
Everything You Need to Know About Getting a Hair Transplant in Turkey Reviewed by Smile Hair Clinic

In recent years, Turkey has become a trendy destination for people seeking to get a permanent solution for their hair loss issues. And that comes as no surprise, as they have much to offer, as the clinics are very useful and professional and offer some enticing prices for the high-quality work they do.

Choosing Your Clinic

The first step to getting your hair transplant in Turkey is finding a clinic that will accommodate all your needs, and for that, there aren’t many options that are better than the Smile Hair Clinic in Istanbul.

They don’t just offer a wide variety of services that leave their patients satisfied, you’ll also be greeted by a team of medically trained professionals that will be able to answer any questions or inquiries you might have about the procedure.

This highly efficient team is led by two doctors, very well known in their field – Dr. Gökay Bilgin and Dr. Mehmet Erdoğan.

They, alongside the remainder of the staff, strive always to satisfy the patient, and get them the final result they desire, and even offer free consultations for any potential patients that aren’t certain yet.

Dr. Gökay Bilgin – Dr. Mehmet Erdoğan

The Advantages of Going to Turkey to Get One

Hair loss is among the most common ailments in men in Europe, but most of them never go through a procedure that could restore their hairline. This is widely so because the prices of the necessary treatments are pretty unaffordable in countries like the UK or any EU country.

That’s why many people have been opting to make the trip to Istanbul to get their issue resolved – the quality of work done is outstanding, and for a fraction of the price they would have to dish out in their native country.

The Smile Hair Clinic prices can be as much as 70% lower than they would be in Western countries.

Are There Any Additional Expenses?

Your first question might be related to the cost of accommodation in Turkey? How would you get around a massive city like Istanbul, especially with the trip to the clinic and back to the hotel?

Well, the good news is that you don’t have to worry about any of that because most of the clinics, Smile Hair Clinic included, offer All-Inclusive packages that deal with all the stuff you don’t want to worry about.

This means that your package can cover your stay in a 4-star or 5-star hotel. It will also cover trips from and to the airport and to and from the clinic. It will also include the necessary medication that you need to take before surgery.

Most importantly, you’ll get a translator that speaks your native language, so you can be sure there aren’t any misunderstandings, and so you could make your bearings around the clinic and the procedure more comfortable.

The price doesn’t vary based on the number of transplanted grafts, so you can add that to the list of things you don’t need to worry about.

The Services That Are Offered

The Smile Hair Clinic offers various procedures that include beard transplants and eyebrow transplants, but the most common ones are related to hair. The methods are micro FUE and DHI hair transplants, and we’ll explain a bit about what they are briefly.

Micro FUE Hair Transplant

The concept of an FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant is straightforward in its idea but very complicated to perform the right way. Follicles of hair are harvested from the donor area, with some tissue remaining on the root end.

Such a follicle is called a graft, and the actual procedure of transplanting it is essentially making tiny incisions in the patient’s head and inserting the graft into them. Of course, all of that is performed under local anesthesia, so the procedure itself is not painful at all.

DHI Hair Transplant

A DHI transplant is very similar to that process in the early stages. It all starts with the follicular unit extraction or harvesting. Where it differs is the method of inserting the grafts into the patient’s skin. The DHI method uses a specialized device, commonly known as a pen.

These devices are used to insert the grafts with ease and swiftness, as they operate on a spring-based system and require no separate incisions to be made. The procedure is also performed under local anesthesia.

The main advantage is that the area where the hairs are being transplanted does not have to be shaved beforehand.

In Conclusion

So, if you’d like to have a hair transplant of the highest quality, and at a renowned clinic, for a fraction of the price you’d have to pay in the UK or EU, we would have to recommend the Smile Hair Clinic and its highly professional team.

Media Details:

Company Name: Smile Hair clinic


Telephone: +90 212 230 00 86

Country: Turkey

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