What should you do with your thermostat: leave on one temperature or change it?

The thermostat is your best friend for maintaining a comfortable temperature in your house throughout the year. Every thermostat is set up differently; some individuals modify the room temperature frequently, while others leave it at the same temperature for months.

Is there a “proper” way to set a temperature on your thermostat? As it turns out, each approach has its advantages and disadvantages. That is the subject of this article.

Temperature Fluctuations Have Their Downsides

Constantly turning on and off your air conditioner might damage the actual device. It is prone to over-turning on and off, just like other electrical devices, quickly destroying the components. Room temperature fluctuations can have the same impact if they happen frequently enough. To put it another way, this signifies that your AC unit is overworked and will need to be replaced sooner rather than later.

When the device is working hard, this directly relates to the quantity of power it consumes. Your power bill will rise by hundreds of dollars in the summer since your air conditioner must work harder to keep up with the fluctuating temperatures.

What To Consider Before Adjusting Your Thermostat When Leaving The House

You have come to the right place if you seek the best way to save money when you leave the house. Keeping your heating and cooling expenditures down may be easier than you think if you know how to adjust your thermostat. There are three factors to keep in mind when deciding whether or not to lower the temperature in your home when you depart for the day.

Customizable Thermostat

The thermostat is where you start to control your home’s temperature and, by extension, your energy bill. There are several types of thermostats out there, but programmable thermostats allow you to control the temperature of your house at specific times of the day and night, such as 68 degrees at night.

Temperatures can be programmed so that if you leave the house at certain times of the day, your system won’t keep heating or cooling a space. If you do not have a programmed thermostat, you should switch off your HVAC system.

Expected Duration Of Your Absence

Turn off your heating or air conditioning system while no one is home to save electricity. Turn down the thermostat when you are out of the house for more than five hours. If you are only going to be gone for an hour, forgetting to change the thermostat isn’t a big concern.

Seasonal Affectivity

If you live in an area that experiences extreme room temperature throughout the summer, you may worry about your utility costs. The good news is that you may save money by turning your thermostat down to roughly 80 degrees during hot days. Regardless of how long you will be gone, it will keep your house at a warmer temperature during the day and reduce it when you return.

Some people don’t think about shutting down their heating and air conditioning systems when they leave the house. Heating or air conditioning systems need to be turned off if no one is in the house to save electricity. A single adjustment to your thermostat to raise the temperature in your home saves you money on your energy bill. Instead of maintaining your entire house at 68 degrees, you might, for example, turn on the heat when you first get out of bed in the morning.

You may set the thermostat 10 to 15 degrees lower in the winter since the HVAC has an easier time handling colder days.

The Most Energy-Efficient Setting On Your Thermostat

The Department of Energy believes that by simply lowering your thermostat by 7 to 10 degrees for eight hours a day, you may save 10% on your annual energy cost. Taking the time to plan out your room temperature changes may make a big impact on your family.

When modifying these parameters to suit your preferences, keep in mind that every degree counts. Even if the difference between 68 and 69 degrees seems insignificant, your energy costs will rise.

By making sure that your home is properly insulated, you may save the most money on your energy cost. When looking at the root of the problem, this consideration will assist you in coming up with a solution.
