5 New Ways People Are Benefitting from Cannabidiol (CBD)

You’ve probably heard a ton about the health benefits of cannabidiol (CBD). In short, CBD is an extract that comes from hemp and is extremely low in THC. CBD doesn’t give you the same high that THC does, but it provides similar benefits.

Many people take CBD to relieve stress, anxiety, pain and for general relaxation. The most popular way to take CBD is an oil or tincture, but there are other methods you may not have heard about.

How are people taking CBD these days? The answer might surprise you.

1. CBD suppositories

You probably never thought you could get your CBD through a suppository. However, it makes sense considering suppositories are an effective way to deliver medication. Why not deliver cannabidiol through a suppository?

Unlike other delivery methods, CBD suppositories have a specific purpose. CBD manufacturers like Pacific Roots offer suppositories in varying strengths. Some suppositories are full spectrum, while others are THC-free.

For those who don’t feel drawn to suppositories, traditional forms of cannabidiol are readily available, including CBD oils, capsules, and gummies. However, CBD suppositories are worth trying at least once.

2. Pure CBD crystals

Also known as CBD isolate, cannabidiol crystals are a truly pure form of CBD and contain no traces of THC. CBD isn’t naturally crystalline, and the crystals are a result of the refining process. When CBD is refined, all non-CBD compounds are removed, and the end result is a crystalline substance.

CBD crystals are usually ground before being sold, but sometimes you can get the full crystals. However, the crystals need to be ground before being smoked, or dissolved in a carrier oil like butter before being added to food and consumed.

For people who want the benefits of CBD without THC, crystals are a great option. The ground powder can be eaten or smoked, which gives people a choice in delivery method. Having multiple choices for a delivery method is important since the substance is absorbed much faster through the lungs than by ingesting.

3. Salves, lotions, and creams

One of the best ways to get CBD into your system is through topical methods like salves and creams. Absorbing CBD through your skin is a fast way to get it into your bloodstream, but it’s also a great method for spot relief. For instance, if your shoulder hurts, you can rub some CBD salve into your shoulder and get fast relief.

While there are many different types of topical CBD products, the most popular are salves, lotions, and creams. Lotions are generally thin and sometimes come scented or with essential oils added. Creams are a little thicker than lotion, and also come scented or infused with soothing essential oils.

Salves are like a thick paste with a consistency similar to petroleum jelly. Most salves are unscented and don’t contain added ingredients, however, you can find some with other helpful ingredients.

Out of all topical CBD products, salves are ideal for people who don’t want the slick, greasy feeling left behind by lotions and creams. It’s really just a matter of personal preference, but salves seem to contain a higher concentration of CBD. However, the lotions and creams also serve as a moisturizer.


How will you get your CBD?

Have you tried any of these CBD delivery methods? What’s your favorite? If you haven’t tried these methods, and you’ve been looking for other products, now you have more options to choose from.

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