
Herpesyl Customer Reviews: Real Benefits OR Hype? Reviewed By HealthBlanc

Herpesyl is an oral supplement that helps reduce the potential risk of infection when a person gets affected by herpes virus. This supplement claims to be effective against removing and averting both HSV1 and HSV2 viruses – the main perpetrator of herpes outbreak.

In fact, Herpesyl team believes that they have made a groundbreaking revelation that can change the landscape of the medical industry as far as treating herpes is concerned. Apparently, this supplement possesses the power to prevent any outburst of cold sores even before they come to the fore. Besides, the team asserts that this supplement is well capable of removing the virus from its roots. And the time frame of that action is a couple of weeks.

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Here it is worth mentioning that tracing out herpes virus is not an easy task as they conceal inside our body after contracting. It hides inside a protein termed ICP 47 and becomes undetectable to the immune system. The virus can live in our body for months in disguise and suddenly can make an attack. No matter how strong one’s immune system is, it is really hard to trace them inside our body.

Dr. Adrian – the proponent of this supplement – in his research found that the virus is associated with a very risky procedure inside our brain. The study also revealed that immune system and the genes have little role in that process. Besides, the survival rate of those brain cells – where the herpes virus conceal themselves – are greater than those of other body cells when compared.

The customer reviews that saturates Herpesyl sales page are the testament of this supplicant’s efficacy. Users claim that Hepesyl plays a major role in curing their condition.

If we choose a user’s review where he claims that he went through numerous blood tests since Herpesyl intake, fortunately doctors failed to find any traces of herpes virus. One would find the same stories throughout the sales page that all users cure themselves of herpes with Herpesyl consumption.

Why Use Herpesyl: Is It Worth Buying?

Herpesyl is a natural supplement that is made out of 26 herbs extracts. These plant extracts are measuredly mixed with some vitamins to form a capsule that is advised to take once per day. This natural blend aims to seek the root cause of cold sore outbreaks while waning and eliminating the herpes virus.

Besides, the production facilities of this supplement are FDA approved and equipped with modern machinery and technology. Moreover, an expert team works round the clock in the research and development department. Hence, these features make this supplement safe. It is worth mentioning that this capsule is free of GMO products.

Herpesyl makes the treatment of this virus so easy that anyone can follow without anyone’s help. Besides, it has been reported that diabetic patients having herpes outbreak face no problem using this supplement. Moreover, this supplement does not put any contracted person on diet control. So, there is no need to wipe out those delicious foods from one’s table.

Another important aspect of this supplement is that it has been tried extensively across continents to validate its efficacy. Most Herpes supplement come with no money back policy whereas Herpesyl comes with whopping 60 days money back policy which shows a lot of confidence by the manufactures and drives the demand higher each day.

Last not the least, this supplement is made of highest quality ingredients that are mixed in a precise way maintaining an exact formula in order to make sure of its efficiency.

Since the launch of Herpesyl, the demand is parabolic and now it is on sale.

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Herpes Simplex Treatment: An Overview

Studies suggest that, in the USA, out of six people, one aged in the range of 15 to 50 carries herpes. Though, most of the time health experts tend to classify it as a trivial irritant. However, persons suffering from herpes outbreak tell different stories altogether. Extreme cases of herpes can damage one’s self-respect. People with herpes outbreak get scared even if they see a little bump on their lips, considering it as a sign of herpes.

Besides, not to mention the severe pain that emanates from the irresistible itching. People are in desperate need of remedy from HSV-1 and HSV-2 virus, two main perpetrators behind herpes outburst which can cause serious psychological and physical problems. The burning question is as to whether there are any ways to get rid of it.

Regrettably, most antiviral drugs that are available in the market are expensive. Besides, they are not free of side effects. Remedial surgeries that claim to cure and thwart herpes epidemic can cut a big chunk from one’s savings. Moreover, the success rate of these surgeries are not up to the mark yet. Considering these circumstances, many choose to live their remaining life enduring the pain of herpes outbreak.

In an attempt to find a reasonable and effective cure for herpes, people were in desperate search for a remedy. Initially, people tilted toward traditional medicine to solve this problem but in vain. Soon they got to learn that traditional medicine has little effect on people with herpes outbreak. Later, when they started to wander into the avenues of alternative medicine, they fell upon Herpesyl – a supplement claiming to be effective against herpes by consuming a dose per day.

How Herpesyl Works On Our Brain?

When we talk about herpes treatments, the working process of Herpesyl is different from its counterparts. Conventional herpes treatment deals in topical way, over-the counter medication, or prescribed medication. Doubt these are FDA permitted and experts suggested ways to deal with herpes outbreak. But efficacy of these conventional herpes treatments always raises question marks.

However, the creator of Herpesyl asserts that these treatments will become redundant if one takes Herpesyl as prescribed. Besides, Herpesyl treatment would save a big chunk of one’s money that s/he gives away to numerous pharmaceutical companies. Whereas, they claim Herpesyl works in a process that creates an association between our brain and herpes virus.

The maker of Herpesyl raises questions over the working method of other conventional herpes treatment. They argue that other treatments aim at the wrong part of our body. They search for the virus instead of creating a process in our brain linked to the virus. Conventional treatments may give us relief for a short while, but in the long run their impact on our brain is very negligible. Hence the virus remains in our body.

On the other hand, Herpesyl eradicates herpes virus from our permanently by impacting on our brain

Let’s hear from the manufacturer of Herpesyl as to how it works on our brain:

“This powerful formula will strengthen the nerve cells, so what your brain can start sending herpes cleanse signals through your entire body.”

In short, the makers of Herpesyl find out that the rationale behind herpes is not the virus itself. Rather, they put the blame on our malfunctioning brain that failed to transmit herpes clean signals throughout our body. Herpesyl efficiently claims to rejuvenate our brain, creating an association between brain and herpes virus.

How Herpesyl Works: Brain and Virus Linked

After consuming this supplement, the healing process doesn’t start immediately. Our body goes through a few steps before Herpesyl really become effective.

First step is the absorption process where our body begins to absorb the nutrients from the supplement. The moment our brain takes in the nutrients, various ingredients of this capsule help start removal of viruses that lie in the brain as they immediately cross the blood-brain barrier and help bolster our immune system. The producer of the Herpesyl claims that the ingredients will “flush out this virus from your brain and strengthen your immune system.” Besides, this supplement also helps destroy the mutation process of the viruses, hence no traces of the viruses are left in our brain.

The second step is the nourishing process where our body completely gets rid of this outbreak and becomes strengthened. Nourishment is the key to battle any viruses and herpes virus is no exception. Herpesyl provides our body with that nourishment in order to fight the herpes virus. In the healing process, with the help of those nutrients, our brain keeps the fight alive with the virus until our neural pathways become stronger. Moreover, this supplement helps bolster the nerve cells which weakened after the herpes outbreak and these rejuvenated nerve cells start to send the right signal to the rest of the body.

The third step is the prevention process where this supplement helps restore sound health by entirely eliminating the virus from our body. Besides, the formula of this supplement is such that it neutralizes any potential future threat of the virus. Thus help stop the recurrence. The reviews that we get in the Herpesyls website from various users are testament of how effective this supplement is in curing this virus. Most of the Herpesyl users stated that they didn’t find any sign of herpes within a year or two after using Herpesyl.

Herpesyl Ingredients: Exploring the Formula Behind It

Survey found that other supplements take considerable amount of time to eradicate herpes virus. However, the creator of Herpesyl guarantees that their supplement works very swiftly and can flush out the herpes virus entirely from our body.

Below discuss about a few core ingredients of Herpesyl supplement and their working method, as per their official website:

Graviola Extract:

Graviola extract is a combination of various leaves. It’s also available in some other supplements as it’s full of antioxidants. Antioxidants are natural compounds that trigger healthy inflammation. Besides, antioxidants help mitigate oxidation and inflammation in our body. Inflammation is a bad symptom for the body as it usually leads to disease.

Herpesyl makers claim that the way they formulate the Graviola extract, just does not work as a regular antioxidant but also possesses “antiviral effects’ ‘ that help fight against herpes virus. The formula is designed to work in a way that is similar to the way antiviral medication works – which is eliminating herpes from the body by destroying it. Among other ingredients Graviola extract takes a big chunk as these ingredients are listed initially in the proprietary blend.

Red Raspberry fruit:

This fruit extract is also loaded with antioxidants and Herpesyl possesses a high amount of this fruit extract. Raspberries contain a significant amount of vitamin C, which is one of the natural and common antioxidants. To meet the demand of antioxidants most people take it regularly. Red raspberry comes second in the ingredients list of Herpesyl after graviola extract.

Besides, red raspberries are low in calories but are high in vitamins and minerals. Some studies found that this fruit extract can reduce the complexities raised from getting aged.

Green Tea Leaf:

Health benefits of green tea are numerous and intake of this famous drink is rampant among people. Research revealed that green tea is also full of antioxidants. In fact, the profuse presence of efficient antioxidants like EGCG makes this ingredient more potent as this antioxidant is associated with weight loss, improving mental health and more.

Besides, the bioactive compound that it contains helps improve brain function and helps increase the metabolism. Moreover, its antioxidants help reap the benefits of Herpesyl users against cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.


Turmeric is considered to be one of the most effective ingredients for inflammation till date. Various health benefits of turmeric prompts people to consume it daily. Moderate amount of turmeric being used in Herpesyl compare to above mentioned ingredients. Turmeric is used in this supplement as it is full of curcuminoids like curcumin. Curcumins plays a big role in inducing healthy inflammation in our body.

Besides, turmeric is well known for its efficacy in mitigating inflammation and pain. And exactly this feature of turmeric makes it ideal for fighting herpes simplex virus. Moreover, turmeric plays a big hand in reducing the risk of metastatic cancer development.

Pine bark:

Pine bark – an extract – is used for the existence of multiple bioflavonoids in it. This extract is really helpful in decreasing inflammation and removing toxins. One theory that is floating around is that pine bark can play a role in lessening the brutality of osteoarthritis symptoms. However, this claim is not supported by enough authentic evidence.

Mushroom Extract:

In Herpesyl 3 different mushroom extract is used, namely shiitake, reishi and maitake mushroom. In conventional medicine, aforementioned mushroom extracts have been used as adaptogens for ages. They are famous for their role in reducing physical and mental stress. Although no strong evidence has been found that they can help remedy herpes, these three mushroom extracts remain in the Herpesyl.

Other Herbs & Plant Extract:

Herb and plant extracts are the backbone of Herpesyl as 20 plus a variety of them are used. Among other ingredients of Hepesyl contains:

Just like core ingredients, most of these ingredients are selected for the presence of high levels of antioxidants in them. As we are aware, antioxidants promote healthy inflammation in our body. Experts suggest choosing a fruit & vegetable based diet as they help keep inflammation in check.

Ingredients used in Herpesyl are full of lycopene which is a natural antioxidant available in tomatoes and similar red fruits. When we consume Herpesyl, our body gets a sufficient amount of these ingredients which helps improve our immune system and healthy inflammation.

With all these natural ingredients, it is safe to assume Herpesyl is pretty safe for everyone.

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Herpesyl Side effects, Dosage and Usage

The maker of Herpesyl claims that it doesn’t pose any threat to our health and devoid of side effects as this supplement uses only natural ingredients. Besides, Herpesyl does not use any artificial ingredients and unhealthy additives.

Moreover, Herpesyl is proven to be safe from the virus outbreak as the formula of this supplement has passed many trials and experiments across continents. The reviews of the customers in their website are the testament to that claim.

The manufacturer advised to take a pill per day after heavy meal with a glass of water. Though Herpesyl easily metabolized in our body and devoid of any health risk, experts advise against its consumption by pregnant and breastfeeding women. Besides, people age under 18 are discouraged to take this pill just to be on the safe side. Moreover, people with critical medical illness or allergies are also advised to consult a doctor before taking this supplement.

How Long Will Herpesyl Take To Be Effective?

Customer reviews and reports prove that Herpesyl supplement acts very quickly as it delivers results within a few weeks. As per the maker, the nutrients of this pill absorbs in our body smoothly, hence users don’t feel any bodily changes. They claim that Herpesyl capsule starts fighting against herpes outbreak as soon as it absorbs in our body.

However, experts suggest carrying on taking this pill for at least 2 – 3 months as it will help reap maximum results and help stay on course.

How Long Will the Outcome Stay?

Effectiveness of Herpesyl supplement lies on our proper consumption. In order to reap the maximum results it is imperative to maintain the maker’s guidelines.

Besides, keeping faith on the medication or supplement that we take is significant to attain the best outcome. To gain the long term results, we should indulge ourselves with this supplement for at least 3 – 6 months.

Herpesyl Pricing and Where to Get?

Spare the hassle of visiting a pharmacy or going to a grocery store. You are just a click away to avail this supplement at your doorstep. Big round of applause to their official website as this platform makes Herpesyl purchase easy, fast and secure. Just visit where you can get their official product. Besides, it offers price concessions for new users. You may see various websites selling Herpesyl at a reduced price. But to get the authentic product, it is better to avoid purchasing Herpesyl through such mediums.

Herpesyl offers a few packages for its user, subject to the time one needs to get cured. However, the maker suggests the six bottle package to make sure complete removal of the herpes virus from your body. According to their official website, price packages are given below:

Once purchased through their website, you will get the product within 7 days.

How Herpesyl Refund Works

Herpesyl team not only delivers the product within a short span of time, but also offers a 60 day refund policy. Which means if a customer feels this supplement doesn’t bring satisfactory results after 60 days of intake, then the manufacturer is obliged to an entire refund? This refund policy makes your investment a risk free one.

Concluding Thoughts

There is no shame to admit that till date no real drugs or treatments are available to cure herpes entirely. However, it is obvious that there are many supplements offered in the market but with little effect as they fail to stop the return of the virus attack. The core aim of most of the treatments is reducing the herpes symptoms. Whereas the main purpose of Herpesyl supplement is to uproot the virus entirely so that recurrence of the virus would end.

The herbs & plant that are used as ingredients in Herpesyl has been found effective at improving our immune system and cleaning our body. On top of that the money back guarantee that the makers offer help gain customers confidence and not to mention makes it a fairly low-risk deal.

No doubt today thousands of consumers are using Herpesyl with satisfaction and their reviews and tributes are the testament to that fact. In their reviews they talked of two features of this supplement – Firstly, Acts quickly to eliminate herpes virus. And secondly, Price is relatively reasonable.

Most doctors are reluctant to treat herpes as a complex physical condition. However, the cold sore that herpes virus emanates can destroy one’s self esteem and can cause pain for weeks without immediate respite.