the screen with magic and destruction, making you a one-person apocalypse. Path of Exile lets you create mighty heroes and unleash them on unsuspecting creatures. Ouch. They can fight, though. Path of Exile’s strongest monsters are more like shoot ’em ups than RPGs.

Multiverse touring

As Path of Exile’s final acts progress, you’ll unlock the endgame Atlas of Worlds. By finding magical maps, you can explore dream worlds—basically random dungeons—and battle all over a dream world universe, garnering you more powerful goods and toughening you up to kill your way through higher-tier maps.

It merges the acts and endgame. It feels like a rambling eleventh act now that it has cohesion. You can fight between two factions with distinct monsters and loot. Plenty of reasons remain to finish the game.

PoE currency

Path of exile currency is a virtual currency used in the online action-RPG Path of Exile. Path of exile currency can purchase items from the game’s vendor or trade with other players. Overgear is the greatest site to buy currency for the Path of Exile game. Path of exile buying currency, orbs, and other inexpensive items available on Overgear. Since players can trade in-game items in PoE, getting banned is improbable.


Path of Exile can be confusing after a year, much alone four. Despite its new features and transitory Leagues, it’s still a game about assaulting dungeons, unleashing cataclysmic spells, and attacks on entire armies for loot. All these extra features added through years of upgrades have improved it.
